Tallahassee Classical School board pressured Principal Hope Carrasquilla to resign last week after an image of the David was shown to sixth-graders


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
Carrasquilla believes the board targeted her after three parents complained because they weren’t notified in advance that a nude image would be shown, while a third called the iconic statue, which is considered the height of Renaissance sculpture, pornographic. The school has a policy requiring parents to be notified in advance about “controversial” topics being taught.
pressured to resign because 3 ignorant, uptight parents complained. What would they choose to ban next? images of Venus? Images of some of the greatest works of art on canvas (or ceilings) ever painted? It's fucking ludicrous. Fortunately, more parents aren't as dumbarse:
On Monday night in Tallahassee, a large crowd showed up for a school board meeting with public comment on the issue of the David statue controversy lasting over an hour, the Tallahassee Democrat reported. Some parents and teachers criticized the board and even asked chairman Barney Bishop to step aside.
he declined to resign. It's a charter school and " follows a curriculum designed by Hillsdale College, a conservative Christian school in Michigan frequently consulted by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on educational issues."
The five trustees are elected by themselves, not the parents, and serve three-year-terms.

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funded by taxpayers, but the board's unaccountable to them and are self-elected. wthf?