Today: The Good and the Bad.


Not Innocent
Oct 26, 2001
Bad: Working for three hours straight with little help (someone from another department occationally gave me a hand at the expense of her own work).

Good: Talked to the boss after work, and he's going to try to get me a raise. :cool:

What was the good and bad of your day?
bad: had classes...and didnt know jack shit about Constantine and his early actions in the Church. Oh, and i'm loosing my new car on saturday, so i dont get to drive it into class at all, because its gotta get its tires roatated and stuff.

good: ummmmm...nothing much really:(
Good & Bad

Good: I was surrounded by awesome people.

Bad: Had to work an hour later to get caught up.
Good - being productive, getting things done, solving problems.

Bad - 120 hours of work in the last 8 days.
Good: Took a two hour lunch break and made a $250 day rate for doing next to nothing.

Bad: My arthritic wrist is flaring up so bad I have almost no strength in my right hand. And I'm not even 30. :(
Bad - picture day at school...chaotic.

Good - A phone call this morning and at lunchtime and this afternoon.:D
Dillinger said:
Good - being productive, getting things done, solving problems.

Bad - 120 hours of work in the last 8 days.

I'll tell you what, I'll trade my good and bad for your bad; That's got to be one hell of a pay check.
Tantanah said:
Bad - picture day at school...chaotic.

Good - A phone call this morning and at lunchtime and this afternoon.:D

*sticking out tongue* Bragger
I'm on salary - I don't get overtime (though they do bill my time to the customer at time and a 1/2 for overtime).
The Good -- He licked my nipple.

The Bad -- I had to get out of the car and go to class right then.
bad: I can't think of anything

good: Mr Freaky got up and got the freakykid to school while I slept in. The house was already clean so all I had to do was laundry. I spent all day doing nothing but playing on the computer. And got paid over $7.00 an hour to do it :D
Dillinger said:
I'm on salary - I don't get overtime (though they do bill my time to the customer at time and a 1/2 for overtime).

Salary = More Stress
Salary = Better Pay
Salary = Better Benefits

Tell me it's not worth the stress and over time and I'll club a baby seal. I'll do it too! 'cause I'm crazy.
Bad = I haven't seen my husband for a week, and didn't hear from him today. Again.

Good = My little brother asked me to pay for ballet lessons, and I'm glad that he isn't falling into stereotypes.
Tantanah said:
Bad - picture day at school...chaotic.

Good - A phone call this morning and at lunchtime and this afternoon.:D
I don't know, picture day in your case sounds kinda fun . . . ;)

Good: had the day off and visited an old friend whom I haven't seen in a few months.

Bad: achieved nothing of constructive value all day. Which I don't mind a bit. :D

The StudMuffin of course. He drops me off at school. :) He's a real sweetheart.

The better: Two very dear and wonderful friends sent me a box of obscenely expensive tasting chocolate for my birthday and I've made a real pig of myself. I'd share, but 1) they don't live here and 2) it's chocolate. Asking me to share chocolate is like asking me to share my ovaries.

The worse: They tried to kick me out of chemlab again today but gave up when I mentioned the ADA and the joys of partnering during experiments. My lab partner is a good one, he's nice, he's smart, he doesn't mind doing the fun stuff while I write.
The good: Kinda had the day off to be a slug.

The bad: Kinda had to work today so I could not be a "total" slug.