The Travelling Fair


Literotica Guru
Feb 11, 2018
Going back in time a little perhaps, before the days of broadcasting and mass entertainment.

Not only the doctors in this small, rural town have noticed that there is a rise in births around the end of June. Rumours run below the surface of polite society about what happens around the annual autumn visit of a travelling fair with its (relatively) bright lights, rides and mystical-magical experiences. The thrill of evenings at the fair attracts all kinds of townsfolk with all kinds of intentions. As for the travellers themselves...
Excellent thought. Will give this some consideration. Normally I don't like straying outside the current era but I think the idea could be adapted.
Really good idea. Traveling fairs would often buy land in the south and they would "winter" there. They would set up and do maintenance, give the performers some rest, and then open up the fair for a few months. Still happens to this day. One of the largest Renaissance fairs in the U.S. winters near USF in Tampa, Fl. They are open all winter.
The circus/fair thing offers many possibilities. I can imagine the male "travellers" choosing a wife or two in each town they visit and then luring them away from the visiting family party. Hi-jinks inside the roller coaster car or hall of mirrors?
Up here in the Northeast we must be a little behind the times because we still have these fairs and festivals and get the same results. Every town up here celebrates something, from the guy that invented the earmuffs, (Chester Greenwood Day), or something as crazy as Keene's famous Pumpkin Fest!

All have similar stuff in common, and bring in these midway rides for kids and teenagers. We call them carnival's, and thus have a name for the roving people that travel to town to town with them... Carnies.

They don't have a very good reputation, but hey this is the Northeast. We got NOTHING here, so the ladies, well they like people who are different, so they go to bed with these Carnies. I know of several women personally who have children from these Carnies. It even made the news one year when the Governor of Maine said, "these damn people come to our state and knock up our daughters and then leave". He was a funny guy and would often say the craziest stuff. He was telling the truth, but it made a huge uproar in the media at the time.

As for the carnivals. I like them because they are very old school and thus quaint and personal. Some of these fairs have been annual events for over 150 years! The roving circuses were the best. The owner of one circus really knew what he was doing. It was inside a small tent, and had the typical acts for the kids like trapeze artists and dog shows and the like, but he knew the mothers would show up because the kids would want to go. But for the fathers... he entertained them too. They did not have many acts, but what they did have, they were smoking hot women who wore next to nothing. It really was like going to an 1885 circus in 2015.

Now I refer to these roving circus's in past tenths because one year a microburst came in, flipped the bigtop upside down and killed a pile of people in New Hampshire. They passed laws on safety after that which just made the roving circus hard to make a profit. We no longer see them any more here because of that, but it was a true shame. I mean those women wore next to nothing!
They don't have a very good reputation, but hey this is the Northeast. We got NOTHING here, so the ladies, well they like people who are different, so they go to bed with these Carnies. I know of several women personally who have children from these Carnies. It even made the news one year when the Governor of Maine said, "these damn people come to our state and knock up our daughters and then leave". He was a funny guy and would often say the craziest stuff. He was telling the truth, but it made a huge uproar in the media at the time.

As for the carnivals. I like them because they are very old school and thus quaint and personal. Some of these fairs have been annual events for over 150 years! The roving circuses were the best. The owner of one circus really knew what he was doing. It was inside a small tent, and had the typical acts for the kids like trapeze artists and dog shows and the like, but he knew the mothers would show up because the kids would want to go. But for the fathers... he entertained them too. They did not have many acts, but what they did have, they were smoking hot women who wore next to nothing. It really was like going to an 1885 circus in 2015.

Now I refer to these roving circus's in past tenths because one year a microburst came in, flipped the bigtop upside down and killed a pile of people in New Hampshire. They passed laws on safety after that which just made the roving circus hard to make a profit. We no longer see them any more here because of that, but it was a true shame. I mean those women wore next to nothing!

As ever, truth can outdo fiction. Looks like the OP's on the right track, anyway!
As ever, truth can outdo fiction. Looks like the OP's on the right track, anyway!
It turned into this huge media circus when the governor said that. Here in the Northeast we are 99.9% Caucasian, so when the governor referred to the Carnies as "knocking up our daughters" the local newspaper called him a racist. To which the governor fired right back, "how can that be, my wife and I have an African-American son". It was true, they had adopted! He then told them before making insults to do some fact-checking. It really made them look unprofessional and stupid, and something they really never recovered from. It was a media versus governor war that would never happen anywhere else.

To me it was funny, but I am the other .1% of the population here. I am an American-Indian.
I like your idea of the ladies being attracted by the "different" nature of the fair/circus guys. That was what was in my mind when I posted this. With some women, perhaps even those whom their menfolk believe to be safely married off, there always seems to be this draw of the bad boys... that whiff of danger/risk/adventure which normally doesn't happen in their lives from one end of the year to the other.

It would be good to know a female's take on this.
I like your idea of the ladies being attracted by the "different" nature of the fair/circus guys. That was what was in my mind when I posted this. With some women, perhaps even those whom their menfolk believe to be safely married off, there always seems to be this draw of the bad boys... that whiff of danger/risk/adventure which normally doesn't happen in their lives from one end of the year to the other.

It would be good to know a female's take on this.
What do you want to know? I can tell you it is regret. Out of six women that I know of that got pregnant from the ordeal, all resulted in the same fate.

1. They got pregnant
2. The guy came back and helped her get through the pregnancy
3. Just after the baby was born they split
4. The father/carnie takes under the radar jobs so they can avoid paying child support
5. Father rinses and repeats and has another 12th child on the way with a new woman
6. Mother becomes a ward of the state
7. Child ends up never knowing their father

Yep: regret
I was talking more about this desire to stray to the wild side, rather than the potential consequences. Just thought it would be interesting to hear what provokes it, other than maybe a dull and humdrum home life.
All have similar stuff in common, and bring in these midway rides for kids and teenagers. We call them carnival's, and thus have a name for the roving people that travel to town to town with them... Carnies.

The stories I could tell you!!
Anyone see Tod Browning's "Freaks" (1932)? It's much like the OP describes, only it is a traveling Freak Show. There is no sex in the movie, but I'm sure the Lit version could spice it up, and all those freakish humans could probably get into some really interesting sex acts.
Anyone see Tod Browning's "Freaks" (1932)? It's much like the OP describes, only it is a traveling Freak Show. There is no sex in the movie, but I'm sure the Lit version could spice it up, and all those freakish humans could probably get into some really interesting sex acts.

I'm not really sure that 0000zing envisaged that weird a scenario!!
Anyone see Tod Browning's "Freaks" (1932)? It's much like the OP describes, only it is a traveling Freak Show. There is no sex in the movie, but I'm sure the Lit version could spice it up, and all those freakish humans could probably get into some really interesting sex acts.
Is this the movie where a strongman and a trapeze artist are initiated into freaks by a crowd of dwarfs and they shout “one of us! one of us! one of us! one of us!”? I can see how this could become a sex scene.
I was talking more about this desire to stray to the wild side, rather than the potential consequences. Just thought it would be interesting to hear what provokes it, other than maybe a dull and humdrum home life.
I think this is in the spirit of what you want or even a little wilder

If we talk about me, I would like some kind of attractions or mechanisms with a sexual character. I don’t know, I can’t offer anything concrete right now, although I usually have a lot of ideas. But if you are going to go in this direction, then I can suggest something later.