Because everyone knows straight people are being oppressed everywhere.
Straight Rights About Page said:WE (the founders of Straight Rights) do NOT hate homosexuals. This page is setup so Heterosexuals can finally have their say about their rights that are being infringed on. It has become apparent that everyone except heterosexuals can express their views, and if so, they are instantly stereotyped as gay bashers, homophobes, bigots or anything else they can come up with. WHEN IN FACT, most of the time this has nothing to do with it. We are not not saying there are none of those out there, or some that might slip through to this page.(temporarily) So this page will give reasons, from my opinion on the matter, others opinions, statistics, researches, and any other information that can be found or given. Like it or hate it, it is part of our world, and I just want to fight for our rights. EVERYONE is free to leave comments, suggestions, or just your view on the matter. The only thing I ask is that you don’t get ignorant about it. Any bigotry, hatred or threats will be deleted and you WILL be reported.
Some of our MAIN points of why homosexuality is wrong. (Please message me if I have left any reasons out.) ALL of our reasons are VALID, either through research, statistics, facts, bible verses, and yes, opinions as well. NOTE-ALL of our validations are through ACCREDITED research facilities. EXAMPLES-Will have " , .gov , .edu , .org", etc. (ANYTHING THAT IS A CREDIBLE SOURCE) WILL NOT have anything like "againstgays.dum, forgays.justasdumb", etc
1. Biblically, it is wrong
Genesis 2:18-24, Deuteronomy 24:5, Matthew 19:4-6
(Please message me with scripture Name, Chapter and Verse to post more if I have missed any.)
2. Scientifically, OR Biblically, if it was ok for same sexes to be together, they would be able to creat life. (And please don't go into "Look at how many heterosexual couples can't create life", because STATISTICALLY look at how many heterosexual couples can't (I don't know the %) to how many gay couples can (%0).
3. It is destroying society.
4. It is destroying our children.
5. Morally wrong.
6. Goes against human nature.
7. More likely to spread diseases.
OUR MAIN "RIGHT" WE ARE LOSING.......FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND OPINION....In some places, just because we disapprove of homosexuals, it's considered a HATE CRIME WHICH IS PUNISHABLE BY IMPRISONMENT!!!!
Because everyone knows straight people are being oppressed everywhere.