there's no shortage of teachers...they just don't want to be teachers anymore and who can blame them?


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
We used to ask teachers only to work long hours, discipline the children parents failed to parent, coach a team, head a committee, run the bake sale and carve pieces off a meager salary to buy school supplies.

In the past two years, America also has suggested they carry guns to protect kids, risk their health to go into classrooms of unmasked children at the height of the pandemic, endure preposterous culture wars over curriculum that question their experience and education, all while withstanding shrill and unfounded accusations of “grooming” children for sexual purposes.

seriously, when a work environment becomes that toxic, that dangerous, is it any wonder so many teachers are giving up on a profession they may have spent decades in?
In before teachers are denegrated by the right assholes.
Compensation was among the reasons American Federation of Teachers members said they were dissatisfied with their jobs, according to the union’s June survey. Seventy-five percent of the teachers surveyed said their jobs changed for the worse, with 29 percent of them saying that was due to pay.
But the number of teachers who reported at least some level of dissatisfaction with their jobs rose 33 points since 2020, “two years marked by relentless political attacks, persistent shortages, school shootings and flatlining salaries,” according to the union.

“AFT members were on the frontlines of the first wave of the pandemic, but in many ways the last year was even harder,” AFT President Randi Weingarten said in a statement about the survey. “Whether it was mask wars, culture wars, the war on truth, or the devastation in Uvalde, members sacrificed and struggled and carried their schools and their students through the most difficult days of their lives.”
No I don't blame teachers for walking off. The gun nuts are responsible for this. Teachers' jobs were tough enough before gun nuts decided that the answer to too much access to weapons of war should be answered by providing teachers weapons of war and making them responsible for keeping themselves and the children in their care alive.

This is all the responsibility of idiotic gun nuts. I'd suggest they go into the classroom and teach themselves, except that. putting them all together doesn't provide a single working brain among them.
Any teachers post here?

Curious what this discussion is without a teacher to chime in.

My wife teaches in NYC and makes over 6 figures.

I guess low taxes in Shitfuck, USA and working 180 days a year doesn’t calculate.

Also it’s like school shootings happen daily in every state in the union every single day.

You people really are fucking morons.
Any teachers post here?

Curious what this discussion is without a teacher to chime in.

My wife teaches in NYC and makes over 6 figures.

I guess low taxes in Shitfuck, USA and working 180 days a year doesn’t calculate.

Also it’s like school shootings happen daily in every state in the union every single day.

You people really are fucking morons.
Your wife doesn't make 6 figures at a public school on this planet.
Would not deal with a room full of feral brats for a seven figure salary.
Your wife doesn't make 6 figures at a public school on this planet.
There are some teachers who make 6 figures. They’re usually at the top of the pay scale or have an advanced degree. However, that’s not a fair representation of teachers nationwide. And in a place like NYC a single person making 6 figures may still not be able to buy a home in the city.
My wife has 30 above her masters and is an ESL specialist. You guys have the internet at our fingertips. Do your research and lemme know how that works for you.
Teachers in my town and it most towns in lower westchester county make 150k on average so you guys again don’t know what hell you’re talking about
Compensation is a major factor in some areas. Many teachers in CA can’t afford housing prices so they leave the profession or move to lower cost areas.
There are some teachers who make 6 figures. They’re usually at the top of the pay scale or have an advanced degree. However, that’s not a fair representation of teachers nationwide. And in a place like NYC a single person making 6 figures may still not be able to buy a home in the city.
I'd like to talk to a public school teacher making 6 figures in NYC.
Teachers in my town and it most towns in lower westchester county make 150k on average so you guys again don’t know what hell you’re talking about
The average teachers wage for NY is $87,069, the average teachers wage in the US is $64,123.00. So what you are posting is possible for one school,with high seniority teachers. After all to have an average, you need wages both above,and below...

My niece quit teaching not due to the money, as she said when I asked her why ,"they can't pay me enough for the bullshit I have to put up with" ( Connecticut in case you want to know the state).
The average teachers wage for NY is $87,069, the average teachers wage in the US is $64,123.00. So what you are posting is possible for one school,with high seniority teachers. After all to have an average, you need wages both above,and below...

My niece quit teaching not due to the money, as she said when I asked her why ,"they can't pay me enough for the bullshit I have to put up with" ( Connecticut in case you want to know the state).
I know plenty of teachers who work countless hours, spend tons of their own money on school supplies and make what I made in entry level IT. That doesn't even count the interactions with parents and kids before, during and after school
I’m surprised to hear that about Connecticut but it’s not likely Greenwich or Riverside or those areas. Again state averages don’t tell the whole story.
I know plenty of teachers who work countless hours, spend tons of their own money on school supplies and make what I made in entry level IT. That doesn't even count the interactions with parents and kids before, during and after school
and anyone who imagines the average teacher only works on days school's in session is deluded... there are classes to plan and work to mark, activities to schedule and parents to deal with
I was a substitute teacher one year. Great money. No prep. Show up...teach the lessons given to me. Hardest job I ever held. The disrespect was horrible. On both sides....from the students...from fellow staff...from the administration. It got to the point I only taught kids up through 6th grade. Fuck the rest of wasn't worth the risk of being hurt.
Average Primary School Teacher Salary
Avg. Base Salary (USD): $45,273
Base Salary
$31k - $71k
$99 - $7k
Total Pay
$25k - $67k

Primary School Teacher Salary | PayScale

nottttttttttttt seeing a whole lot of 6-figure salaries here

The national average starting teacher salary is $38,617, while the average teacher salary in America (non-starting) is $58,950.

Montana has the lowest starting salary: $30,036, while D.C. has the highest starting salary: $51,359. New York has the highest average teacher salary: $79,637 and South Dakota has the lowest: $42,668.
links to table charting all 50 states

Nah I’m good. My fault for even posting. I have to remember if you morons can’t find the info on Google it may as well not exist.