There were six frogs sitting on lily pads...

*bratcat* said:
One decided to jump off. How many were left?

Okay, I'll bite. Mathematically speaking, if there were 6 frogs sitting on lily pads and one jumped off, there would be 5 frogs sitting on lily pads.

Philisophically speaking, there are still 6 frogs, however.

Sophomorically speaking, the frogs may play follow the leader (either because they're playful or because the first frog had a very good reason for jumping), in which case, there would be zero frogs remaining on the lily pads.

How'd I do?
Bratcat, I wouldn't dare to reply if there were an answer. However, I know the question is one about personal responsibility and whistle-blowing. It is obviously so.
your lunch must have been interesting and reminds me of the child who stood up at table in the aristocratic household where he was visiting his school friends and politely asked the mum, "Madame, may I blow?"
The mother, believeing he wanted to go off home, said, "Certainly", whereupon the kid farted loudly.

This is the equivalent of the frog jumping off the lily pad, in as much as he set off a chain reaction and upset the boat, as it were.

I could go on and on with crap here... what's the answer?
Re: Re: Re: There were six frogs sitting on lily pads...

*bratcat* said:
You did pretty well..why did you answer the way you did??

I didn't know this was an essay question.

I assumed that you weren't looking for the obvous "6-1 = 5" answer, so I got more creative. The "none" answer is the next most obvious, but is reminiscent of the "crows on a clothesline" riddle from 3rd grade. The "all of them" answer is, literally, the most correct, unless the one frog jumped to his doom.

In short, I wanted to cover all of my bases, since I wasn't exactly sure what you were asking.
Creative Raw, though not the lesson to be learned from this particular riddle. It's a moral story really, and the "How many are left" does relate to sitting on the lilly pads.
I'mVan said:
Creative Raw, though not the lesson to be learned from this particular riddle. It's a moral story really, and the "How many are left" does relate to sitting on the lilly pads.

So, what's the "right" answer?
OK Brat, I'm gonna spoil it now. I think it's been long enough.

The point is, decision does not equal action. You and a frog can decide untill the cows come home, untill you start actually doing nothing changes.

There are still 6 frogs on the lilly pads.
In there own sweet time my dear ;)

There was an ad on TV back home, a farmers point of view on Daylight Savings. The cows always come in for milking when the sun comes up, the comment was "There's only one alarm colck around here, and you can't change it."
*bratcat* said:
Point taken, my dear. :kiss:

:p I was just going to say untill they decide to get off, but you know someone would have thrown a quote in my face :rolleyes: *chuckle*