Think about your avatar

Now they call my thread drivel. It’s going up in the world.
Well, it’s my drivel damnit! Every, last bit!

Where was I?
Oh, nice avatar Freya.
Never said:
Now they call my thread drivel. It’s going up in the world.
Well, it’s my drivel damnit! Every, last bit!

Where was I?
Oh, nice avatar Freya.

LOL! Only mostly drivel - the original point and any post conforming to the topic are ok - it's the rest of the nonsense in the middle that I'd call drivel.

And thanks Never, I really like yours as well.
I am pleased. If you squint at my avatar, you'll notice the picture is filled with more than a dozen tiny skulls. I'm in love with the artist's work. If you want to see more, just klick on the www under my post.

As for the drivel. Yeah, at least isn't not 'Something new and different'.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Trail and TC42.....

LordLucan74 said:
I have 3 dogs...and they keep me busy! Always wanting in/out..or a treat...Those lovely creatures :)

You are what you avatar?

The choice of avatar can say a great deal about a person... or very little.
Yes some are offended by nudity, but in a country which was originally populated by Puritans it is not surprising that some would even have you clothed in a little bitty picture in a place which bills itself "an adult erotic website" where there are "no minors allowed". lol
My 2-bits:)
what does a mushroom cloud say about me?

*sits in corner waiting to be analyzed
De Sade said:
what does a mushroom cloud say about me?

*sits in corner waiting to be analyzed

It says that you are a positive thinking guy with a bright future ahead of you.:)
Never said:
Now, I’d like to make it very clear that I’m not talking to any one poster, nor am I pretending to hand down commandments from the mountaintop. This is just my opinion:

If you plan to engage in serious discussion please be aware of your avatar’s ability undermine your credibility.

To go along with that; remember that your avatar both serves to identify you and to color your post. People will make unconscious assumptions about your attitude and personality based on everything from the subject matter of your avatar, to its style, to even the colors it uses.

While sexual imagery is expected, crude or highly explicit content can cause negative reactions. Just because you have sex with your genitalia doesn’t make genitalia sexy. Remember, the vast majority of content can be aesthetically pleasing and arousing, or ugly enough to make a viewer grimace.

If your avatar is a picture of a real person or a character, please be aware of associations people have with that person or character. A good example would be that of the gentleman who unknowingly used a gay porn star as his avatar and then became quite upset when men started hitting on him.

These are just a few of my thoughts on the subject of avatars. Feel free to disagree or offer your own. Or talk about what you think of avatars in general.

I can see your point and though I am not a proud owner of avatar yet I can see the freedom people enjoy here. Since title signature and avatar are 3 ways to stand of from the crowd and add personally to your posts. Avatars are like clothing and witch ones you like to wear is up to the user. Just like in real life some people like to wear little more make up to be noticed and there are nothing wrong with that ... Who wouldn’t like to be noticed?

Something as trivial as avatar will not have any effect on my opinion of a person. I will form my opinion based on contents of their posts.

Personally I would never put my own face or any other part of my body as avatar ... but hey that's me :)

P.S Nice avatar. Is that a pic from "Girl Fight"?
I like my is me, but it is anonymous at the same time, tells you something about me, and isn't going to offend anyone...
I feel like I've just been time warped.

Dang debbie, where did you find this thread?
Never you mind. *grin*
It was way over there ----------->
But now it's back lol.
My posting was so much more lucid and thought provoking then. I think my brain cells are committing seppuku at an astounding rate.
Never said:
I just read through this all again.. I enjoyed myself.

I did too and it is an interesting enough thread to be bumped again.

Think about your avatar...
Think about not grossing some people out, taste counts folks