Things That Interfere With Writing


Literotica Guru
Sep 21, 2008
I was up late night 'till 03:30 happily writing and checked my email and got back a 130 page edit from my editor. Woo Hoo!
So I thought that I'd get some sleep and check it out in the AM.

After four hours of ZZZZ's I'm up and ready to check the edits, coffee made and compare the Word and Open Office files, (we were comparing the compatibility of the two to work interchangeably)

I opened my current project and thought I'd check the news, Fuck, Washington is at it again! So filled with righteous anger I fired off emails to all my Congress Critters and to the Obama, asking them if they actually thought that their oaths of office required then to do the jobs, or was that just window dressing?

I was livid, incensed, and so filled with adrenalin that I couldn't concentrate on my romance filled with innuendo and titillation.


Fuck another day wasted, and not even a hangover to show for it.:(
I stopped reading newspapers and watching the news. I still read books by reputable experts, but its demoralizing, all the same.

My dogs distract me with the barking and jumping on me. They have boundary issues and know when its meal time. I trained them to stand by the back door if they gotta GO, and that distracts me. It could be worse, my fool son trained his dogs to ring a bell.
I can identify. I'm getting to the point when I know I'm going to write I work off line.

The other day I settled in to finish a story and ended up seein the article on yahoo about the poor girl who was raped at 15 and killed herself 2 years later because the boys who did it had posted pics on face book of the attack(the same facebook that won;t allow women who have had their breasts removed to show off their tattoos covering the scars)

The article talked about how even with the pictures the detectives pretty much blamed her and now she's dead.

I went into a rage e-maildfacebook and told them what cock suckers they were. E-nailed a friend in Canada and asked if they were becoming the new India and finally had to go work the punching bag for a half hour.

So yeah, I have begun to become one of those people that are starting to avoid the headlines if I want to get anything done these days.

Never mind this thing in Boston now (personally I am waiting for Obama to apologize to the people who set off the bombs for all those crazy people who were running down the street and got in the way and then to cancel patriots day) so I am really starting to fall into ignorance is bliss mentality.
I'm hoping today I can just concentrate on my romance.

Surely thinking of a happy titillated 28 year old with soft skin and a willing attitude will be good therapy. :)
Recently it has been sleep. *grumbles* Curse my wretched body and its need for sleep.
us it.

So your mad and can't write the romance...that's okay. set it aside for the rest of the day.

go to a blank page and put all that fire and fury into a different story. Since it's politics that's bothering you write about a politcal reporter...or a insiders story. Use that fire, use that anger, channel it into the story. Get mad as hell and let us feel it in every word.

Writers are driven by passion. That doesn't always mean lust. YOu could end up with the best story you ever wrote just because you were pissed off.
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Working hard, exercising a lot, and being happy interferes with writing. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow instead of lying there thinking about other worlds, and I sleep too well to remember my dreams.
us it.

So your mad and can't write the romance...that's okay. set it aside for the rest of the day.

go to a blank page and put all that fire and fury into a different story. Since it's politics that's bothering you write about a politcal reporter...or a insiders story. Use that fire, use that anger, channel it into the story. Get mad as hell and let us feel it in every word.

Writers are driven by passion. That doesn't always mean lust. YOu could end up with the best story you ever wrote just because you were pissed off.

Yes, I could have but I have to watch my blood pressure, I was getting a head ache thinking about "them".

So I got back to Roberta, thinking about her helpful hardware man and posing naked on the ladder. I'll probably have to trash most of this mornings writing but I feel a lot better.

I have to go mow the lawns now, else the dog will disappear when she goes out. Spring time in La La Land can be most prolific.
Things that interfere with writing.

Spouse or significant other
Housework! Which by the way I love. The only thing I love more than housework is banging my head against the wall until I pass out.
Yard work
SEX, SEX and more SEX! By the way I'd rather be having sex than writing about sex. Of course if I was having sex with a guy I could always write during the downtime between SEX, SEX and more SEX, thank god I'm don't do men, I get to have SEX, SEX and more SEX without any downtime.
Did I mention SEX!:D
Things that interfere with writing.

Spouse or significant other
Housework! Which by the way I love. The only thing I love more than housework is banging my head against the wall until I pass out.
Yard work
SEX, SEX and more SEX! By the way I'd rather be having sex than writing about sex. Of course if I was having sex with a guy I could always write during the downtime between SEX, SEX and more SEX, thank god I'm don't do men, I get to have SEX, SEX and more SEX without any downtime.
Did I mention SEX!:D

Dear Reader
She aint getting any unless its a blowup doll.
Things that interfere with writing.

SEX, SEX and more SEX! By the way I'd rather be having sex than writing about sex. Of course if I was having sex with a guy I could always write during the downtime between SEX, SEX and more SEX, thank god I'm don't do men, I get to have SEX, SEX and more SEX without any downtime.
Did I mention SEX!:D

Yes, I believe you did. But this is a writers site, so you have to add description so we know your motivation?
Things that interfere with writing:

Spending time on Lit and other pursuits.
Yes, I believe you did. But this is a writers site, so you have to add description so we know your motivation?

I'm motivated to have sex. Descriptions, the get down and dirty parts? Or the sucking her toes part?

I must have missed your description of doing that red head! That brings up an interesting thought. Did you suck her toes?
I'm motivated to have sex. Descriptions, the get down and dirty parts? Or the sucking her toes part?

I must have missed your description of doing that red head! That brings up an interesting thought. Did you suck her toes?

Which redhead are you talking about? I might lick a toe, but only on my way up to the sucker parts.

In Horny Springs #6 Les does the redhead for me, he gets a little excited but considering his motivation, it's understandable.
IN #3/4 he does the redhead twice and the blond a couple of time too!
My biggest distraction is my own mind. I'll be writing and writing, and suddenly, I'll get to thinking ahead, to where the story is going. I'll get so far ahead of myself that I get impatient and just quit. In drives me nuts!
My biggest distraction is my own mind. I'll be writing and writing, and suddenly, I'll get to thinking ahead, to where the story is going. I'll get so far ahead of myself that I get impatient and just quit. In drives me nuts!

I know it's a distraction but slow down and just jot down the scenes and then go back and fill them in. It seems to be working for me and I've been dry for a long time for just that reason.

An don't forget to kill a few darlings as the story unfolds, you may not need all those points.:)
Sometimes I open my file, then decide to see what's happening on Facebook. After Candy Crush and a few other diversions I look at the story and think "What the fuck was I going to do with this?" The past two weeks have been this way. I'll have an idea when I am away from my PC and when I go to write it it seems wrong. Some times my dog wants my attention. I haven't written jack shit in over a week and can't seem to light a fire under my ass. I hope that once I have a routine at my new job I'll get my mojo back.
Sometimes I distract myself on the good ol AH.
I'm retired and have a routine that includes LIT. Four oclock in the morning is a good time to drink coffee, answer emails, check FACEBOOK, and upset folks at LIT till the Sun comes up, and I can play outside.

I kinda go with the flow, so to speak. My laid-back style annoys people who are frantic and energized, but I get a lot done my way. I have writing I can do but the impulse to do it isn't there, and I wont force it. Worried people ask, WELL WHEN DO YOU PLAN TO DO IT! And I say, WHEN IT NEEDS TO BE DONE.

In Jim World a distraction is someone at the door or the power going off or the computer acting weird.
I've got ~17K word of a romance since Easter and nobody's even been kissed!

Putting in a Story sure burns up the word count. I'm trying for Mommy Porn.:):)
I know it's a distraction but slow down and just jot down the scenes and then go back and fill them in. It seems to be working for me and I've been dry for a long time for just that reason.

An don't forget to kill a few darlings as the story unfolds, you may not need all those points.:)

It all gets done. It just takes a bit longer than i'd like.
It all gets done. It just takes a bit longer than i'd like.

I find the snappy clever double entender(?) to be the toughest and take the longest to write.
Oh, and did I mention , Sleep?
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