there's stupid... and then there's jesse watters

But every working person in California isn't going to get a 17% or 25% wage increase.
Eventually, they will. Prices will go up and wages will have to go up. Either that or people are going to skip fast food, which would reduce the amount of trash produced.
ViA Reuters

chart_eikon.jpg're such a joke of a person sometimes're such a joke of a person sometimes
I make a joke out of almost all of your political and economic positions. It's called reality. It's called real inflation caused by Joe Biden printing funny money that has no worth.
They can't use annual inflation because that would make President Joe Biden look good.
Instead, they decide to use "cumulative inflation" (term-to-date) because that's scarier. A perfect example of statistics never lie, but liars use statistics. Kinda like Trump supporters routinely leaving 2020 out of their analyses because it reflects poorly on Trump.
I make a joke out of almost all of your political and economic positions. It's called reality. It's called real inflation caused by Joe Biden printing funny money that has no worth.
You don't know my positions. The majority of the time, I just mock yours.

I know what inflation means.. your histrionics doesn't change that.

You're not actually interested in inflation at just want your political opposition to lose.
The job at $20 per hour (a 25% increase all at once) this labor is overvalued. If the selling price is too high, potential customers may be unwilling to buy the product. As a result, market share can decline. To combat this, technology will be produced and purchased to replace an offending cost center, in this case, the human element. Faced with rising labor costs, businesses will explore automation, robotics, and other technological solutions. These technologies can perform tasks more efficiently, consistently, and without the need for human intervention
Great analysis......
A trip to the grocery store shows the inflation problem very quickly. The same happened under Obama. The secret is that the more money government gives away, the less that currency generally is valuable, so you can buy less with it. Add to that rising costs from riots, "the pandemic," shutdowns, etc. and the average person in America is suffering.
Add to that rising costs from riots, "the pandemic," shutdowns, etc. and the average person in America is suffering.


Yeah, the corrupt orange traitor’s "presidency" reeeeeeeally sucked.

The G. W, Bush "presidency", which included 9/11 and the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression, reeeeeeally sucked as well.

Fortunately, the two Democrat Presidents that inherited the absolute disasters from their predecessors managed to make America better again.


👉 defecation 🤣


Side note:

Russian and Iranian aggression, along with greedflation, (corporate price gouging and profiteering) has contributed a significant amount to the pain “the average person in America is suffering”.


👉 defecation 🤣

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Judging by how you spelled field I’m going to assume that you were the janitor at the university. :ROFLMAO:
And once again, you are wrong.

I guess my left middle finger was faster than my right on that one. *chuckles*
A trip to the grocery store shows the inflation problem very quickly. The same happened under Obama. The secret is that the more money government gives away, the less that currency generally is valuable, so you can buy less with it. Add to that rising costs from riots, "the pandemic," shutdowns, etc. and the average person in America is suffering.

Trump’s record $7 TRILLION addition to the national debt through reckless deficit spending … had no inflationary impact because that’s inconvenient for your simpleminded analysis. 😄

The average American isn’t suffering. The economy is strong and the average person is prospering. Real Americans celebrate the success of our economy.
My grocery prices haven't really changed significantly over the last 5 or 6 years. There have been temporary spikes, but those have mostly gone away. I even got eggs a couple of weeks ago for 99 cents/dzn. Milk is in the $3 range, variable. I still get boneless, skinless chicken breasts and thighs in the $2/lb range and pork chops about the same. I rarely buy beef, but when I do it isn't any higher than I recall from the past.
You don't know my positions. The majority of the time, I just mock yours.
Most of the time you don't have any. You just stop by to post ignorant shit on subjects you're too lazy to educate yourself about.
Most of the time you don't have any.
I have a position every time. I think you'd be shocked to find some even align with yours.

You just stop by to post ignorant shit on subjects you're too lazy to educate yourself about.
I mock stupidity often. The majority of posts on culture or policy on this forum are histrionic with many being absolutely ridiculous. Me pointing that out does not require a position stance.
I have a position every time. I think you'd be shocked to find some even align with yours.

I mock stupidity often. The majority of posts on culture or policy on this forum are histrionic with many being absolutely ridiculous. Me pointing that out does not require a position stance.
In sure you have a position of some kind. Which, btw, I'll be having fries with that!

She practices in the mirror!
In sure you have a position of some kind. Which, btw, I'll be having fries with that!

She practices in the mirror!
I have a position on all politics, as I've mentioned. None rise to the level of hysterics demonstrated by most thread starters here.

For example - none of my policy interests require a new thread of discussion every time they come to mind.
I have a position on all politics, as I've mentioned. None rise to the level of hysterics demonstrated by most thread starters here.

For example - none of my policy interests require a new thread of discussion every time they come to mind.
Don't feel bad, you're a tremendous slouch
This thread's gone astray of the topic I think.

The point is Jesse waters doesn't think fast food workers deserve an increase in pay. Because they don't work that hard...not like someone who sits in front of a camera and reads off a teleprompter does for a living obviously 🙄.