Is tolerance something that has been outlawed on this board?
Is understanding something that should never be shown?
Week in week out on the board people reveal personal details about their appearance, their fetishes, their habits, morals etc. Week in week out a certain section of the board hammer those who dare to show a little something of themselves.
We sit here on a board which largely discusses erotica, sex and deviances from the accepted norm. When someone is more extreme than you, more perverse, do you have to scream at them that their characteristics or ideas are wrong? Would not a more sensible attitude be to listen, try to understand then debate and present a different point of view instead of just shouting your mouth off and generally behaving like a member of the moral majority?
Or is the art of debate dead?
Is understanding something that should never be shown?
Week in week out on the board people reveal personal details about their appearance, their fetishes, their habits, morals etc. Week in week out a certain section of the board hammer those who dare to show a little something of themselves.
We sit here on a board which largely discusses erotica, sex and deviances from the accepted norm. When someone is more extreme than you, more perverse, do you have to scream at them that their characteristics or ideas are wrong? Would not a more sensible attitude be to listen, try to understand then debate and present a different point of view instead of just shouting your mouth off and generally behaving like a member of the moral majority?
Or is the art of debate dead?