Time to go back to good old fashioned mail?


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
In light of the government electronic spying scandal, perhaps this is a good time for people to reflect on the benefits of good old fashioned US Mail?
Yeah, cos that's much more secure. :rolleyes:

If you're that paranoid, just fucking encrypt your email. There's a million free algorithms out there that will take longer than the age of the universe to crack with a fucking Cray.
The people I send letters to aren't all that patient, or have that much time left. If everyone would just put the word "bomb" in a tagline, it could cause a meltdown.
Time to go back to good old fashioned mail?

Sorry, renard...

...there's no going back:

JUNE 7--A high-tech computer system that captures images of “every mail piece that is processed” by the United State Postal Service was critical in helping federal agents track the Texas woman arrested today for allegedly sending ricin-tainted letters to President Barack Obama and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
