The Ultimate Conspiracy...

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
This a listing of Communist goals for the conquest of the United States as taken from The Federal Register, January 10, 1963. Check and see the progress they have made towards these goals today.

The Communist Manifesto

Create an attitude on the part of the American people where they would be willing to capitulate with Communism, rather than engage in warfare - particularly nuclear warfare.

Develop the illusion that total disarmament of the United States would be a demonstration of our moral strength.

Provide American economic aid to all nations worldwide, regardless of Communist domination.

Grant recognition of Red China. Support the admission of Red China to the United Nations and withdraw support for Taiwan.

Do away with loyalty oaths.

Continue giving the Soviets access to the US Patent Office, and supply the Communists with technology that was developed by Americans.

Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum and shift attention away from education which would develop intellect and high moral character. Put the Party Line in school textbooks.

Get control of the teacher's associations and gain control of all student newspapers.

Use student riots to forment public protest against programs and organizations which are under Communist attack.

Infiltrate the press. Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, and policy making positions.

Gain control of key positions in radio, television, motion pictures, and newspapers.

Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of a free press and free speech.

Infiltrate the churches and replace revered religion with the "social gospel".

Eliminate prayer and every type of religious expression in the schools.

Use "Mental Health" laws as a means of gaining coercive control over anyone opposing these goals.

How many could you find actively being pursued/accomplished in your country?

The ultimate conspiracy theory to those that have supported the agenda.

Come on defenders of this trash, offer your excuses. :D
Lost Cause said:
This a listing of Communist goals for the conquest of the United States as taken from The Federal Register, January 10, 1963. Check and see the progress they have made towards these goals today.

The Communist Manifesto

How many could you find actively being pursued/accomplished in your country?

The ultimate conspiracy theory to those that have supported the agenda.

Come on defenders of this trash, offer your excuses. :D

OK I'll bite...

How many have been achieved then?


Look around your country, since these rules are generic to the basic idea. You have to guess which 14 I'm talking about that are absolutely done, or in the works. :D
Re: 14....

Lost Cause said:
Look around your country, since these rules are generic to the basic idea.

What do you think I am? A UN Inspector?

You tell me which ones they are and I'll conform or otherwise...


Now, why is Communism bad again? Not 'why was the USSR an evil empire?" but why are Communism's principles seen as being so evil. Unworkable, granted, but evil?
Johnny Mayberry said:
Now, why is Communism bad again? Not 'why was the USSR an evil empire?" but why are Communism's principles seen as being so evil. Unworkable, granted, but evil?

Evil because it was a collectivist regime, a concept you will not understand I am sure.
A Desert Rose said:
Evil because it was a collectivist regime, a concept you will not understand I am sure. missed the point. I am not looking for a reflexive "Communist=evil" response, and I don't want to hear about the Soviets. Pretend that none of that ever happened, ad tell me why the IDEA of communism is bad. Communism doesn't have to be a dictatorship: people could very well vote for communism.
Johnny Mayberry said:
Communism doesn't have to be a dictatorship: people could very well vote for communism.

You have the right to put your name on the ballot, designate yourself as a Communist and see how the results turn out.
Lost Cause

Every SINGLE one is practiced and implemented DAILY

By College students and Profs

"War protestors"

The Press, sans Fox




the only commies left......are in the above.......
HeavyStick said:
You have the right to put your name on the ballot, designate yourself as a Communist and see how the results turn out.
And they would turn out lousy, but not because Communism is evil, but because people see it that way.

Granted, it is a lousy way to run a country, but it isn't inherently 'evil'...
Johnny Mayberry said: missed the point. I am not looking for a reflexive "Communist=evil" response, and I don't want to hear about the Soviets. Pretend that none of that ever happened, ad tell me why the IDEA of communism is bad. Communism doesn't have to be a dictatorship: people could very well vote for communism.

Do you understand that communism is a collectivist philosophy or do you not? If you do not, then you will not understand an explanation.
Johnny Mayberry said:
And they would turn out lousy, but not because Communism is evil, but because people see it that way.

Granted, it is a lousy way to run a country, but it isn't inherently 'evil'...

North Korea is doing a bang up job. China is wooing the crowds with human right "initiatives". Cuba, ahhhh the sparkling gem of the Carribean. I see your point communism has so much to offer.
HeavyStick said:
North Korea is doing a bang up job. China is wooing the crowds with human right "initiatives". Cuba, ahhhh the sparkling gem of the Carribean. I see your point communism has so much to offer.
Did you completely miss the part where I said , and I'm quoting from my own post here, "it is a lousy way to run a country"? Take a deep breath, and try to read what I am actually saying, not what you think I'm saying. Just playing devil's advocate here...
A Desert Rose said:
Do you understand that communism is a collectivist philosophy or do you not? If you do not, then you will not understand an explanation.
Isn't EVERY society collectivist to some degree? In America, for instance, we collectively elect people, we all follow the same laws(more or less), and we pay taxes to collectively pay for public projects. So, how is collectivism as an abstract idea inherently evil?
Johnny Mayberry said:
Did you completely miss the part where I said , and I'm quoting from my own post here, "it is a lousy way to run a country"? Take a deep breath, and try to read what I am actually saying, not what you think I'm saying. Just playing devil's advocate here...

Then what is your view on communism. It's been practiced by many countries. You say in so many words that it isn't so bad, then you say "Kookoo cachoo".

Communism hasn't worked, at best it's hung on by a thread.
HeavyStick said:
Then what is your view on communism. It's been practiced by many countries. You say in so many words that it isn't so bad, then you say "Kookoo cachoo".

Communism hasn't worked, at best it's hung on by a thread.

I'm awfully damned sure I never said 'Kookoo cachoo'....

I'm wondering if there isn't something positive to be gained from the ideals behind communism. As a practical system, its pretty close to useless, but I wonder if there isn't something to be leared from it, besides the normal "its bad, we hate it' rhetoric.