The Transformation (needs a loving Dom) .. Thank You Sir :)


Aug 21, 2012
I open my eys to darkness. A small tremble of fear is creeping down my spine as I frantically try to understand why I can't focus through the darkness..... It's a blindfold. "He remembered my fantasy" I thought to myself.
*I have always been a 'good girl'....... obedient....... fulfilling my 'duties'....... Until him. He scared me.... he gave me hope.. he didn't break my bones..... he was different. We began as friends. It was supposed to be strictly NSA. Little did we know that it would be way more than that. ....after a year, i broke down.... and I Did..... I asked him to let me trust him....He knew my problem with trust and he hoped i knew he wouldn't hurt me unless it war for my ultimate good... and he wants me to realize that... After all, he does love me. I felt his breath against my hear and heard his sweet, reassuring, yet commanding voice, softly growling into my ear.......
His finger slid slowly from the tip of her chin and along her jawline. "Your heart is racing. Are you afraid?". His lips and tongue brushed her ear as he spoke. He stood and circled her bound and kneeling form. "You are blindfolded. You are bound. I am here. You should know there is nothing to fear when you are near me.". He cupped her cheek and watched her breasts rise and fall rapidly with her breath. "I am disappointed that you fear me."