This Could Get Interesting

HRC just danced a jig and called ahead for curtain measurements in the OO.

The tentative title for Walsh's superPAC is More Money for Losers.
I'm not sure I follow the logic. They're trying to raise money to get more candidates like proven losers? That about right?
I wish this country had a political party that represented the middle - a coalition that both the left and right would have to appeal to in order to get anything done. Presumably, those negotiations might be easier than the two extremes fighting each other tooth and nail.
Losers still wondering how they lost. And not just lose the Presidency, but seats in both houses? After they tweaked the districts into their favor? Obviously, the problem is Karl. :rolleyes:
I wish this country had a political party that represented the middle - a coalition that both the left and right would have to appeal to in order to get anything done. Presumably, those negotiations might be easier than the two extremes fighting each other tooth and nail.

I agree 100% with this statement. If one party runs the middle ground, the other just goes further extreme, and the difference between them remains the same.
I wish this country had a political party that represented the middle - a coalition that both the left and right would have to appeal to in order to get anything done. Presumably, those negotiations might be easier than the two extremes fighting each other tooth and nail.

We're in one of those times when the middle is impotent, like during the Weimar Republic. Theyre clueless and unprincipled and at sea without a compass or sextant.
I wish this country had a political party that represented the middle - a coalition that both the left and right would have to appeal to in order to get anything done. Presumably, those negotiations might be easier than the two extremes fighting each other tooth and nail.

You mean Americans, very few of them still around. :)
I wish this country had a political party that represented the middle - a coalition that both the left and right would have to appeal to in order to get anything done. Presumably, those negotiations might be easier than the two extremes fighting each other tooth and nail.

In just about any other country in the world, the Democrats would be considered right of centre. I'd be interested to hear what you consider centrist.
Having the extreme right form its own party will probably re-invigorate the GOP and possibly, just possibly, become the "big tent" party it claims to be.
Not much different than if the Democrats decided to kick the Communists out of their party.:rolleyes:

Most American Communists were members of the Communist Party and they were quite unwelcome to early 20th century Democrats. The whole so-and-so number of Democrats in Congress are card-carrying Communists bit wasn't even remotely true when McCarthy did it and it sure as hell wasn't true when Allen West said it.

There is a lot of weird history about where McCarthy picked up that shtick, which I'm sure would be entirely wasted on you, but it was a scam start to finish.
The party is already far too liberal, especially on the social issues that tens of millions of its most loyal supporters care about. They have always shown a lack of respect to these voters. Now, they want to dish out even more disrespect to them? How much more disrespect do they think they can get away with and have any of this base support them?

I hate to break it to these "party leaders" but this alleged "sleeping giant" of "social liberal, fiscal conservative" voters who will materialize out of the woodwork if only the party would expel the evil values voters or the evil nationalist voters or the evil fill in the blank awful right wing voters, doesn't exist in anywhere near the numbers the media likes to claim. If it did it would have made its presence felt long ago in both parties. Its a small but vocal group that is neutralized by at least as large a number of "social conservative, fiscal liberals." This "sleeping giant" is not going to come out of the woodwork in anywhere near sufficient numbers to make up for the disaffected base that will either abandon politics, move to third parties or even back to the Democrats.

Independents already voted for the GOP this year and it still wasn't enough, as the base didn't bother to show up. Just imagine once the Republicans openly start dissing the base even more. Maybe they can't win regularly with the base but they will NEVER win without it. The only reason Harper can do it in Canada because he only needs a little over a third of the vote. A third of the vote in the US is a complete and utter wipe out with possibly zero electoral college votes.
I wish this country had a political party that represented the middle - a coalition that both the left and right would have to appeal to in order to get anything done. Presumably, those negotiations might be easier than the two extremes fighting each other tooth and nail.

Give that worn out BS canard a rest Rory. What a freaking joke.

The Republicans are already a center left party. The Democrats a far left party. If you were seriously in favor of a centerist party you'd be supporting the Constitution Party. The whold spectrum is absurdly shifted to the left.
I wish this country had a political party that represented the middle - a coalition that both the left and right would have to appeal to in order to get anything done. Presumably, those negotiations might be easier than the two extremes fighting each other tooth and nail.

And what specifically do you want done that's not getting done now?

Nobody ever confronts people who spout this canard about what specifically they want to have get done that isn't. Conveniently they never have to say what it is exactly they want just bitch bitch bitch and act like they are above some alleged bickering.

Would you perhaps like a post-colonial style third world one-party state consensus government? Maybe under a strongman leader? What is it specifically you want that we don't have now?