This board is losing its "FUN" and "DISTRACTION" capacity


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
It has sunk to backstabbing, vindictivness and petty commentary.

What a shame. we came here for FUN a diversion from RL and companionship. What have we let this board become?

I say what WE HAVE LET IT BECOME, because we are all guilty of feeding the frenzy spread by a few.

I suspect we shall see a diminuition of posters and conversation. A shame.
Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ.

Where is Laurel's cycle speech when you need it?

It's called a down cycle, moron. Every six months or so the board goes through a tooth and claw phase. Rip, rip, shred, shred, shred. This is normal Lit behavior. We are, in fact, about four months past due for a serious all out Lit-drama that precedes the mass pruning of posters who only want to live in Shiny Happy Poster Land.

I imagine this exodus will spawn yet another board of ex-regulars who want more rules to hide comfortably in.

Put on some body armor or come back in a month or so.
Killer Muffin

Anyone that has as cute a pink pistol such as you have in the AV can call me a moron. Others must call me Mr. Moron.

Oh, the ass in the AV is OK as well.:D

You're welcome to leave any time. We were fine before you showed up. Better, even.

I mean I can't find anything that interests me here at all. This place has sunk to the lowest of the low.


and ever.

Well, until I feel like everyone is doing what I want them to do, and then I'll come back and act like nothing happend.

This is the story of my 10000 some odd posts about nothing.
Pathetic Child

Does being realistic about the world wide situation make one a psycho?

Have another drink.
I think hazey's fuckin whiner should be runner up with a 9-3/4/10 PC.
Starfish said:
I think hazey's fuckin whiner should be runner up with a 9-3/4/10 PC.

Who's damn scale is it anyway?

You get 1.5/10 for criticizing and for using too many forward slashes. That thing looks like a goddamn URL.
RawHumor said:
I didn't think we were allowed to say that.


Mixed messages everywhere - I'm leaving until you people get your stories straight.

Or until I'm done work tonight anyways.
Problem Child said:

You're welcome to leave any time. We were fine before you showed up. Better, even.

You sure told him, loser.

You said it; I just read it.