The Unexpected Song


I Am Little Spoon
Aug 10, 2002
Yes, Eumie's been at it again. Getting bored and making threads that no one will get. What is this one about, you might ask?

Well...since you asked so nicely, I will tell you. I was listening to a little Bernadette because she does a soul good, and came across a song I had forgotten about. It's called the unexpected song. And it is about someone coming into your life and being like an unexpected song on the radio: it just fits, it's beautiful, and you don't think that at that moment you're worthy of having it bestowed upon your ears. (Or is it bestown...nah, can't be.)

Anyone have an unexpected song like person in their lives? It doesn't have to be a love, even though that's what the song is about...just someone who fits the description. A happy accident, if you will.

I swear, I'm sober.
You are making perfect sense.

I recently went back to work as a preschool teacher after a two year break. Each and every child in that classroom has touched me like a song. Each one has his/her own unique tune that catches me off guard and touches my heart.

There is someone else who is my unexpected song on a grand scale. The most wonderful, happy, surprise having this person enter my life.
yes, and we are well comforted by the fact

Edit: And some are children, that can always make you smile