To the Afro-Americans on the board.


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
Do you know why the community votes Democrat? There actually is a real historic reason, but do you know what the reason is?

More importantly, why are you voting in the same way today? The Democrats just take you for granted and the Republicans have, for the most part, written you off. And that has been the case for over 40 years now. And in all that time exactly what has substantially changed in your life? Exactly what has either party done for you?

The reality of the situation is "not much." And the stark truth is that neither will, nor should they beyond making their best effort to ensure equality.

If you want attention by either party you are going to have to make your vote competitive. If you're always going to turn north on Broadway off Main, there is no reason that those on the South side should compete for your business. Apparently that simple truth has escaped your grasp.

It should be obvious to you by now that success is to be found in education, yet your party of choice has steadfastly denied you choice. Vouchers so your children can attend a better school? Not a chance, the Teachers Union has more money, and clout, than you. Besides, you're going to vote Democrat anyway so why should they care about you or your children?

In the 1970's you were sold a bill of goods about having your "own culture." If you bought that you might as well go find some chunk of land were you can found your own nation to that your own culture can thrive. Sadly you're stuck with the nation you have.

You are not an African-American. In reality no one that hasn't emigrated here from Africa, including those whites from South Africa, are. You, for the most part, were born and raised here making you, well, Americans. Darker of complexion to be sure, but Americans all the same.

I do understand the indignity of slavery. Not first hand, but then again neither do you. Further I understand, far more than most of you, the indignity of segregation. Unfortunately far too many of you live in the past. Somehow expecting that you should be the recipients of redress that are owed to your fore-fathers. That is NOT going to happen, ever, no matter what your plea.

Yes, the demographics of the nation are changing.......again. But they are changing to Latino, not black. And if you think that group has your best interests at heart, or are your buddies, you're delusional. The Democrats have thrown their lot in with the Latinos and are just stringing the rest of the constituent groups along as long far as they can. You're window to exert political influence is closing, far more rapidly than you might think. (And lest it escape your notice, the Republicans are actively seeking the Latino vote as well, but not so much yours.)

No party, Democrat or Republican, seek the vote of specific industrial employees. No one talks about going after the IBM vote, or the Unified Dade County Teacher's Union vote. They go after much broader voting blocks and the black vote represents just one, and a diminishing, block. So much for the notion that Bankers control the nation, at least no further than we allow ourselves to be sold into voting for those that back the Bankers. Even the Bankers don't have enough money to buy that many votes. And in that respect exactly how different is Obama from Bush?

Do as you will, but in the coming years you are going to find yourself more and more politically marginalized to the point that beyond lip service, no one is going to pay you much mind at all.

Apparently that simple truth has escaped your grasp.

It should be obvious to you by now that success is to be found in education,


Insulting and condescending all in the same post. Lick my sack douchebag!
I'm really frightened that the Republican party has no future since it sold out to angry old white men who are dying off.


And Black people tent to vote Democratic because the Democratic platform favors social mobility and the Republican one does not. Insisting that African-Americans don't exist or have an identity of their own isn't going to get you very far.

What happens to the GOP when people like you die off?
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And Black people tent to vote Democratic because the Democratic platform favors social mobility and the Republican one does not. Insisting that African-Americans don't exist or have an identity of their own isn't going to get you very far.

What happens to the GOP when people like you die off?

Maybe the racist aspect to every issue will die off with them too. We can only hope!
Social mobility?

I thought the goal was economic mobility.

The former is easily achieved by handicapping targeted socioeconomic groups.

The latter is going to be impossible to achieve when government is picking winners and losers...

If you ask your government to treat someone "fairly," the only way it can ever accomplish that task is to treat someone "unfairly."
A_J, the Stupid

For if status is not based on merit, then you are going to tend to stagnation.

This is why I argued that there would be no strong recovery.

Government took control of the economy.

"If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there'd be a shortage of sand."
Milton Friedman

I've, as Ish knows, pissed of a lot of my fellow racialists by insisting that the ideas of classic liberalism were more important than tribe mentality for if they can mentally keep you on the reservation, even with token exchanges of seats at the white, liberal, power table, then they can keep you from threatening your real power as in the power to pick and choose favored groups, and blacks need to notice that since we can import Hispanics faster that the natural growth rate of the black community, they ar enow a favored group.

When your philosophy of government is based on groups, you must remember that your group can be a favored or disfavored group with equal ease and that neither status is ever permanent any more than the favors government solemnly promised to purchase your group loyalty.
A_J, the Stupid

I also note, as we have noted in similar threads on this year's election tactics is the personal attack. It is very amusing to say the Republicans have sold out to one class of people especially when it is said by the liberal class of white people who call the shots in the Democratic Party.

A_J's corollary #6, “The New Age Liberal thinks, ‘When I do/say it, it is right because of my open-minded education and intelligence. When you do/say it, it serves to demonstrate how narrow-minded, poorly educated and stupid you are.’”
Is racism limited to white people?

I mean, when Godmother saw Princess for the first time, she was so happy to see she had very light skin...

;) ;) (Hint: Godmother's degree is from Beijing U.)

I'll answer it this way.

My mother-in-law is 66 years old.

She certainly did not imagine me as her daughter's future husband on the day my wife was born.
The Confident Ignorance of Barack Obama
Thomas Sowell, NRO
September 4, 2012

After I read Barack Obama’s book Dreams from My Father, it became painfully clear to me that he has not been searching for the truth, because he assumed from an early age that he had already found the truth — and now it was just a question of filling in the details and deciding how to change things.

Obama did not simply happen to encounter a lot of people on the far-left fringe during his life. As he spells out in his book, he actively sought out such people. There is no hint of the slightest curiosity on his part about other visions of the world that might be weighed against the vision he had seized upon.

As Professor Richard Epstein of the University of Chicago Law School has pointed out, Obama made no effort to take part in the marketplace of ideas with other faculty members when he was teaching a law course there. What would be the point, if he already knew the truth and knew that they were wrong?

This would be a remarkable position to take, even for a learned scholar who had already spent decades canvassing a vast amount of information and views on many subjects. But Obama was already doctrinaire at a very early age — and ill-informed or misinformed on both history and economics.

His statement in Dreams from My Father about how white men went to Africa to “drag away the conquered in chains” betrays his ignorance of African history.

The era of the Atlantic slave trade and the era of European conquests across the continent of Africa were different eras. During the era of the Atlantic slave trade, most of Africa was ruled by Africans, who sold some of their slaves to white men.

European conquests in Africa had to wait until Europeans found some way to survive lethal African diseases, to which they lacked resistance. Only after medical science learned to deal with these diseases could the era of European conquests spread across sub-Saharan Africa. But the Atlantic slave trade was over by then.

There was no reason why Barack Obama had to know this. But there was also no reason for him to be shooting off his mouth without knowing what he was talking about.

Barack is continuing what his white handlers taught him to do; keep black America in the bonds of ignorance! And yet it's Biden (old, white, affluent) trying to scare them with REPUBLICAN chains...

He's not even offering them any hope, just chains!
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Aframs (the preferred appelation back in 1812) have their own homelands inside America, places like Detroit, New Orleans, and downtown most cities. These places are easy to find. Here in Schlubville the local Democrat newspaper buys up every lot where the existing structure burns to the ground, and when it has enough lots on a block, sells them to the government (which condemns the property still standing). Little by little they nibble the ghetto outta existence, and destroy the hood.

There were slaves in Africa long before the Euros came, there are slaves there today.

American slaves were existentially identical to proletariat whites, with a few major differences: Slaves never missed a meal, always had shelter, and had new shoes/clothes twice every year. When the storm destroyed the cotton, the slave still ate and saw the MD. It was Hell. The stories about slave abuse are BS, cuz no sane planter ever abused a horse, mule, or Nigga that was expensive to replace. The abuse came with emancipation and mechanization in the South.
Here comes yet another howling mad (lily-white) yellow-dog Democrat answering his master's whistle!
Slaves never missed a meal, always had shelter, and had new shoes/clothes twice every year. When the storm destroyed the cotton, the slave still ate and saw the MD.

Gee Jim, it sounds so, so nice. Where does one sign up?
and the purpose of the Obama quote? Are you saying that he is a racist?

He's a racialist.

Trained by angry white liberals and Saul David Alinsky to use group identity/differences to bring about Social Justice, a world where white liberal elites direct the comings and goings of their fellow man in enlightened beneficent totalitarianism under an oligarchy of the "properly educated." In his book, he explains how he learned to mimic white people in order to make them feel comfortable and at Occidental, one of the leading youth Marxists, taught him to stop advocating violent overthrow via revolution and to use those skills to infiltrate from within the system, as he later stated in his career, he's a blank screen where people project what they want to see...

He was only able to do this as a child of the white liberal world, which he was, and he was allowed to rise in specifically due to these talents; he has been a very useful tool for the white liberal elite class and they trust him a bit more because he is not authentic and was rootless and that allowed them, and him, to invent his roots in a mythology.
I know I have no business in here but do you guys really believe that which you've spouted? Not spouted, spewed.
enlightened beneficent totalitarianism under an oligarchy of the "properly educated."

I get the gist of what you are saying but do you truly believe there is an oligarchy of "properly educated" in contol of anything in Washington or elsewhere? Obama may dream of this structure but it's a myth. Why? Nothing has gotten done, beneficial or otherwise. I discount Obama care in the same why that I do Romney care in MA.
I know I have no business in here but do you guys really believe that which you've spouted? Not spouted, spewed.

I am of teh opinion that attention whores like AJ use racial slurs just to get attention, but Ishmael truly believes in the superiority of teh white race and the inferiority of teh black race.
I am of teh opinion that attention whores like AJ use racial slurs just to get attention, but Ishmael truly believes in the superiority of teh white race and the inferiority of teh black race.

It's just...I think my head exploded.