The trial of Maj. Nidal Hasan


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
I'll be following the trial with extreme interest. He may be a harbinger of things to come.

As I pointed out in my thread...

Nobody cares. There are now two threads but everyday, the libs will bump up Trayvon!
Will Obama close down the White House?

Will Congress cut and run?

No one defended Benghazi!

The trial is going to be well covered by al Jazeera and while he may be considered crazy by western standards, he is not insane and he is going to articulate the jihad model. This IS going to have an impact on Muslims across the globe.

Will Obama close down the White House?

Will Congress cut and run?

No one defended Benghazi!

There is no doubt that they're winning and will continue to do so without a change of mind and policy. Oddly enough the UK may be showing the way in that respect.


They won.

Workplace violence, movies and bragging about their defeat...

Soon they will make their demands quite clear on American soil and we will accommodate them. If we cannot stand up to Sharpton and Jackson then we have no hope against principled fanatics.
The US is too big to defend, so I submit that the government and elites will adjourne to Maui with the gold and Marines and Pacific Fleet, and lease America to the Chinese for 99 years. The chinks know how to cope with al Qaeda and libruls. Can you say RICE PADDY?.
The trial is going to be well covered by al Jazeera and while he may be considered crazy by western standards, he is not insane and he is going to articulate the jihad model. This IS going to have an impact on Muslims across the globe.


Sure it will, Grampa.
*pats Ishmael on his greasy scalp*
Why don't we turn off the TV for a few minutes?
Let's have nurse wheel you to the front porch.
You can get a little fresh air before it gets too hot out.
You can come back in when it's time for Judge Judy.
His trial has gone all Gosnell.

Is it because the Administration went with workplace violence like the went with spontaneous combustion by movie?

We do not need to talk about the Soldier of Allah? Like cattle futures and fingerprints on billing records (not to mention interns) is it just too old of news to matter?


Does anything ever embarrass you? or does that require hard and fast standards?

Workplace violence and movies? al Qaeda is decimated! How can you people sit passively by while your leaders offer us up this kind of drivel?

Those people are even being denied Purple Hearts and benefits in order to keep the lies about Islam alive...

Did Valerie Jarrett really issue the order to stand down just like she kept Nixoning the mission to get bin Laden?

Throb? Care to answer any of the more serious charges against the Affirmative-Action Administration's botched war on free speech and workplace violence?
The trial is going to be well covered by al Jazeera and while he may be considered crazy by western standards, he is not insane and he is going to articulate the jihad model. This IS going to have an impact on Muslims across the globe.


I don't think anyone has considered HIM insane

the insane ones are US....who are in denial
Throb? Care to answer any of the more serious charges against the Affirmative-Action Administration's botched war on free speech and workplace violence?

"Serious" charges?

You're such an amusing little fella.

You come in here just about every morning and fling stuff against the wall, hopin' and prayin' that something....ANYTHING....sticks.

Then you wheedle and plead for someone to "play defense" and defend the spurious stuff you've been slingin'.

No, little fella, I'm not playing your silly game today.

You failed mightily on Fast 'n Furious.
You failed mightily on Benghazi.
You failed mightily on IRS-gate.

'Bout time for you to fold the ole teepee and slink off to wherever it is your kind retreats to when they've had their collective keisters kicked.
Guess they want to be absolutely, positively, beyond the shadow of a doubt, sure, that he killed the unarmed waiting soldiers.
Squad, lock and load one round, ready aim, BINGO.
Then send a few pictures to Al Jaz and the boys, in color.
The UK is dead.

I have 1,732 busybody threads as proof!

Coming tomorrow 'England is Dead Part 1,733..."

The BIGGEST scandal of the entire Obama Regime is non other

Then calling a MUSLIM TERRORIST killing of American soldiers




Not just cause of the casual nature of the words, the diminishing of the deaths of AMericans, but the utter denial of ISLAMIC TERROR


The White House, which downplayed the terrorist mass murder as “workplace violence,” exacerbated national apathy for his evil acts. Our soldiers deserve better. Here are three facts you’ve probably forgotten — or never knew — about the Fort Hood terror spree.

–Fourteen victims fell on Nov. 5, 2009, not 13. Thirteen of our U.S. military personnel died in cold blood at the deployment center. But the death toll was actually 14. Pvt. Francheska Velez, 21, was pregnant when Hasan shot her during the first round of gunfire. At a military Article 32 hearing in 2010 (analogous to a civilian grand jury hearing), a survivor of the Fort Hood shootings testified that Velez cried out, “My baby! My baby!”

In his opening statement on Tuesday, Hasan (acting as his own lawyer) apologized to his fellow jihadists for not destroying more innocent life.

–The victims were all unarmed. Soldiers inside the deployment center were and are forbidden from carrying weapons — either issued weapons or personal arms — on base. When Hasan commenced his shooting spree by shouting, “Allahu Akbar,” several brave men and women in uniform used chairs, tables and their own bodies to try to stop him. But it wasn’t until a courageous, armed civilian police officer, Sgt. Kimberley Munley, arrived on the scene with her 9mm Beretta that Hasan’s rampage was interrupted.

In a gunfight outside the deployment center, Munley wounded Hasan — who was able to return fire and shot her in the hand, thigh and knee. While she lay on the ground, Hasan kicked away her weapon. Another armed civilian police officer, Mark Todd, was able to fire at Hasan five times and brought him down.

Gun-control zealots led by the Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence exploited Fort Hood to argue for even tighter gun restrictions. But it was a 1993 Clinton administration gun-control directive banning most military personnel from carrying their arms for personal protection that facilitated Hasan’s massacre except under very limited circumstances. Despite the death of 13 soldiers and the wounding of more than 30 at Fort Hood by a jihadist who warned his superiors that Muslim soldiers posed a specific threat, gun-free military base policies remain in place.

–Hasan’s military colleagues were more concerned with being accused of discrimination than with ridding our military of this known, deranged Islamic radical. In 2007, two years before he carried out his homicidal plan, Hasan laid out his murderous means, motives and Koranic inspiration for all to see.

His PowerPoint slide presentation to fellow Army doctors was titled: “The Koranic World View As It Relates to Muslims in the U.S. Military.” Hasan warned: “It’s getting harder and harder for Muslims in the service to morally justify being in a military that seems constantly engaged against fellow Muslims.” And: “We love death more then (sic) you love life!” As first reported by Pamela Geller, Hasan carried an official calling card with the designation “SoA (SWT)” — for “Soldier of Allah” and “Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala” (Islamic for “Glory to Him, the Exalted”).

Hasan told his superiors he was not alone among Muslim soldiers who believed they “should not serve in any capacity that renders them at risk to hurting/killing believers unjustly.”

He reminded the Army of the fatal 2003 fragging attack on American soldiers in Kuwait by Sgt. Hasan Akbar (who was sentenced to death but remains alive while his case drags on in appeal) and the desertion case of Lebanon-born Muslim Marine Wassef Ali Hassoun.

A Joint Terrorism Task Force had been monitoring Hasan’s communications with jihad spiritual leader Anwar al-Awlaki all along. But the military was not notified. Even without that information, military officers expressed concerns privately that Hasan might leak classified information to terror groups if he were deployed and that he was capable of committing a fragging.

Yet, they were prepared to deploy him anyway and did nothing to remove him from his job. One email from an Army investigator before the Fort Hood massacre fretted: “Had we launched an investigation of Hasan we’d have been crucified.”

Instead, 13 soldiers and one unborn child were slaughtered and paid with their lives for our country’s reckless political correctness and bureaucratic fecklessness

A Joint Terrorism Task Force had been monitoring Hasan’s communications with jihad spiritual leader Anwar al-Awlaki all along. But the military was not notified. Even without that information, military officers expressed concerns privately that Hasan might leak classified information to terror groups if he were deployed and that he was capable of committing a fragging.

Yet, they were prepared to deploy him anyway and did nothing to remove him from his job. One email from an Army investigator before the Fort Hood massacre fretted: “Had we launched an investigation of Hasan we’d have been crucified.”

Lets remember that while the NSA spies on us all


BTW, that happened pre 9-11 as well

The man is turning himself into a hero & martyr by forcing us to impose the death penalty.

He is becoming an example for all the misfits in the nation, like the Tsarnaev brothers...

If we are not in a war on terrorism, why all the drone strikes?

Are we just "going postal?"
America as Pill Bug
Closing our embassies was prudent in the short term. But what message does it send?
Victor Davis Hanson, NRO
AUGUST 8, 2013

We’ve all run across the pill bug in our gardens. At the first sign of danger, the tiny paranoid crustacean suddenly turns into a ball — in hopes the danger will have passed when he unrolls.

That roly-poly bug can serve as a fair symbol of present-day U.S. foreign policy, especially in our understandable weariness over Iraq, Afghanistan, and the scandals that are overwhelming the Obama administration.

On August 4, U.S. embassies across the Middle East simply closed on the basis of intelligence reports of planned al-Qaeda violence. The shutdown of 21 diplomatic facilities was the most extensive in recent American history.

Yet we still have over a month to go before the twelfth anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2001, an iconic date for radical Islamists.

Such preemptive measures are no doubt sober and judicious. Yet if we shut down our entire public profile in the Middle East on the threat of terrorism, what will we do when more anti-American violence arises? Should we close more embassies for more days, or return home altogether?

Apparently al-Qaeda did not get the message that the administration’s euphemisms of “workplace violence,” “overseas contingency operations,” “man-caused disasters,” and jihad as “a holy struggle” were intended as outreach to the global Muslim community.

Instead, the terrorists are getting their second wind, as they interpret our loud magnanimity as weakness — or, more likely, simple confusion. They increasingly do not seem to fear U.S. retaliation for any planned assaults. Instead, al-Qaeda franchises expect Americans to adopt their new pill-bug mode of curling up until danger passes.

Our enemies have grounds for such cockiness. President Obama promised swift punishment for those who attacked U.S. installations in Benghazi and killed four Americans. So far the killers roam free. Rumors abound that they have been seen publicly in Libya.

Instead of blaming radical Islamist killers for that attack, the Obama reelection campaign team fobbed the assault off as the reaction to a supposedly right-wing, Islamophobic videomaker. That yarn was untrue and was greeted as politically correct appeasement in the Middle East.

All these Libyan developments took place against a backdrop of “lead from behind.” Was it wise for American officials to brag that the world’s largest military had taken a subordinate role in removing Moammar Qaddafi — in a military operation contingent on approval from the United Nations and the Arab League but not the U.S. Congress?

No one knows what to do about the mess in Syria. But when you do not know what to do, it is imprudent to periodically lay down “red lines.” Yet the administration has done just that to the Bashar al-Assad regime over the last two years.

In a similar vein, the administration has so far issued serial “deadlines” to the Iranians to cease the production of weapons-grade uranium. They don’t seem much worried about yet another deadline.

In Egypt, the United States went from abandoning ally and crook Hosni Mubarak to welcoming the freely elected and anti-American Muslim Brotherhood. Now, we are both praising and damning the military junta that overthrew President Mohamed Morsi. Do we still call that “the Arab Spring”? Is a junta still a junta, a coup still a coup?

Our entire anti-terrorism agenda is a paradox. Obama ran for office on the promise of shutting down Guantanamo Bay, curbing the Patriot Act, and ending renditions, preventive detention, and drone attacks. Then, in office, he went both hot and cold on all of them.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder hinted at trying accused terrorist killers such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in civilian courts and holding CIA interrogators legally responsible for enhanced interrogations. Then, the administration abruptly dropped those bad ideas and embraced or expanded many of the Bush-Cheney anti-terrorism protocols — and in many cases went far beyond anything envisioned by the prior administration.

These paradoxes were not lost on our terrorist enemies. The successors to Osama bin Laden apparently guessed that the Obama administration might not like America’s anti-terrorism policies any more than the terrorists themselves did.

News that the FBI scrutinized and then apparently forgot about unhinged Islamists such as Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Major Nidal Malik Hasan sent the wrong message to terrorists. Was the Obama administration more worried about hurting feelings than it was concerned to prevent further attacks?

Other rivals and enemies are now fully aware of our new pill-bug mode in the Middle East — and are willing to bet that it might apply everywhere. Without apparent worry over the U.S. reaction, Russia has given tentative asylum as a reward to Edward Snowden, who singlehandedly exposed — and sabotaged — a vast National Security Agency spying network. Increasingly, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan seem to be on their own with a bullying China, unsure whether to bend or resist.

Meanwhile, the new American pill bug curls up in hopes that the mounting dangers will just go away.

The man is turning himself into a hero & martyr by forcing us to impose the death penalty.

He is becoming an example for all the misfits in the nation, like the Tsarnaev brothers...

If we are not in a war on terrorism, why all the drone strikes?

Are we just "going postal?"

He cannot 'force us to impose the death penalty'. In fact, if he loses based on his obvious desire to be a martyr, our own law prevents us from killing him due to both insanity and being improperly defended in court. His conviction and sentence would most likely be overturned and a new trial ordered.

Eventually we will put him into a cell in a federal dungeon with the other crazies and every third or fourth year he'll be back in the news as another appeal or another lawsuit reaches the courts.
Wondering where the resident LWCJ is rattling off about how racist it is we try this cock sucker and how inhumane it is if we execute his bitch ass.

Merc? Zumi? LadyVer?? Rob? Sean?? Sean? Shawn?? Danc?? KO?

We iz prosecuting a non white male......and we're going to fry him like an egg. I know you fuckers are just itching to cry for such a great man and citizen......shed some tears and gimmie and allah
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