
Nov 22, 2002
Hi Everyone!
Ive been reading the stories here at Literotica for several years. I have just submitted my first story. I think it is decent for a first attempt, but I will leave the final decision on that up to the readers.
My question is. Generally speaking, how long does it take to get posted?
I know the administators are very busy.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated responses.
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I find that when it comes to waiting for submissions to be published; time is not just curved, but positively bent. Therefore your submission will only be posted when you stop going to your user account every two hours to check on it.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
I find that when it comes to waiting for submissions to be published; time is not just curved, but positively bent. Therefore your submission will only be posted when you stop going to your user account every two hours to check on it.

The Earl

snicker...and oh so accurate...

glad to know I'm not the only one ;)

I appreciate the responses, but I find absolutely no logic behind the "if you check your account every two hour theory".
And I believe in conspiracy theories probably more than the nexy guy too.
I will chalk a 4-5 day wait, or however long it takes to be posted or rejected on the available time of the administrators, and the amount of submissions at any given time.
Re: Logic......

Killswitch said:
I appreciate the responses, but I find absolutely no logic behind the "if you check your account every two hour theory".
And I believe in conspiracy theories probably more than the nexy guy too.
I will chalk a 4-5 day wait, or however long it takes to be posted or rejected on the available time of the administrators, and the amount of submissions at any given time.

switch...take it from us...

when you submit your work, you keep checking your account to see if it's moved from pending to approved...generally every few hours. However, after a few days you stop and generally I find out that it's finally up because I have feedback in my email account.
generally I find out that it's finally up because I have feedback in my email account.

See DN, this brings us onto the paranoia theory. I check every 2 hours to see if it's moved from pending to approved, even if it's only been 2 days, but I check my e-mail account first. Even if there's no feedback in my e-mail, I still check to see if it's been approved and the time between checking e-mail and checking user account is filled with mental voices saying: "What if it's already up there and nobody likes it enough to send feedback."

Sad, but true.

Beware of the voices.

The Earl