The wealthiest and most successful people in our society...


Literotica's Anti-Hero
Jan 5, 2006
The wealthiest and most successful people in our society are the most educated and the most intelligent.

Obviously, only an extremely tiny handful of people have the intelligence and aptitude to reach the heights of society. This explains the enormous gap between the rich and poor.

This is a philosophy known as "social darwinism".
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Iam wealthy.
I am successful.
Add to that, I am awesome and sexy and sensual.
You are but a dirt clod on my boot.
Deal with it.
I am smarter than the person beside me
I am richer than the person in front of me
I am an intelligent person
I am a rich person
I have sense
I have had a long wonderful life

What I don't have is patience with dolts and dimwits, liars and thieves, politicians and fanatics.
I am smarter than the person beside me
I am richer than the person in front of me
I am an intelligent person
I am a rich person
I have sense
I have had a long wonderful life

What I don't have is patience with dolts and dimwits, liars and thieves, politicians and fanatics.

* seconded.
* carried.
Do you seriously have a program, that just recycles your topics over & over?
How many doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists, and businesspeople do you know of who have IQ's below 100?

Anyway, here is some more information about the proven theory of social darwinism.

I know several in those categories who couldn't even spell social Darwinism (the upper case is mandatory), still less enunciate it.

But then, I rarely let them aboard my yacht anyway.
Rush Limbaugh dropped out of a non elite university after failing each of his courses two semesters in a row.
Rush Limbaugh dropped out of a non elite university after failing each of his courses two semesters in a row.

He is a radio show host.

That does not require a college education or any real level of intelligence.