To the Ether


Tired of boredom
Jul 4, 2004
Sights set on where to go
never thought about myself, to know.
I cannot see the path, to or fro.

Was it ever clear?
Is it my voice I hear?

Lost in the current.
Misplaced the horizon.
Fabricate the motive.

Motivations now distractions.
The life clicks away in 4/4,
the metronome more consistent than the clock.

Am I steering?
Can I brake?

Focus through the ether
fogging the process.
interesting questions raised

not a fan of the rhyming in the first 3 lines, they feel forced... but then i have to ask if that's deliberate with the following question 'Is it my voice I hear?' and you drop the rhyming of lines 1 through 5 for something that feels far more authentic
interesting questions raised

not a fan of the rhyming in the first 3 lines, they feel forced... but then i have to ask if that's deliberate with the following question 'Is it my voice I hear?' and you drop the rhyming of lines 1 through 5 for something that feels far more authentic
Wasn't a planned out structure. I put down the first few lines and I think it felt a little corny. Almost cliche for some reason or another, but it wasn't something I felt like putting a ton of thought into.

It's about as arrhythmic and disjointed as I was feeling when I laid it out.
If I could save the world, by changing our story
I'd let Armageddon come.

I'm not worried about sounding insane
I'm quite used to it by now.

There's a sense of relief to know the last sentence won't be,

"But they never spoke again"
Soul mates in a loose definition.
I still don't know you.

Too far apart in life to completely get each other.
Just take my headstart into consideration.

My friend. My sister. My should have been.
The frost on your muzzle is creeping towards your eyes.
A reminder that you can't be around forever

Being placed with us was the only break you got.
That age won't be what takes you,
proves there can't be a god.
Enough to notice and annoy.
Easily brushed away,
but back like the pesky fly.

My clear skies hued with subtle green.
Who is holding on?
This jealousy stains, no reason why.



They fuck you to feed their ego
I'd love you to caress your soul
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I thought your spell was broken until i found you squatting in my head.
I let you go, but your idea stuck.
My brain now fills my heart with dread.

You're happy now but I'm losing touch.
Have I had the wrong idea all along of how you see a friend?
Am I the one meant to fade away?