Today Is 26th Anniversary Of Ronald Reagan’s “Tear Down This Wall” Speech In Berlin…

Still one of the greatest speeches of all-time.

and no teleprompter.
The WALL fell

The WALL has been rebuilt


So, just out of curiosity, did Reagan significantly contribute to the fall of the USSR?

If so, then that means that communism is a workable system.

If not, because communism is inherently flawed, then what exactly did he accomplish?
Too bad he would have been run out of the GOP today and called a DUMMOHCRACK. :cool:
So, just out of curiosity, did Reagan significantly contribute to the fall of the USSR?

If so, then that means that communism is a workable system.

If not, because communism is inherently flawed, then what exactly did he accomplish?

what did Obama do to get a PEACE PRIZE:rolleyes:
He took actions that proved that Marx/Lenin and their communism had no clothes and could not possibly compete with a free society, your lack of education notwithstanding. Read Gorbachev's book.

he isn't to be taken seriously:D
Dude...Raagan wouldn't make it 5 sec' in today's GOP.

I know it, you know it, the rest of the GOP knows it and most of them have even said so.

Sarah did...


John Kennedy would not last 5 "sec'" in the current Democrat Party. They don't care if the tide goes out as long as the yachts hit bottom first. Too bad they can make sail...

;) ;)
Where Reagan would have trouble today is with the Democrat Party, for he picked up a lot of crossover vote from that faction which used to believe in a strong and prosperous America that have of late been told to shut the fuck up and move aside for the minorities of America.

Cross-over . . . cross fodder . . . drink the KoolAid, damn you.

The stimulus awaits.

Hope and Chingue . . . .

Sarah did...


WTF?? Who is Sarah and why does what the fuck she says mean shit?


John Kennedy would not last 5 "sec'" in the current Democrat Party. They don't care if the tide goes out as long as the yachts hit bottom first. Too bad they can make sail...

;) ;)

Oh yea no doubt, he was far too conservative for today's democrat.

"Not because they are easy, but because they are hard!!"

OMG that line would freak the mother fucking DNC out......hardship and making sacrifices to get bidnizz handled is beyond their scope of sanity. They want hand outs....and they don't want to do shit for them.

^ Dems...tackling 1st world problems by taking from others....

But that's not the fucking topic of discussion now is it??

The topic of discussion is that Reagan by today's GOP standards is a flaming fucking liberal....he would be tar'ed and feathered by today's GOP long before he got any of their support. He simply wasn't bat shit "JESUS CHRIST WITH ME NOWAH!!! I"M GONNA LEGISLATE THE POWAH OF GAAAWD ALMIGTAH UP YA FUCKIN PEE HOLES!!!" RWCJ hack enough for you guys.
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And yet, so many of them love Chris Christie...


... just because he is a loudmouth that fights back.

I really think that you have latched on to an idea that is simply not true.

Great communicators of ideas transcend the age they live in for if that were not true, of what use would be books?
Dude...Raagan wouldn't make it 5 sec' in today's GOP.

I know it, you know it, the rest of the GOP knows it and most of them have even said so.

don't be silly

he would be a bigger HERO now then he was then
don't be silly

he would be a bigger HERO now then he was then

He might actually be able to speak in stronger Libertarian pastels with all the great examples of late showing the logical absurd consequences of demanding all sorts of security from the State.
don't be silly

he would be a bigger HERO now then he was then

Until he started in with policies...

He might actually be able to speak in stronger Libertarian pastels with all the great examples of late showing the logical absurd consequences of demanding all sorts of security from the State.

Should I list all the pro security from the state shit Mr.WaronDrugsPoliceState himself did??
don't be a jackass and reading the LOONS





LOL you have put it on a pedestal so fucking high you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.

I'm going to list Reagan's shit that you would FREAK out on Obama for....stay tuned.