this is what i'm talking about


The Usual.
Feb 25, 2010

filthy rich!
a picture of a heroin dealers living room...isnt that sweet

LOL fuckn' right it market working wonders!!!

what if i told you, it was my room an i was the drug dealer dealing coke

Hell yea bro.....if you need some indo let me know we can work it out.

then congratulations on chosing a career that is built solely on the suffering of others

Those suffering made the conscious choice, as an adult in a free society to do so...the rest of us just want to party and have a good time. Now take your sob story and fuck off...
Those suffering made the conscious choice, as an adult in a free society to do so...the rest of us just want to party and have a good time. Now take your sob story and fuck off...

I have clients who are schizophrenic and have been quite literally forced to buy crack from dealers.. I have clients that have been robbed by dealers of their social assistance money the minute they get it

she's a coke dealer, not a pot dealer... all it takes is a jar, some water and baking soda to convert coke into crack

children are born addicted to coacaine, any major maternity ward has them .. but hey, they chose that, right?

Now take your complete lack of compassion for human suffering all in the name of " partying"and go fuck yourself