Goddess Of The Moon (Closed)


Literotica Guru
May 9, 2017
Luna Gray
18 Years Old

Marrak Walker
600 Looks 30s

Luna Gray was the type of girl that had a huge heart, she saw things in a way that others would see as crazy, and violent. Luna had always been the kind of girl that had no friends, at least no human friends to speak of. Whenever she was having trouble in school since there was always a bully in at least one school hallway. Waiting for her so they could pounce and make her life a living hell. Unfortunately, she kept a lot of stuff inside her, she didn't talk to her parents or doctors. She didn't even use a diary so she could at least write her feelings down, she was just that type of girl. There was one thing about her that "he" could see within her: Her heart is a loving one and would show mercy to anyone. When she was sixteen years old her world was going to tip right on its head, and it was the death of her parents, but what she didn't know was this moment she would meet her soul mate. She always had a watcher that was making sure she was safe. Because she was so much more, and she would find this out with "his" help.

All she wanted to do is to live in peace, unfortunately, someone upstairs thought of something more painful, darker. And everything within her screamed like she knew what was going to happen, how she at that moment felt crazy, she was awake for every moment of what was happening. The sound of the car hitting the family car, and the screams of her parents filled the still night. The car was on fire and no one was around, the man that hit the family car was dead and she couldn't get out, she screamed for help but no one came, at least no one she could see at that moment. But she heard growling, an angry-sounding growl that for some reason didn't scare her. She heard what sounded like claws on metal, within moments something tore her door away from the car. Blood pouring down the side of her face. When she saw yellow eyes through the darkness. At that moment as they looked into each other's eyes, at that moment the creature bonded himself to her.

It was then that she remembered a huge hand that was like a claw from a wolf but very human at the same time, she placed her hand in his as he quickly and carefully got her out. As she looked at this creature she felt warm and protected, she didn't know if he said it, or if she imagined it. But a gentle voice entered her mind that she would be okay, and within a moment of placing her head on his chest she passed out in the arms of a wolf? When she woke up she was in a hospital and a man was sitting by her side, she didn't know this man but he felt familiar and she didn't understand it, but she just stayed silent. It was then he told her that her parents died and everything was going to be okay. The way he looked at her through his eyes so very familiar, and she couldn't shake the feeling. She didn't stay in the hospital because even though she had a cut on the side of her head, everything else was fine and she was stable. But what do you do when you walk into your home where echoes of the past still lingered?

The one who looked out for her actually lived by her, he hadn't been there long but was there long enough to get her name. He would be the only thing in her life, even though she was lonely she wasn't alone. When she got home she kept thinking of the accident, and whatever it was that saved her life. After a good three months, she spent a lot of time outside, and she was drawing. She couldn't help but feel like this creature knew her and she knew him. After the accident she kept having dreams of this creature, he was beautiful and she wasn't afraid of him. But one day she was finishing the picture of the wolf she was dreaming about, she didn't see him looking over her shoulder. When he leaned over and took the drawing she looked up at him, now she was great at reading faces, but, right at this moment? she couldn't figure him out. But when Luna saw the way he looked at it, his eyes seemed to tear up? She told him if he liked it that much he could have it, which seemed to mean a lot to him.

But as she was spending more and more time with "Him" she stopped having the dreams and for some odd reason she couldn't shake the feeling off. But she actually started dating the guy next door, something about him was different and she wasn't sure what it was. But they got close quickly and she could feel he cared for her. She had spent a lot of time with him, and they grew to truly trust one another. They had shared looks and stolen kisses but there was something going on in his head because every time the kiss grew deep he apologized and told her he wasn't ready. Luna was getting ready for her date with him, he had told her he was ready to go further but he was afraid of losing her. Which confused her very much, what could be going on that she would stay away from? He had a basket with him and peeked in seeing a nice little meal in there, a picnic during the sun going down it seemed romantic. He didn't say very much as he took her to his favorite spot, away from prying eyes.

In the distance seemed to be a waterfall a small one, technically it wasn't a waterfall but it looked enough like one. The green grass was everywhere as he set up the blanket under a huge Weeping Willow Tree. She had a feeling it was going to be a night she would never forget, as he set up everything she sat on the blanket. She was glad that she was in a simple yet comfortable Dress. Luna could see that something was on his mind, and for a moment she could have sworn that his hands were shaking. She placed her hand on his, her eyes holding onto his own showing that whatever was going on he could talk to her. When he finally sat and she could see and hear him taking a deep breath, and she wanted to break the ice with him. Luna was thinking about how to talk about this, she was afraid he would think her crazy. Looking up at the sky seeing the light and dark orange in the sky, with a hint of pink and blue in her opinion it was actually a perfect night for whatever this is.

"You know there is one thing I never told you, I was afraid that you would think me crazy. But you remember the night you helped me to the hospital right? I had nightmares for months about the crash, seeing my parents die and thinking I was going to be next. I understand I hit my head but I couldn't get out and I could have sworn someone or something helped me out." She closed her eyes and she still could see everything. "I remember blood dripping down my face and I was faint, but I remember a hand reaching out for me to take it. The picture I drew of the werewolf that I gave you? it was him. For months I had dreams about him but the funny thing is that since you and I have spent more time together I no longer see him in my dreams. But I mention this to you because I know something is wrong, something you have wanted to tell me for months" She moved closer to him, placing her hand on his cheek, searching his eyes and seeing the love but the fear.

"I am in no rush love I want to make love to you more than you know, but I want the night to be perfect like it is right now. Whatever is going on you can tell me, you have helped me in so many ways it's hard to fathom sometimes" Luna watched him lean in and kiss her, her eyes closed feeling the warmth on his lips. This was the first time he ever French kissed her, until finally he pulled away and stood up, something was very wrong. "Baby what is it?" She said in a pleading tone to her voice, she looked up to see the full moon slowly coming away from the cloud that protected the moon.

She stood behind him but close "Marrak?"
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Marrak Walker

Nobody knew except his own kind just exactly what and who he was, he had been shadowing this specific branch of the Gray family from their conception, because an old gypsy woman had told him, that from this line would come peace for him. He could not have prevented the crash which killed Luna's parents, but she had survived it and he needed to save her. She not only survived, but she grew up, but her nightmares brought her a lot of anxiety which nobody could soothe. Until he revealed himself and started spending time with her, her fears grew less and the dreams did not come so often.

Now he found himself here, under a full moon, with what she perceived as a romantic evening, one where they would become one, but he knew what would happen once his passion grew too much. He knew that the moon would be showing soon, that he could trigger the change and show her exactly what he was, that the painting was not a creation, but a memory.

He turned to face her, resting his hands on her shoulders, "I will not deny that I love you Luna. I do. Very much."

He took a breath, "But I will never want to hurt you, emotionally nor physically. So there is something that you need to know, something about me, that almost nobody knows."

He released her shoulders and stepped away from her, he triggered the change, just as the cloud moved away from the moon. He was never sure where the clothing went, during all his time as a wolf, he never knew and never cared, since he didn't have to worry about changing back to human form without them. They were always on him if he changed with them on.

He stood before her, he could feel the moonlight falling down on him and he could see her shock. It was not everyday that a person witnessed the change.
Luna heard what he said and when he said he cared for her, his words echoed in her mind and it felt amazing and it scared her a little bit. Even though she had no idea why this would scare her, but she did not mind the feeling. But when he said there was more, she watched what she thought in that moment was the most horrific thing she had ever seen. She heard his howl and then nothing she slowly opened up her eyes and heard him panting, her heart almost stopped. The smell of her fear couldn't be masked but she didn't run or scream which was probably the best he had ever seen. But her eyes taken in his form something struck her as she realized he was the one responsible for her being alive.

"You......Yo..." She tried so hard to put words together she watched him stand up and she didn't know what he was going to do but she thought he was going to leave her until she shot up on her feet, she actually heard herself say two words to him clear as a bell. She was brought back in her memories by how she wasn't afraid of him when he saved her, how he reached for her and she took his hand willingly and now it made sense the dreams stopped. Why dream when the person you dream about is right in front of you.

"Don't Go" The look on her face showed she was sorry she was afraid it wasn't something she could control. She slowly walked up to him, he was normally 5 foot eight but his form made him a bit over six feet. She took a deep breath and slowly reached for his hand, her hand trembling due to the fear but as she captured his hand in hers it's like the fear melted away, she motioned for him to bend down for her. She placed her hand on the side of his muzzle and all her fear seemed to have melted away from her

"I love you Marrack" She slid out of her panties without him noticing but what she said now was in Croatian and she whispered it into his ear.

"I'm not afraid" she said in perfect Croatian
When she did not run, he knew that he would be the one to leave, to explain to her that he could not go any further, that he would hurt her, no matter what they did. His ears swiveled towards her when she spoke in a newer dialect of his mother tongue, but still, he understood her.

"You don't have to be afraid."

The words were a growled rumble, but he knew that she had heard him. He rested his hands on hers and gently moved them from him. He straightened up and with a growl, he triggered the change again, it took a bit longer as the beast had to fold and bend in places to get into the human form.

"Yes, it was me who saved you from the wreck, who stayed with you while you recovered in the hospital. And now you know the secret of who and what I am."

He took a deep breath, "And that is the reason that I can't. I can't control the change when I get intimate and no matter what we do, it will hurt you. And I don't want to hurt you. Never."
She had to look away her eyes closed, she hated seeing him in so much pain. But it was than he said he didn't want to harm her. She felt different feelings with what he said, but with how he was and she knew he wasn't. She shook her head and placed her hand against his cheek, looking into his eyes. "This Choice should be both of ours not just yours. I understand the risk and if you envision yourself as a monster you're going to act like a monster. I have felt you close by throughout all this time and I never really understood why until realizing who you are. you are the one that saved me, you could have hurt me at any time but you didn't you're not a monster"

She slowly stood up she wanted to be with him, but there was no way she would force him. " she loved him and decided to let him decide. "I won't force you but I want you more than you know Marrak" She started to leave but stopped and turned back at him.

" if you dictate what this side of you guys then you will never know happiness Marrk"
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He moved closer to her

"It is not like I have a choice Luna. I need you to know what I am and while I am in this form, I know that I will not harm you, nor will I hurt you. In my other form, I know that I will not hurt you, but there are certain passions that can not be prevented, nor curtailed."

He ran a hand over his face,

"I will understand if you want to leave, I will not stop you, nor will I blame you. I just wanted you to know the truth."
She felt his hand on her caressing her face she couldn't help but meet the palm of his hand with her lips and gave him a kind and loving kiss he looked up into his eyes instruct the side of his face stroking his cheek shaking her head to him. "I would never leave you. Its not what I meant, no its a part of you and you need to accept it...."

She loved him so much and it killed her he thought she would leave him. "I know what I ask is most likely beyond difficult. But if you don't want to accept that part of yourself, do it for me " she reached behind her back and unzipped the zipper and allowed her dress to pool around her feet till she kicked the dress away.

On her side was a tattoo of a wolf howling at the moon. She stood before him naked knowing all too well what this would most likely to do him, physically and sexually. "Make love to me baby" she said reaching for him.
He was caught between two fires, one was the physical and emotional need he had for her and the other was his fear of what the change could do. He knew that he would not harm her in his passion, but the wolf form was larger than his human form. He knew that he should stop her, prevent this from happening, he could still smell her fear, but that was fading very quickly under the smell of her own need. Her need for him.

He felt her fingers undoing his buttons and he smiled, reaching out for her, cupping her face in his hands and leaning down to kiss her deeply, sliding his tongue into her mouth, feeling her own rubbing up against his. He started to help her undress him, soon they were both standing naked under the full moon, the silvery light illuminating their bodies.
She couldn't help but smile at him feeling his hands guide her, showing her. Until finally both were bare for all to see. Stroking his cheek she could see a little fear in his eyes. Luna trusted the man before her. Taking his hands she backed up to the blanket and slowly lowered them down onto the blanket and looked into his eyes.

"I love you Marrak"
"I have loved you for the longest time Luna."

He started kissing her lips, his hands slowly exploring her naked body as his kisses moved from her lips to her jaw and lower to her neck. His hands slowly stroked over her waist, hips, and legs, slowly sliding his palms and fingers over her soft skin.
She smiled at him and felt his with his fingers grazing her skin. She knew anything was possible especially if werewolves were possible. Luna looked into his eyes, she knew he was going to change at some point. But she locked her eyes onto his, in hopes looking into his eyes would help even if for a few moments. At least it would be a few moments that would mean peace. She was certain with at least one thing. He would try his damnedest to suppress the change and it's something she didn't want to happen.

"Marrak, whenever your change starts, just keep looking into my eyes and let it happen" she paused for a brief second.

"For me" she knew what she was asking of course.
He touched her cheek, smiling gently at her,

"Believe me, dearest, if you want this change to happen, it will be better done in a position where you will not be able to see my face."

He kissed her forehead, "And it is just for practical reasons only, any other way will make it . . . hurt more."

He kissed her neck, gently biting the soft skin
She knew what he meant feeling his lips on her neck excited her it was to the point she didn't care anymore. She loved him and wanted to be with him no matter what she had to do. Luna smiled as he kissed her and made her feel very warm while he kissed her neck she said the small straps over dress in a way better dress pooled around her feet.

"Marrak....I know what I ask and I do not say this lightly, but I want you to make love to me. I want a life with you, to have your children and to just be. We have a life time for it all, I am not afraid of you even if you smell it, whatever you smell I can guarantee you will never smell uncertainty." Her smile was infectious and she was glad that she knew Croatian so when she wanted him to truly pay attention she use the language to make them pay attention.

She had been completely naked under the dress. "Whatever happens please don't run away, your not alone Marrak however you want to do this, just guide me my love" she said softly and she kissed him, she felt his hesitation she said six words. "Don't be afraid to love me."
The truth was that he did not wish to harm her, the change was physical in all senses and even though old myths told that lycanthropes could only change during a full moon, the truth was far removed from that myth. What was true, was that the lycan body went through a monthly cycle. There were certain times that control of the change became more difficult, like intense pleasure or pain. The cycle only changed what the wolves' senses could pick up and incidentally the height of their senses was coinciding with the full moon.

His senses could pick up her trepidation, but also her arousal could feel her body reacting to his as he touched her. His hands stroked her naked skin and he looked at her, a slight smile on his lips, "For you, I will give all you ask for."

He kissed her deeply, his hands continuing to explore her body, touching the sensitive areas, the soft skin warm and pliable under his touch.
She didn't know how this was going to work but was willing to do anything and everything for him. When he kissed her she felt him kissing her, his touch was electric to her. She had no idea what the change would sound like or even look like. But she was here for him like he had been there for her for as long as she could remember.

When he let her lips go for breath she took the chance to to speak to him. "I love you Marrak, more than everything." She said in Croatian with a very sweet smile, running her fingers down his chest, he looked like he was terrified. When she went up his chest, she placed her hand on the side of his cheek.

"What can I do? I can see the fear in your eyes. I don't want you to feel forced baby, I love you more than anything."
He smiled at her touch and words, "There is nothing to take away the fear Luna, but I feel that we both deserve this moment. To share it like we have shared most things before."

There was really nothing more to say as the fear of hurting her would be with him no matter her assurances, so the only thing left to do was to go with it and see how it turned out, it was definitely something they both wanted and needed. With gentleness, he lowered her down to the blanket, joining her and kissed her deeply, his hands cupping her soft breasts, his thumbs slowly teasing over her nipples as they kissed.
He didn't need to say anything she se ses he was scared of hurting her. But for now she wouldn't worry about it. When his lips found hers and moaned into his warm lips on her own. It was a wonderful feeling he was giving her. She wanted this for so long it felt nice that finally her wish was coming true.
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Their lips slowly ground together in a deep, passionate kiss. His hands stroked her breasts, and his tongue slowly slid into her mouth, tasting her as their tongues met. His thumbs rubbed slowly over her nipples, feeling them harden even further under his attentions, he could feel her soft body press up against him and at that moment he knew that he wanted more.
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She felt like everything was working out and as he touched her she won't even more growing wet between her legs. "Oh God Marrak I want you inside me" she cried, the moon beaming down on them. She had wanted him for so long she spoke to him, trying to contain her lust for him.

"I would do anytime for you my love, I would give you children, or become what you are if it meant being with you"

In that moment she smiled at him, but before he could say a thing she kissed him deeply, all her love and passion fell into the kiss. She kissed him because she didn't want to talk about the future, she just wanted to feel him inside her, to see as much as she could of him turning.

"Whatever happens don't fight the change I will show you my feelings will not change because I love the man I know and I'd do anything for you" she said lovingly
He smiled at her, kissing her one more time

"Not yet, got to make this more memorable than it is going to be."

Without explaining, he started to kiss her neck, moving slowly down her body, planting soft kisses and licks as he went. After pausing for a few long moments on sucking and licking her breasts and hard nipples, he moved down until he reached the wetness between her legs. He took in the aroma of her arousal, then his tongue met her pussy lips and ran a slow, teasing path around and then over them, tasting her and enjoying the reaction of her body.

He knew that he was the first, the first to touch her, to taste her and he would be the first to take her and make her his own. He kept licking slowly, lapping up her juices as his tongue pressed firmly against her lips while he licked her slowly.
She heard what he said and it made her smile. Before she k ew it his lips were gone off her mouth to travel down to her nippers and then between her legs, a slight gasp came from her as her eyes shut and her heart was in her mouth. It was such a powerful feeling she moved her hips into his mouth.

She grabbed at anything she could, she managed to grab onto the blanket they were on, the beautiful moon shining over them, it was almost like the moon was giving them her blessing. She had so many things going on in her mind. But it was not the most important thing, she was at peace, her fingers running through his hair as her excitement grew by each swipe of his tongue.
The grip of her fingers on his hair told him all he had to know about her enjoyment, that he was definitely doing this right. He could not recall the last time he had done something like this, but doing it with her felt just perfect. He ran his tongue over her lips, slowly and firmly, pressing his tongue between her velvety folds to lick up her juices and run his tongue slowly over her clit. He repeated these slow, teasing movements, taking in her smell and her taste as her body moved under his attentions.
Her heart was pounding in her ear, she was getting more wet by the second and she could feel just how wonderful she felt. "Oh baby" she cried out she wanted him so badly she could barely concentrate. She tried so hard to hold back this feeling he was making her have, being a virgin she had never felt this way.

But with each passing moment she grew tighter and tighter until finally she thrust her hips into him as she cried "Baby!" She screwed loudly as her first orgasum hit her as hard as a slap to the face. She felt the air in her lungs escape as she ran her fingers down the back of his head.
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Her scream followed with the flood of her released juices were like music to his ears and nectar to his tongue, it had been far too long since he last basked in the pleasure of a loved one's orgasm. He could not deny his own need though, the need he felt to take her as his own, to make her his in more than just word, but also in deed.

He waited for her orgasm to subside, slowly and gently licking her before moving up her body to kiss her and share the taste of her with her. When the kiss came to an end, he smiled down at her, "Sounded like you enjoyed that."
She smiled hearing what he said, she even felt a giggle in her throat. She brushed her hand against his cheek. She could see the hunger in his eyes as he looked up at her. She relaxed and knew round two was going to happen.

"That's what happens when you fall in love with somebody and you keep that pent up all the dreams I've had of us together that sort of thing. By the look in your eyes I can tell what's coming" she said with a smile on her face