This is where Hanns comes from

I think that EE posted that link before, but we still thank you.
I posted that yesterday. Well a link to the channel 4 site itself.
Thanks, but, there's no chance of anyone making life a "living hell" here. Maybe a living heck for a day or two, but not hell. Best they can do is make PC funnier, and for that I'm happy to have them around.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Thanks, but, there's no chance of anyone making life a "living hell" here.

I don't get the whole paranoia thing. I was actually thinking today that I kind of miss Yayati.
So Hanns had an affair with some guy named Dave? No wonder he hates women so much. He probably couldn't get laid by a chick and decided to switch sides and now resents women for driving him into the arms of other men.

Don't worry about it Hanns, there's nothing wrong with being gay so you can stop hating women now!
Angel said:
I posted that yesterday. Well a link to the channel 4 site itself.

/hijack on

Hey girl! Hugs!!

/hijack off

Now, does anyone really care where this guy/gal came from? Just flush him down the toilet with the rest of the shit.
Emerald_eyed said:
You sure seemed too.

Unless I'm missing a few posts, I haven't seen BeeBeeBlue in MONTHS.

:heart: BBB, hows the baby?
Yeah, Hanns showed up at the 4later forum about a year ago, and embarked on a giant hate-campaign against pretty much everyone. It caused a fuss for a few months, then everyone learnt to just ignore him, and sure enough, now he's moved on. Apparently he 'terrorised' another forum before ours, too, so I guess this is just something he does.

Incidentally, if he ever attempts to claim that he's a hacker, don't believe a word of it. The most he ever did in the entire year he spent at the 4later forum was just copy and paste the same message over and over again. He's a troll, but not a hacker.

My advice is just to take everything he says with a pinch of salt. Every one of his comments are intended to cause offence, and if you turn the other cheek he honestly does get bored and moves on. He'll single out a few of you and try make you feel bad, and the more you rise to his bait, the more he'll do it. When you realise that A) he doesn't mean a word he says, and B) he's only doing it to get attention, it doesn't take much to ignore him.

Anyway, good luck. Hope you waste an entire year of his life like we did. :)

Hehe. Heya, Hanns old buddy.

Dude, you can't even get your facts straight!

Heroine was eskapegoat's online love interest, not mine. You've got your wires crossed big time. Tut tut!

It was LG I liked, remember? It was New Year's Eve. Both LG and I got drunk, and I said, and I quote: "Aww, I love you LG". I'd been saying that to people all night! That's what people DO on New Year's Eve!

Still, I won't argue I had a crush on her, cos I did. So did you! You constantly propositioned her to smoke your pink cigarette, and she always turned you down.

Anyway, it's good to see you again, Hannsy. It's been a while. I guess you got fed up getting no attention at 4later, huh? Bless. You're just a big old softy at heart.

Oh, and I got here through the post that RawHumour made over at 4later. Do your homework, man! You're getting sloppy in your old age.
Good to see you haven't moved on and are still a loser

Good to see we can still smell our own.

Anyway, looks like everyone here knows how to deal with you, Hanns, so I'll leave them all to it.

Have fun,
