This is what an orgasm feels like to me

I picked a bad day to stop masterbating. Wow does reading that get me worked up^. I only hope to imagine that happening in my dreams tonight!!:)
yeah well...there ain't nothing like pushing a load of semen through your get to feel the build up... ooouu... pulsing...release...then you feel it from the base of your cock, all the way up and out...damn it's good.

It's like pumping one of those water rockets...then setting it off!

I like the part about swallowing him and licking him clean...
Its so cool when your toes tingle........Who the hell decided an orgasm should start in your toes??:D
cycleman said:
Its so cool when your toes tingle........Who the hell decided an orgasm should start in your toes??:D

hey...even better for it to start there...

did Emerald ever get laid?
Hi Emerald. Good to see you again my friend. Here is how an orgasm feels to me.

The first sensations are real generalized but it is definatey a warm feeleing that has an energy with it. It is a feeling which starts in my cock and testicles and goes into my perenium and spirals up my spine into the back of my head.

This warm feeling starts to turn to a tingly very energized and more localized sensation of pleasure. My nerve endings become far more sensitive in my whole groin area. My mind subconsiously tells my body to begin pumping harder and faster and as the pace quickens an almost animalistic trance takes over my thoughts and feelings.

In that sweet sexual trance my brain focuses on the sensation of hot, warm and wetness around my cock. The feelings get stronger and the electricity in my groin traveling up my spine increases exponentially.

As I pump harder, the whole gamut of senses come into play. My sense of smell and vision becomes acute. The musky smell of sex increrases my drive and animal instinct to come. Every detail of her body and the whole atmosphere register visually to me in an almost etherial manner. Although things become visually clearer up close, the background becomes almost blurred as if in a dream or hallucination. Time has a new component to it. The pumping and squishy sounds pound my ears further enhancing my focus.

My sense of touch over my entire body becomes acute and registers the slightest graze of fingers or breast against me. I sense the heat of her sex on me and it feels wonderful

As all the senses combine and orgasm is off in the distance but getting closer things slowly begin to compound. The feelings slowly begin to intesify like a song whose rhythem starts off slow and soft and builds to a strong, loud, quick paced frenzy.

The feelings and sensations begin to focus in my cock, testicle and perenium area. This causes me to pump faster in an almost trance like state. The feelings become so clear and localized that I can feel the pre cum begin to flow out of me further lubbing things up. The first contraction for me is always violent and intense and slowly builds to a major eruption. As that first muscle contraction occurs my cock becomes engorged actually increasing my girth significantly. As the muscle contracts it sweeps across my prostate and seminal fluid recepticle and feels very intense. It is acute pleasure and as my juice flows up and out. A pure ecstacy flows from my groin up my spine and engulfs my entire body.

Things loose focus and the world stops. All ceases to exist save for that juice flowing out and that electric, alive feeling racking my body. If I am not looking my lover in the eyes and they are closed I often see colors when I am at the height of orgasm. Deep blue colors often accompany a very intense orgasm.

The contractions occur in succession and I can feel the fluid and stress just flow out of me. It is almost a sacred feeling. The contractions slow and my mind tells my body to slow the pumping.

A sweet mellow feeling engulfs my entire body for the short period after orgasnm. My mind becomes crystal clear and all seems perfect for that period of time.

That is how I come.
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Oh . . . O . . . Go!!!

Emerald_eyed said:
LOL, its not the I CANT get laid, its just no one to lay worth laying. LOL. I live in Iowa remember? Toothless truckers HEE HAW.

So move to Oz . . . there is a teacher shortage again . . . try the New South Wales Department of Education and Training . . . the biggest education system in the southern hemisphere . . .

Great thread Emerald . . . one of the major problems of writing is trying to describe an important part of the plot when you, as a man, have absolutely no idea what you are talking about . . . in the responsiveness of a woman . . . it looks different on the outside to the feeling on the inside . . . naturally . . . :)

But do multiple orgasms just feel the same, only repeated, or is there a differnet sensation . . . :) (We're pretty good at those in Oz . . . :p :devil: :p )
I really need to stop opening these kinds of threads. It's not helping my situation a bit.