They are reducing my hours at work.


Clearence INFRARED
Sep 11, 2001
Which is good, since I'm kind of high strung. I didn't slam anyone's face into the grill today, but God in Heaven did I want to.
I actually almost swore at a customer today.

In all my years of customer service I have been cussed out and treated pretty shitty but this woman really got to me... I actually cried.

Have your boss call mine. Maybe I can get a vacation

Btw ..........I LOVE LOVE LOVE Your AV!
Thank you. I decided that the people who don't like Wolfwood can go fuck themselves.

Customer service is hard. It's generally not the customers though, since they usually will be out of my life before too long regardless. What gets me are the dumb sacks of cow shit that I have to work with day in and day out.