Thread about nothing in particular...


Mind fucked and broken
Feb 2, 2001
If you eat food that doesn't taste right, spit it out instead of being a dumbass and swallowing it. duh.

If you fuck a duck, make it a literotican duck. He'd appreciate it.

If you are trying to go shit and you can't, get off the pot.

If you want to know what I am doing right now, tough shit. Keep guessing.

I am pretty sure that I'll get all the cool birds at my feeders this winter, because I have like a nature cafeteria going on, and am planning on even more additions to variety very soon.

When and if you ever meet the person of your dreams, don't tell them that I told you that I wanted to fuck your ass with a dildo and that you agreed to it. It might alienate them.

I remember, one time as a kid, I was jumping rocks and I fucking bit it and I have a gouge in my left leg. Then, as a teen, I fell a long distance off a cliff to a ledge from the summit some obscure Mountian that I illegally climed in New Hampshire, and fucking gouged the same spot but worse. Fancy that. I didn' t have to get a new wound, just a bigger one. The hike down the mountain sucked royally.

If you think this is gay, you can eat my the rotting shit that I took yesterday, with spicy brown mustard on an dead corpses asscheek 'bun'.

If you think this is great, you need help, but so do I, so hey, whatever.

I am pretty sure that I should get off this website and get to work, eh?

If you use my thread to post about something in particular, I'll shoot you dead.