This should make Don happy; Howard's sending Aussie troops to the Gulf to help us

I guess all those CIA bombings of the Ausssie's powerplants paid off afterall. These are conscripts, according to plan, right?;)
What does it matter if we have their military on our side or not, its not like Australians know how to fight or anything, right? ;)Man, they’re just lucky I don’t live there because when it comes time to brawl at the local pub I would clear the room! :p
The really frightening thing is...

He STILL won't come out and SAY 'Yes, Australian troops will be used in any attack on Iraq' or 'No, Australian troops will NOT be used in any attack on Iraq'...

...despite numerous calls to answer the question...

But, hey, he's a politician, right? You can't be a politician if you go round answering the people's questions, now can you?

I think I'll stop the political contributions now... I'm starting to rip out what hair I have left...