Time For a New Phone

And with all my major purchases, I come to the GB for advice from the experts.

I've had the Android for 2 years. Can even use some of its functions. But, the contract and new phone can be had this July.


About the phone.



google nexus 4 (by lg)

looooooove mine, i've had it for about 6 months.
I finally broke down and bought an iPhone a few months ago. Don't know how I lived without one. I've turned into one of "those" people who spend all day on their phone but never actually talk to anyone.
I'm a bit non-plussed today, I found out Verizon unilaterally extended my trade-in date for a new phone 4 extra months. No new phone in September, I gotta wait until New Years now.


The goddamned cellphones are more of a pain in the ass than they're actually worth.

I'm a bit non-plussed today, I found out Verizon unilaterally extended my trade-in date for a new phone 4 extra months. No new phone in September, I gotta wait until New Years now.


Sprint hasn't done me wrong since I've been with them. Very happy and I've been with them going on 3 years I think. Something like that.
Had Verizon for some time before that and they were fine but eventually they pissed me off. Don't actually remember why though.
As far as I can tell, the two reasons not to get an iphone are 1) because people just don't want to give Apple the satisfaction of being yet another iphone user, and 2) because of all the things the iphone does well, being a phone is the worst of them.

I've heard the Google is good. Google and Apple are a toss-up, hubris-wise, so might as well bite it and get the iphone.
As far as I can tell, the two reasons not to get an iphone are 1) because people just don't want to give Apple the satisfaction of being yet another iphone user, and 2) because of all the things the iphone does well, being a phone is the worst of them.

I've heard the Google is good. Google and Apple are a toss-up, hubris-wise, so might as well bite it and get the iphone.

Actually that's what I've found, the worst thing is the phone function. Everything else rocks. And I don't have to worry about a bunch of porn app bullshit. I like that.
If you can hold out until September/October, the "smart bezel" iPhone 6 will roll out, along with iOS7. Everything's been upgraded. Gonna be good.


Wishing I was a iOS7 beta tester right now.
If, the "good" people on the GB, can't help you out with your selection, PC Magazine, usually has good write ups, on modern day electronics.
Actually that's what I've found, the worst thing is the phone function. Everything else rocks. And I don't have to worry about a bunch of porn app bullshit. I like that.

I rarely use my iphone as a phone. I hate hate hate hate talking on the phone. I text, I schedule, I use apps. But talking on it - fuck that. If it's important, someone'll email or message me.
I love my iPhone 4S, plus it was free for signing a contract. I like how I can sync all my music from or to my iPad. It's the same format, I didn't have to learn how to use any functions. Reception wise, when my contract is up I'm considering bailing ship because it won't connect to anyone in the bush.
If you can hold out until September/October, the "smart bezel" iPhone 6 will roll out, along with iOS7. Everything's been upgraded. Gonna be good.


Wishing I was a iOS7 beta tester right now.
I would rather have one that curves the other way, so that people on the bus don't see me pornbrowsing.

Best phone as of right now: Sony Xperia Z. The only phone (that doesn't also suck) that you can drop in your beer.
I've got a Samsung Galaxy (Sprint provider) and couldn't be happier.

Great reception, user friendly apps and haven't had a single problem with it.
HTC One.

You're welcome.

This one.

Don't touch blackberry or iphone if you aren't a messaging/app freak. HTC One has a good camera, huge internal memory and a big enough screen for those of us with glasses on the end of our noses to read.
I've got a galaxy s3. Can't complain. I think the s4 is 150 right now as an upgrade
I've got a galaxy s3. Can't complain. I think the s4 is 150 right now as an upgrade

I've had a Galaxy S3 since November, very happy with it. Screen is a good size for reading books on, speakers are loud enough to listen to podcasts without headphones. Works fine as a phone, and all the Android apps. The S4 is only slightly larger, check the price difference and see what is important to you.
yeah, i think im getting me the galaxy phone.

my blackberry's screen cracked the other day... fucking glass phones i tell ya, *shakeshead* is like you can't drop them at all, not even soft!
yeah, i think im getting me the galaxy phone.

my blackberry's screen cracked the other day... fucking glass phones i tell ya, *shakeshead* is like you can't drop them at all, not even soft!

Get the Otter case to go with the Galaxy. Hard shell outside, soft rubber to cushion the phone inside. If you set it down face down the rubber keeps the screen off the surface and keeps it from sliding. It has saved my phone a few times.