This Aint M.A.S.H. People, There's A War Going On...


Lits. Only GENIOUS...
Feb 21, 2001
I don't understand why these news outlets actualy think that the war with Iraq is worthy of 24 hour news coverage and "play by play" commentary...Lets face it, unless bombs are dropping the war is boring...While I understand that this Gulf War 2 coverage is unprecidented in the history of the world, there isn't really anything that constitutes "must see tv" unless the bombs are falling...The 10 minute "Shock and Awe" bombing run was impressive and had it not been for that demonstration of U.S. power then the last three days have been about as exciting as watching grass grow...

Whats so great about watching a convoy of tanks racing thru the desert at speeds reaching 40mph. at times...Sure, five or ten minutes is cool but 4 hours of the same M1-A1 tank crusing thru the desert with David Bloom calling the action gets boring fast...

I just wonder how long the world will remain "tuned in" to reality tv with no script, no plot, no cliffhangers, no humor, no nothing, except for 1000's of journalists waiting and waiting for bombs to drop from coalition aircraft on Baghdad...This war reminds me of the OJ Simpson courtroom trial coverage...Everything that happens is being magnified by 100X in order to keep the publics interest...I wonder how the soldiers feel knowing that across the world this war coverage is looked upon as "entertainment"...The soldiers start to resemble actors instead of patriots defending the U.S. and the more coverage we see "live" only adds to the "Survivorish" tone to a real life event with no commercials and people dying...

I hate the idea that this war is being viewed as a "tv show" instead of for what it really is...

God bless the U.S.A.

HGTV, A&E, FoodTV and the History Channel hardly ever mention the war.

It's a good thing.
LadyGuinivere said:
Amen, Ruby.

Even Martha is looking appealing. ;)

Yeah, I really got into Friday's show where there were like a gazillion ingredients for one tiny little dish. Martha is fine, as long as you don't actually attempt to make the things she does.
She made THE most awesome birthday cake I ever saw, it was like a farm scene?

All the animals, fields with crops. And blades of grass. Each one applied separately. And she kept talking about how easy it was and just putting it all together.

I figured 5 people and 2 days ..I too could have that cake :)

But it looked sooo damn nice!
Martha Stewart Craft Idea

For all you Martha Stewart want-to-be's How to make bedroom slippers
out of
maxi pads: (See pic for visual) You need four maxis' to make a pair.
of them get laid out flat, for the foot part. The other two wrap around
toe area to form the top. Tape or glue each side of the top pieces to
bottom of the foot part.

Decorate the tops with whatever you desire, silk flowers, etc.

Soft and Hygienic
Non-slip grip strips on the soles
Built in deodorant feature
Keeps feet smelling fresh
No more bending over to mop up spills
Disposable and biodegradable. Environmentally safe
Two convenient sizes: Regular, and Light Day
Oh fuck me blue.

I choked and coughed for about 4 minutes, Freaky.

Too damn funny.

I :heart: you, I really really do!

Re: Re: This Aint M.A.S.H. People, There's A War Going On...

Excuse me, Em, but we had successfully hijacked this thread and turned into a Martha Steward discussion.

Now, repent!! :)

he he are you feeling anyway?
Re: Re: Re: This Aint M.A.S.H. People, There's A War Going On...

Emerald_eyed said:
God Bless England, God Bless Canada


Good Lord one said not to bless the others:rolleyes:

That's better...

I'm happy now...

God Bless Iraq, God Bless China, God Bless Mrs Fitzgerald (my old English teacher), God Bless Bush...NO! wait a bit...not that one...

Never that one...

And Martha.

Do not forget Martha!

Glad you're happy now, p_p_man:):rose:
who's martha steward?

poor English lack of cable channels type question, can I see a picture?

Does she do private parties?

KID ROCK1 said:
I don't understand why these news outlets actualy think that the war with Iraq is worthy of 24 hour news coverage and "play by play" commentary...

I finished your first sentence and realized I was finished with your whole post. Again.