The unfairness of being Banned for voicing your oppinion!


Really Really Experienced
Oct 20, 2002
Hello everyone! I decided to start a new thread. I think the title is self explanatory. Feel free to come and voice your oppinions about the subject. I have supposedly been banned (for life) from lit chat. I was never told that I was banned for life from lit. Nor was I told as to why. Not sure if any of you know but some do, this is a site that supports the free speech coalition. Hmmmm, now how about that. Well, on Monday as I entered the tub...a comment was made by a cm towards me. She said..."toodles y'all, the trash truck just pulled into lit." I replied with (when she left) no, the trash truck just left. Then on Tuesday, as i entered the lounge..again..not having had time to say anything or even slow the scroll down..another snide remark..."yippee"..I said, yeah..yippee, isn't it a wonderful day? and the reply back was "oh owl, it is always wonderful when you are here" after she had gone..i said to myself in the room....phewww, breathing easier that the stench is gone *fanning air* Yeah, maybe that was a low blow...but mind you, this cm has made remarks to or about me for a long time...i chose to ignore them all and just went to the tub...enough is enough...blew my gasket and deciding this time I am gonna give a remark right back. Well, this other cm who happened to be invisible pulled the ban switch. This person was not able to be seen because of the invisibility. Not to mention after being angered about the comments that had nothing to do with him....he bans me. Just want to let everyone know how the cms are not really playing by their own rules which has over a short time been changed to whatever THEY want them to be. In my oppinion...if the cms truly want everyones respect..then i think they should respect the users too. It is a two way street. Well, i will go. I truly hope that someone reads this and replies. Y'all take care now..hugggggggggggggggs and kisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssses
my question is this...

how come there are so many complaints about the chat if none of the cm's are never doing anything wrong?
Sounds like some weeding out needs to be done. Abuse of power sucks.
Johnny Mayberry said:
I'm staying out of this, before I get banned from a chat I don't even know exists....


I am probably already banned..

oops :p
I tried out chat once. They banned me before an hour was up.
Not all the mods are bad. However, a few enjoy swaggering around and banning people for the fun of it.

Abuse of power is always unfortunate, especially on a site like Lit.
~OWLIE~ said:
Hello everyone! I decided to start a new thread. I think the title is self explanatory. Feel free to come and voice your oppinions about the subject. I have supposedly been banned (for life) from lit chat. I was never told that I was banned for life from lit. Nor was I told as to why. Not sure if any of you know but some do, this is a site that supports the free speech coalition. Hmmmm, now how about that. Well, on Monday as I entered the tub...a comment was made by a cm towards me. She said..."toodles y'all, the trash truck just pulled into lit." I replied with (when she left) no, the trash truck just left. Then on Tuesday, as i entered the lounge..again..not having had time to say anything or even slow the scroll down..another snide remark..."yippee"..I said, yeah..yippee, isn't it a wonderful day? and the reply back was "oh owl, it is always wonderful when you are here" after she had gone..i said to myself in the room....phewww, breathing easier that the stench is gone *fanning air* Yeah, maybe that was a low blow...but mind you, this cm has made remarks to or about me for a long time...i chose to ignore them all and just went to the tub...enough is enough...blew my gasket and deciding this time I am gonna give a remark right back. Well, this other cm who happened to be invisible pulled the ban switch. This person was not able to be seen because of the invisibility. Not to mention after being angered about the comments that had nothing to do with him....he bans me. Just want to let everyone know how the cms are not really playing by their own rules which has over a short time been changed to whatever THEY want them to be. In my oppinion...if the cms truly want everyones respect..then i think they should respect the users too. It is a two way street. Well, i will go. I truly hope that someone reads this and replies. Y'all take care now..hugggggggggggggggs and kisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssses

cms? mods? Good God...

are these things registered with the authorities?

Do we know who they really are? Or where they come from?

Do they have WMD? Now we know they're there we should get them "dead or alive"...

Hey, what was the name of the cm that banned you anyway?
Glad to see some comments there. No, not all the cms are bad...there are a few I do like. Keep them coming. Night all!:) :kiss:

The one that banned me had a handle that began with an M. I went out and wrote a story about her being anally raped by a gorrila before I chopped her into pieces and ate her.

You should try that. It will make you feel better.
Never said:

The one that banned me had a handle that began with an M. I went out and wrote a story about her being anally raped by a gorrila before I chopped her into pieces and ate her.

You should try that. It will make you feel better.

I am seeing "go to your happy place" in a whole new light.
Re: cms? mods? Good God...

p_p_man said:
are these things registered with the authorities?

Do we know who they really are? Or where they come from?

Do they have WMD? Now we know they're there we should get them "dead or alive"...


I am thinking like you are p_p_man... this is a black conspiracy. I feel it.

I did the chat thingy once... not for me, thanks.
"I am seeing "go to your happy place" in a whole new light."

I’m a writer and being incensed is wonderful inspiration. It would have been a shame to bottle those emotions up and pretend I was happy.
Nevr, I'd never ban you

I'm still hazy why you are banned, but its a world away from the litboards.... ~OWLIE~
I was in Lit chat once. I think it was my yearly trip over there. So I log in and am looking around. It's not too busy, so I'm looking over the controls. And get asked how old I am. I think "Great, someone's hitting on me already." Glib answer. And get asked again. Another smart answer. Next thing I know, I'm out of chat. *blink* What the fuck just happened? I figure some sort of glitch. Back in. Same question. Smart answer. *poof* Out on my ass. Now I'm mad. Turns out it was a CM booting me for not answering quick enough and without the smark remarks. How the fuck am I to know who they are unless they are marked somehow?

And I got another one doing the private message thingy they have over there, accusing me of saying nasty things about the first CM. :rolleyes: Whatthefuckever. Who needs that kind of shit?

So in conclusion, I think there is some truth to abuse of power over there. But I wouldn't go there if you paid me.
As I believe is stated on the log in page, April, the chat moderators' names appear in blue on your screen.

And, as I believe is also stated on the log in page, if you don't answer them with regard to your age, you will be booted.

Too many minors try to use the chat option, and that can get the site shut down. So if your name or profile at all implies that you could be underage, or that you are interested in people who are underage, you will be booted.

Generally names with numbers under 18 are suspect. If you logged in as "April14" for instance, that could indicate your age.
But when was this color thing done? I'm sure it wasn't like that about a year ago.

Maybe, maybe not. I felt I wasn't given a chance to understand what was going on. Never was I told that the person asking me questions was a CM. I resent being treated rudely.