To romance, or be romanced?

Both at the same time. It's so wonderful to romance someone who you know has the same feelings towards you.
I'd like to romance a guy with a Desert Eagle .357 and rock his socks off. The DE, too, while I'm at it.
to romance definitely. the hard work will be rewarded in the end.
romance may be overrated, but if you want to score you gotta play the game.
I want to be romanced, I want time and effort and energy expended on me. I want to be appreciated and taken care of and loved. And when it is done I am more then willing to expend twice the effort back.
Depends, how do you define romance? Roses, candles and music...

...or simply, no quickies?
KillerMuffin said:
I'd like to romance a guy with a Desert Eagle .357 and rock his socks off. The DE, too, while I'm at it.

Gawd.. That KM! She is sooooo HOT when she kicks in the gun talk.
~Smiles~ Let the romance begin!

*Pinches Este's ass* hiya hon huggggs
I prefer to do the romancing....

seeing the reaction is so worth the action....
Tx girl said:
~Smiles~ Let the romance begin!

*Pinches Este's ass* hiya hon huggggs

I'd prefer a grope but since it's you, I'll let it slide this time. ;)
what is with american women???

They all have this american princess complex like everyone needs to make them the center of their world to have any chance of getting any action. And even when that happens, more likely than not, they end up abusing it to the point of destroying the very thing they want.

Women want men to change the world for them, men want women to never change. Unfortunately, neither gets their way.
Good God, where did you come you from?

I see you are new here so I'll give ya a tip, don't make assinine generalizations.

American princesses. please. :rolleyes:
Yeesh, newbies. I am not extremely guilty of being elitist against newbies, but damn, sometimes some of them just get to be too much.
Romancee here. I will admit that I enjoy being pampered and gushed over occasionally.
Re: what is with american women???

woodsix said:
They all have this american princess complex

My, but you are the sweet talker.

What lucky gals to be on the end of your romancin' prowess.
I could use a little romance....

Romance isn't flowers, a card, or flowery words. It's being wooed in a special way...just for you. Maybe it's your lover reading to you in bed. Maybe it's your favorite meal lovingly made with your lovers own hands. A page in a book saved for you.......a kiss on the back of the neck. Romance takes many forms.