The witch and the prince


Literotica Guru
Jun 2, 2011
HottieKatie & LucianDevine

The witch and the prince

She had done everything for him. Everything he had, it was because of her. And yet he hadn't held his part of the deal.

All that Ginnievre had asked the King for all of the wealth and family he had got from her was his first child born on his twentieth birthday. But a year had gone without her getting any news from the King. So Ginnievre decided to go and fetch her prize for herself, on the 21st birthday of the boy, well, now really more a man.

As she made the journey from her far away castle, she took a good look at her magic's results. Well-grown crops, lands beyond reach for an unbeatable army, beautiful lady peasants for the King's men and his own pleasure... And, her most precious gift: seven, and another one coming, sons and daughters from an almost infertile queen. So, why would he need to keep the only thing she had asked him for? Hadn't he enough children to spare one for her?


As she got near the big dinning room, she could hear the party going on. She was sad to spoil the young man's party, but on that day his father was breaking his deal with her. And she had to claim for what was hers.

"Good afternoon, dear ladies and gentlemen."

As she approached the King, she could see the fear in his eyes. Either he had forgotten or he had thought she would forget.

"Mylord. You have something that belongs to me" she said approaching his ear. "I don't want to ruin this party you have so beautifully prepared. I'll be waiting for you in the violet garden."

She was going to leave but before that, she added a little warning to her message.

"I hope you don't make me wait for too long"

And thus Ginnievre left the room, as the King ordered the people to keep celebrating.

Ginnievre went to the garden, and sat on a bench surrounded by light purple lilies. That was where she and the King used to meet when their little deal had begun, and the King would ask Ginn for, probably, too many things.
King Hector was filled with joy watching the table full of his family and friends enjoy the celebration of his eldest son's twenty-first birthday. He naturally sat at the head of the table with his beautiful wife, who was pregnant with their eighth child. He watched as his son, the true fruit of his loins in every way, opened the presents that had been brought for him, ate and drank heartily, and of course enjoyed the attentions of many of the young ladies of the court.

The party couldn't have been going any better, that was until the large double doors before him opened, and he saw a sight that he'd been dreading for the entirety of this year, Ginnievre. The greeting she gave to the gathering was a cheerful one, but the words she saved for him were anything but. He'd of course remembered what he'd promised her, and he'd expected that she'd come to lay claim to what he owed her on the exact day their verbal contract came due. When she didn't though, he tried to let himself forget about it, praying that she'd perhaps died, and that the magic would be an everlasting blessing to his household. Her presence here, combined with her words, told a different story.

Hector waited until Ginnievre turned from him before clearing his throat and rising to his feet. "I do hope you will forgive me my friends, for there is a matter to which I must attend. I do hope you will all try to celebrate a little more for me in my absence though, and that my lovely wife Emily will entertain you as well." When he finished speaking, Hector took his wife's hand and lifted it to his lips, pressing a kiss to her fingertips as he met her gaze, wishing he would have the words for her when the time came.

It took Hector a moment to compose himself after he left the party. He had not been looking forward to this meeting, and the sight of Ginnievre had taken any semblance of confidence from him. Still, he forced himself to head towards the garden, and the moment he pushed the doors open, he saw her sitting on the bench where they'd sat and negotiated their deal so very many years ago.

"It's been a long time Ginn..." Hector said as he approached her. He knew that he should sit, but he almost feared to do so, wondering what sort of retribution she might have for him.
"It has, indeed", she replied, placing a hand by her side, inviting him to sit down.

"I hope time hasn't made you forget the only requirement of our deal, Hector", she continued.

Looking at his face, she could tell he hadn't. He was sad and afraid, knowing that soon he would lose his first son forever.

"I see", she started. "I know it's hard, Hector, but you knew, all the time, that you would have to let him go. You should have become so fond of him. I guess you haven't told him, or your beautiful wife, anything about his future. You should have. But I'm a nice person. I sure am. So here's what we are going to do."

Ginn got up, she wanted to be in a higher position, to show Hector she was still in charge, although she was going to offer some freedom to him.

"You have a week. Seven days, and not one more. In this seven days you will prepare everyone to fulfil my request. If on the seventh day you boy is not at my castle, you can expect a huge wave of disasters in your reign. And don't try to fool me, or kill me. Nothing will do. Just get your soon at my door in seven days."

She started leaving, but two steps away she turned back.

"If by some chance he comes to me before the seventh day, I'll let you meet him again in some time, and I assure you he'll be completely fine. So, get up and hurry. The sooner you send him to me, the more likely you'll see him again"

Ginn started leaving again, this time not to turn back.

"And don't try to escape, Hector... You know well what I'm capable of", she finished without looking at him.

With a turn of her wrist, she made all the flowers around Hector die. That would teach him a lesson.

She didn't want to be that malevolent, but she hated when people tried to deceive her. She didn't ask for much for her favours, so the least people could do was complete what they were asked to do in exchange.
Hearing Ginn speak once more did little to calm Hector's nerves, and the pat of her hand on the seat beside her only made things worse. It was the kind of thing that only the person in a superior position did, and he was the king. Nobody was supposed to do that, not in reference to him. Ginn wasn't just anybody though, and it was the little things she did and said that constantly reminded him of that. So, with a hard swallow of his pride, and a very stiff back, Hector did as she bade, and sat beside her.

Ginn's next statement only served to make things even harder for Hector. He'd known well enough why she was here. To hear her put it so plainly though, only served to make him feel that much worse about it. He did open his mouth to respond, but her words cut him off, another thing that he was not used to as a king.

Of all the things Ginn did though, things that nobody else was allowed to do, it was her standing and looking down at him that he hated the most. He hated knowing that she could do it, would do it, and enjoyed doing it. He forced his gaze to lift and meet hers as she offered him the small extension that was one week. He listened to her words and bowed his head, nodding, silently accepting her terms, even as she turned and started to walk away.

Hector's head lifted when Ginn stopped, but the heart that had also lifted dropped when he heard her warning. The threat that came next also didn't help matters. He'd seen the wave of her hand, and it was with true sadness that he turned to see all the flowers, painstakingly grown and cared for, all wither and die before his very eyes. His head lowered once more as he tried to brace himself for what he had to do. It would indeed be a very long time though, before he could force himself to stand and prepare for the truly sad task at hand.


A sea of emotions flooded Hector's body when Ginn's castle came into view. His gaze turned once more towards his son, riding as far from him as the armed escort would allow.

The process of convincing had actually been shorter than Hector had anticipated. It had only taken that first night and an additional day to convince her that sending their son to Ginn was in fact for the best. All he'd really had to do was explain to her what Ginn would do and show her the violet garden, and she'd agreed, albeit reluctantly.

It was the task of convincing his son, Zeke that had taken most of the rest of the allotted time. Ginn had given him a week, and they were preparing to arrive at her castle on the last available day.

Hector had gone back and forth with Zeke, trying to get him to understand why he'd done what he'd done, and that despite it all, he was truly sad now for having to do this. Zeke had not taken to it so easily though, and after the first discussion almost turned violent, Hector had taken to bringing four members of the house guard, armed and ready, to each of the subsequent discussions.

Despite everything Hector wanted to believe though, in the end, he couldn't truly fault Zeke for feeling the way he did. He knew that he would probably be feeling the same way if the positions were reversed. He'd actually been genuinely surprised when Zeke had finally conceded the point on the last possible day they had to leave, lest they be late. He'd asked the young man what had changed his mind, but from that point on, Zeke hadn't said another word to his father. The ride had been a long and miserable one, and Zeke's stoic silence only added to that misery.


Even when the large portcullis of Ginn'a castle opened before them, Zeke still hadn't said a word or even looked at his father. The subsequent ride to the castle proper was short, and over far too quickly. Almost before Hector realized it, they were there, and they were all dismounting and approaching the large double doors that remained closed. A guard stood at the ready, clearly waiting for them. As they approached, he stepped forward and spoke.

"This is as far as you are permitted to come highness."

Hector swallowed hard at those words, but nodded curtly. He turned towards his son and uttered a single word. "Zeke..."

"Don't even think about it." Zeke said with vicious suddenness, turning his deep blue gaze towards his father for the first time. "I will never forgive you for this, and as far as I'm concerned, you're dead to me."

The look on Hector's face as Zeke spoke those words was exactly what Zeke had been hoping for. It didn't make up for what was about to happen, but it certainly helped. he took a step towards the large doors, watching as they opened before him and his father turned away. It was then that he acted, doing exactly what he'd been planning and thinking about ever since he'd first agreed to come.

"Father." Zeke said, turning his head to watch his father, who'd turned to walk back towards his horse, turn to face him once more. In that instant, Zeke acted, lifting his leg to pull a dagger from his boot and turning quickly. His arm surged forward and uncoiled like a snake, loosing the dagger before anybody had a chance to stop him. Hector's cry of pain as the dagger sunk into his flesh, just below his shoulder was the only sound that pierced the air. The armed escort surged into motion, surrounding their injured king, for he was only wounded. Zeke hadn't wanted to kill the man, only make him suffer. As the escort helped Hector regain his balance, Zeke met his father's gaze, which was as deep blue as his own, and spoke.

"What I do, I do for the innocent people of your kingdom, the people who would suffer if I declined. I meant what I said before. You are dead to me, and I hope you rot in hell for what you've done."

After he spoke, Zeke held his father's gaze for just a few more seconds, ensuring that there was no confusion as to the truth of his words before he turned and headed through the large double doors. He heard them close behind him, but paid little attention to them as he followed the guard towards a fate that he couldn't even fathom.
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Ginn was somehow expecting Hector not to send his son to her. It would have been nice to be able to spread her power and show the world what she was capable of. So she was a little disappointed when she saw Zeke walking into her castle's path. He was handsome, of course, so it made up for it. She was going to have so much fun with her new young toy...

In the distance, he looked fierce and wild. She might have to tame him, such a wonderful task. Soon he would learn to be obedient partner she wanted him to be.

She left the tower room and started going downstairs to meet her guest. On her way down she stopped for a moment before one of the multiple mirrors she had filling the corridors to admire her beauty. Her white soft skin. Who would have guessed it was all wrinkled and dark just some hours before... But her magic was so powerful and her knowledge of the world so vast that nothing could stop her from being as beautiful as she wanted to be.

When she reached the parlour Zeke was already there.

"Welcome, my prince", she said as he turned around to meet her.

"I understand this hasn't been an easy decision for you, but let me tell you that you are such a lucky boy for being able to be here with me." She didn't want him to be uncomfortable from the beginning, although she knew it would be hard.

She was thought to be a cruel woman, which she always thought was an unlucky guess. She was only wicked to people who messed with her. Otherwise, she was always eager to make people happy, it gave her an opportunity to try her powers. but it was not her fault if people didn't want to give her what she wanted in return for her favours, people aimed too high when asking for things. Her magic was not a cheap trick, and she wanted to be rewarded what she deserved.

Ginn grabbed Zeke's arm and led him up the stairs.

"You must be tired after the trip. I've arranged for your chambers to be as comfortable as possible. Should you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask my people for anything you may want."

She stopped in front of a mahogany door.

"This will be your room from now on. I'm sure you'll like it. My servants will bring you any food you should need. I will see you in the morning."

She left him there and went upstairs to the third floor. It was part of the magic, he needed to get inside on his own, that way he'd find the room exactly to his liking. Once he touched the door, the inside would change and become whatever he might find agreeable.
It wasn't that late, but the magic she had cast upon herself that afternoon had tired her a lot, so she retired to her own room. She hadn't told him about the forbidden places in the castle, but she was sure he wouldn't dare to leave his room and wander around the castle that first night. He would now better than that.