The usefulness of the word 'cunting'...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
If I said that someone was a big prick, that would be understood as a form of insult.

If I said someone was a big penis ('was' not 'has' for all you 18 year olds out there, oh and Problem miles of course), that would be considered daft.


If I said that someone was a cunting penis, that elevates the insult into the higher stratosphere...

Cunting, what a beautiful, beautiful word...

p_p_man said:
If I said that someone was a big prick, that would be understood as a form of insult.

If I said someone was a big penis ('was' not 'has' for all you 18 year olds out there, oh and Problem miles of course), that would be considered daft.


If I said that someone was a cunting penis, that elevates the insult into the higher stratosphere...

Cunting, what a beautiful, beautiful word...


This officially in, from our news desk:

No one cares.
what if i call hanns a cunting cunt?

aside from being the truth, would it make sense?
Sorry pp. Cunting wasn't funny until PC used it.

You do know all "your" best work isn't actually yours right? I mean, you do know you're only funny when someone is mocking you right?

Silly fodder.
QuickDuck said:
what if i call hanns a cunting cunt?

aside from being the truth, would it make sense?

But of course...


sunstruck said:
Sorry pp. Cunting wasn't funny until PC used it.

You do know all "your" best work isn't actually yours right? I mean, you do know you're only funny when someone is mocking you right?

Silly fodder.

Hehe. Spot on. The cunting fuckle cunty fucker would be nothing without me.

Silly git.
sunstruck said:
Sorry pp. Cunting wasn't funny until PC used it.

You do know all "your" best work isn't actually yours right? I mean, you do know you're only funny when someone is mocking you right?

Silly fodder.

Look back past 18 months ago when I used the word for the first time and there was a major debate about whether it existed or not. I actually quoted it from the book (remember those) 'The Exorcist'...

But I suppose being an American you have to claim one of your own used it first. Normally I wouldn't mind and just let it go, but Problem Child hasn't had an original thought in his posts since I first became aware of him.

Which was just after I realised he was miles' clone - or vice verce...

p_p_man said:
But I suppose being an American you have to claim one of your own used it first.

Riiiiight. American's are famous for that. Not the British. Noooo.
p_p_man said:
Look back past 18 months ago when I used the word for the first time and there was a major debate about whether it existed or not. I actually quoted it from the book (remember those) 'The Exorcist'...

But I suppose being an American you have to claim one of your own used it first. Normally I wouldn't mind and just let it go, but Problem Child hasn't had an original thought in his posts since I first became aware of him.

Which was just after I realised he was miles' clone - or vice verce...


Now you're actually arguing about the word "cunting". What a dope.

Do schoolchildren laugh at you on a regular basis?

Do dogs randomly walk up and piss on your leg?

Do you ever wonder why?
Problem Child said:
Now you're actually arguing about the word "cunting". What a dope.

Do schoolchildren laugh at you on a regular basis?

Do dogs randomly walk up and piss on your leg?

Do you ever wonder why?

Hey, my integrity's at stake here...

Us Brits are born with it, you Yanks have to buy it...

a cunting we will go
a cunting we will go
hi ho da merry o
a cunting we will go!
p_p_man said:
Hey, my integrity's at stake here...

Us Brits are born with it, you Yanks have to buy it...


So what is it you a Brit or a Yank?

Or does your nationality depend on what's being served at Happy Hour?
pp_man loves the abuse and humiliation, and we are feeding his fetish.

Can there be any other explanation? Wouldn't any normal person have left by now?

Think about it.
miles said:
I truly believe he gets off on the humiliation.

I wouldn't be suprised if he has a door rigged so that everytime he opens it, it punches him in the face.