This Stupid Election...


Literotica Guru
Sep 7, 2010
515 STILL distracting me from getting any goddamn writing done! AND IT'S OVER NOW!!

For Chrissakes, this is two nights later and it's a quarter past nine and all I've gotten done today is 663 words.

It'd be a lot easier to focus on writing if people would stop putting out analysis articles for me to read and if everyone on the internet would quit arguing with me and just think the way I tell them to think.

I mean, come on, people!!
You can tune it out. I did so and got back to work when the only discussion thread on it I thought worth pursuing went south when the crazies arrived. I have no trouble letting them have whatever opinions they want to manufacture to titilate themselves, but that doesn't mean I have to read them.

Just pull yourself away (although it would be awfully nice to get results from Florida to get this closed out--at least until the Electoral College meets.)
Just pull yourself away (although it would be awfully nice to get results from Florida to get this closed out--at least until the Electoral College meets.)

I will not actually BELIEVE Florida's results -- whatever they may be -- for at least two weeks after they've been reported. Then, maybe, I'll consider them potentially legitimate.
I will not actually BELIEVE Florida's results -- whatever they may be -- for at least two weeks after they've been reported. Then, maybe, I'll consider them potentially legitimate.

It does make me laugh, though, that the TV commentators were saying from the time the polls closed on the East Coast that the Romney campaign strategists were counting on an early declaration of Florida for Romney to get the momentum started on energizing the Republican vote while polls were still open farther west. And we still (as far as I know) don't have a Florida declaration (pretty much like two presidential elections ago).

It'd be a lot easier to focus on writing if people would stop putting out analysis articles for me to read and if everyone on the internet would quit arguing with me and just think the way I tell them to think.

I mean, come on, people!!

You could have run on this platform and won, just for being honest about how you think the world should be.

Jeez, will you listen to yourself?

This is the time when the guy who is going to run this country was just elected, hate to tell you, but there is going to be a buzz for awhile now.

The popular vote was around 58 million+ to 56 million+ which means this country is pretty evenly divided with being happy/unhappy with who won. In fact there are people still not overly thrilled with voting for the winner, for many it the decision of devil we know.... rather than a lot of confidence.

So sorry, if people discussing the countries future is disturbing your erotic musings.:rolleyes:

Stop whining, Shut the net off, put some music on and just write.
It does make me laugh, though, that the TV commentators were saying from the time the polls closed on the East Coast that the Romney campaign strategists were counting on an early declaration of Florida for Romney to get the momentum started on energizing the Republican vote while polls were still open farther west. And we still (as far as I know) don't have a Florida declaration (pretty much like two presidential elections ago).

That early declaration is due by noon Saturday. Sorry if anyone's plans were disrupted, but, uh, you know, every vote counts.
Jeez, will you listen to yourself?

This is the time when the guy who is going to run this country was just elected, hate to tell you, but there is going to be a buzz for awhile now.

The popular vote was around 58 million+ to 56 million+ which means this country is pretty evenly divided with being happy/unhappy with who won. In fact there are people still not overly thrilled with voting for the winner, for many it the decision of devil we know.... rather than a lot of confidence.

So sorry, if people discussing the countries future is disturbing your erotic musings.:rolleyes:

Stop whining, Shut the net off, put some music on and just write.


Dude, cut back the caffeine. *snicker*

And not to argue, but it's evenly divided with why we're unhappy, not whether we are or not. It was country's lack of a future that's driving everyone nuts...

Q_C STILL distracting me from getting any goddamn writing done! AND IT'S OVER NOW!!

For Chrissakes, this is two nights later and it's a quarter past nine and all I've gotten done today is 663 words.

It'd be a lot easier to focus on writing if people would stop putting out analysis articles for me to read and if everyone on the internet would quit arguing with me and just think the way I tell them to think.

I mean, come on, people!!

You should move to Cuba