Tired, tired, tired

Purrde Flower

I see you!
Jul 18, 2002
Went to a friends house on the River last night and spent the day boating and tubing! I Had a lot of fun and I didn't burn too badly. Well I am going to go to sleep soon. I hope everyone had a good Saturday.
i love rivers and water be nice to live so close to one

my saturday was pretty quiet just hanging around the house relaxing after holiday :)
Just going to veg........

Saturday started off with a soccer game then on to Comerica Park for the Yankees / Tigers game and then to the every other week bowling league. Way to much Labatt, way to much sun and way to tired today.
My Saturday was good until I got home lastnight. To make things worse, I had a hard time getting to sleep- I only slept for about 3 hours. I'm tired too.

I hope you have a good sleep.
one of the reasons i bought property where i did is the access to the blanco river. it's not near as cold as the quadalupe or the san marcos and jut as clear. it has three different species of bass, catfish and bream. it's great for swimming and kyaking or just floating if you're feeling lazy.

during the summer when i'm deck building i normally drive right by my house when i'm finished for the day and have sawdust in places where sawdust wasn't meant to be and go to the river and dive right in. most of the time i take my tennis shoes off.

yeah, i love livin' by the river.