To Quote Anonymous...


Literotica Guru
Sep 18, 2011
Anonymous says some crazy things in the comments to stories. I've seen some shared in other threads. Thought it might be fun to have a thread specifically for sharing the latest f-upped thing Anonymous had to say about one of your gems (or gleaned from a gem you read).

Like to the story or not - after all, we're talking about Anonymous, no reason to give Anon too big of a forum.

I'll even start us off with a recent Anonymous comment to one of my stories. It was actually a positive comment, but how it was worded made me smile.

To Quote Anonymous

"Ok very good. Now lets see what happens when he wears shorts. When will she show him where her carpet used to be?"

I love the "Ok very good...." part. First of all, thank you. Secondly, Anonymous sounds so reluctant about wanting to admit s/he might have enjoyed the story.
I'm to blame for the country's woes:

Unbelievable deranged piece of garbage ... thanks to sick phuckers like you, our once-great country is rotting from the inside out

I liked this one (no 1-bomb from this guy):

I didn't give you a score. It wasn't worth it.

Another one didn't like it:

If a story is so bad that it deserves much less than zero stars, may I suggest black holes? Thus I would offer a score of 5 black holes and I'm being generous.
"I am sure that swinging and fucking around is a wonderful thing for those that enjoy it."

He doesn't sound so sure, actually, I think.
"this is the most bore girl on girl story I read. Its only afternoon and I took a nap. Why are the women so unfeminine all the time, why don't you make them pretty? "

I thought it was interesting that the commenter could spell "unfeminine" not to mention know the word.
Mr. Anymouse wrote: "That sort of thing leads to cuckolding."

Well, yes, Reverend. And I suppose your wife is reading over your shoulder?
'Boring, redundant and it would have been nice if you included the "This is another slow-moving chapter with more talk than sex." comment in the description. reads like a childs book! '

...actually, that's the ONLY nasty comment I've had (this is not a challenge). The rest of my anons have been lovely. Is that usual on Lesbian, or have I just managed to drive off the jerks with talk before they make it to the comments button?
A "discussion" between posters.

low life piece of crap.
08/31/12 By: Anonymous
You just broke me of reading these stories. I thought I would never say that. I feel so sick inside. Don't write anymore stories.

You fucking moron!
09/01/12 By: Anonymous
YES you,, asshole, who went under anonymous
and refering to this story as "a low life piece of crap."
YOU Mr./Miss/ Anonymous are the low life piece of crap.
if you don't like the story after you read the 1liner
and still read it, then you are a FUCKING MORON..
Most likely you could fuck up a wet dream
and you can't do a damn thing right and resent
others who can. The one mistake your mother
made was to bring another asshole into the
world. Why don't you take a bath with a plugged
in appliance and electrocute yourself, thereby
ridding the world of the surplus population.

Let's just clarify this for the internet hardman "RG" with his comment.
09/01/12 By: Anonymous
This story is a nonce-laden, low-life steaming pile of shit. Only fucking dirty nonces like yourself and cuckeye0007 and the other perverted low-life scum would like a story involving mommy - son sex. But because it's a fantasy website I leave the scum categories to the nonces that enjoy them.

So RG, you sick pervert slag, shut your crud infected fucking mouth you sad cunt.

I'm not sure what a "nonce" is, but I'm taking that it is not a flattering thing to be called.
Wow, that's pretty harsh.

Again though what I always wonder is that if they feel that way, what are they doing cruising the incest section?

Some folk just want to be outraged. (See also: NC, LW, and any political party with "family" in its name.)
This is the worst one I've gotten so far:

"Lost interest in sluts like her

once they're over 18 or is no longer a virgin"
A "discussion" between posters.

I'm not sure what a "nonce" is, but I'm taking that it is not a flattering thing to be called.

Child molester. I think it's mostly a British/Australian usage.

Not commonly in use anywhere near me,
(use the term NANCE is a different matter. Not nice at all!)

This is Oxfords answer:-

nonce /nns/ n.1 ME. [f. misdivision (cf. NEWT) in ME of pan anes the one (occasion).]
1 Purpose, reason, intention. Now only in for the nonce, ( a ) (obs. exc. dial.) for the particular purpose; on purpose; expressly; ( b ) poet. arch. indeed, verily; also used as a virtually meaningless metrical tag.
2 Occasion. Now only in for the nonce, for the present occasion, for the time being; temporarily. L16.Attrib. & comb.:
Designating linguistic forms created for one occasion, as nonce-formation, nonce use, etc.; nonce-word a word coined for one occasion.

nonce noun FOR THE NONCE for the present, for the moment, for the present moment, for the time being, for now, for just now.

Excerpted from Oxford Talking Dictionary
Copyright © 1998 The Learning Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Not commonly in use anywhere near me,
(use the term NANCE is a different matter. Not nice at all!)

I've never heard it used that way. The only way I remember is in the cryptographic sense of "Number used Once".

Recent slang is "pedo".

I've never heard "nonce" IRL but I'm aware of it as prison/police slang. (It shows up in at least one episode of 'Life on Mars'.)

Urban Dictionary claims it comes from "Not On Normal Courtyard Exercise" (i.e. a segregated prisoner) but I wouldn't be surprised if that was a backronym.

"Pedo" has been around for a while, but there's room in the language for several different terms. "Rock spider" is another, again mostly prison-based.
And again on another story....

by Anonymous08/24/12
Still wondering ...

If you're a man or a woman. And yes--I'm very familiar with the range of dykes in the world. I've seen my share. That's exactly what makes my BS detector go off. That said, I'm sure I could ring your bell, either way.

And topped it off with an offer to "ring my bell"? :eek:

Of course they could - provided, of course, that you were actualy INTO misogynistic, pinheaded bigots. And really, in this day and age, who isn't? :rolleyes:

It's absolutely amazing to me how some people believe they have all the "skills" needed without ever realizing mechanics has very little to do with real chemistry.
Anon on Nylon Overall:

Anon appears to be writing their own story in ten long PCs on my story Nylon Overall. This is part of one such PC:

Playing in the manor park with our nylon overalls buttoned in the back? by Chistina

my name is Chritina,and in the 70's I was living on the suburb of Milano,Italy,were all our family lived in a big villa with a big park,mother and father and us 7 children,3 boys and four girls,from three to sixteen,mothers sister was living there too with her husband and five children,four boys and one girl the same age like us.,so we were 12chidren,my father and uncle were in a big business,and rarely at home,so our education was done by mother and aunty. to go to school we all had nylon overalls buttons in the back,orange for the boys and blue for the girls,mother and aunty wearing nylon overalls too with a transparent plastic cap over the nylon overalls to keep them clean,and a transparent plastic cap on the head for doingthe house work,this was common in Italy.Mothers spanked the children even teenagers with a Martinet aswell,but apparently not the same as in France and belgium,according to the comments,we had two Italian Martinets,wich was composed of a round handle in wood 30cm long and attached to it there was 8 long leather tails 1cm large,and 8 long red leather tails ,60 to 70cm long,and these were hanging on a hook in the stairs to go upstairs,we were all spanked with this,and when we did bad things we were attached with a large belt with a chain on the ground,and you could not play because you were on a 2metre chain.
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Here is my all time fav.

It was not posted here, but sent through lits feedback system.

"You soud so moronic! Fuck up becaus you sucks!!!! stop talking like trash because you're idiotic brain would still pop up. Just wreng your neck and throw it to the brick wall.. Understood??? Fuck you bullshit and go to hell you devil vurglar!!! You're a useless shit!!!

Now that is some hostility. I replied(because I couldn't resist) and then it got disturbing.

My e-mail is set up to say "Laura Lovecraft" because of my web-site. In the post, and now assuming I'm female, he told me he was going to rape me dead.

That is some serious hate over a story.
Here is my all time fav.

It was not posted here, but sent through lits feedback system.

"You soud so moronic! Fuck up becaus you sucks!!!! stop talking like trash because you're idiotic brain would still pop up. Just wreng your neck and throw it to the brick wall.. Understood??? Fuck you bullshit and go to hell you devil vurglar!!! You're a useless shit!!!

Now that is some hostility. I replied(because I couldn't resist) and then it got disturbing.

My e-mail is set up to say "Laura Lovecraft" because of my web-site. In the post, and now assuming I'm female, he told me he was going to rape me dead.

That is some serious hate over a story.

What is the movie/tv show/cartoon where the camera zooms in on this horrific creature, and then cuts to our hero/heroine whom the monster is stalking? It goes back and forth, never putting both into the same frame, until finally the monster has reached its prey.

And we see that the "monster" is roughly the size of a small kitten.

If your Anonymous "rapes" as well as he writes, well, somehow it brought visions of that (poorly remembered) scene back to me.