The Time Is Right OOC


Appointed Evil Lord God
Jan 1, 2002
hey everyone. depending on how well this goes, i'd love it to pan out into many threads, when this tale comes to an end, the next leg of it happens, with different people, at a different time. that would be neat. but right now, i don't want to give away too much.... but lets say that everyone is on their way towards paris, or rome or somewhere around there. on a plane, you can be from almost anywhere, because the plane would be making re-fueling stops and taking on mroe passengers.

something will happen on the way however, again, i don't want to give away too much, so i will understand if it's not your cup of tea half way through. if you're interested but want to know more about it, then i guess i'll have to say more.
Khaddy ~

What kind of story thread are you planing ... From the sound of it a modern one ... Are we play characters or our selves?

lol yes, it is a modern one, and i'd like for the first leg of this, for it to be ourselves yeah, or someone based on ourselves. after this part ends and there is still interest, we'll start a new one, and that one you can be whoever.
Ok, I'll give it a try

Name: Skate Jones


Profession: Video game Tech

Bio: Nothing realy special about Skate, the only two things out of ordinary about him was that his parents were insane enough to name him Skate, and for a semi-nerd he shure as hell got into a lot of fights when he was younger. He is curently headed to Paris on buisness.
how about all of us are flying from our homes to germany for a big fuckin party and ORP get together? ;)

so it'd be us and we'd know eachother.

could be really funny lol.
i hate it when lit glitches. so i'm writing this for the sencond time.

sure SD that would work of you wanted it to. i don't mind at all.

Name: Seth Winon

Age: 19

Occupation: Student of European history. Going to Paris on a "hands on" part of the class.

Bio: tall, 6'1, heavy set, big chest. lalala you know who i am.
Name: Hayes

Age: 21

Appearance: About 6'3" with wide shoulders, a little too stocky, short brown hair gel'd to a spike, brown eyes with nice lashes but big eybrows. Usually seen in a black T-shirt and jeans, with a long really soft leather coat. Wearing a really big kick ass ring that I've attached a picture of for the helluvit.

Personality: I'm a totally relaxed, fun loving and very laid back individual. You'd have to do something really bad to get me pissed off. I'm a person of action, if something important needs done I don't usually sit around and plan it out, I go get it done. Especially useful in emergency or stressful situations. I'm usually an optimist, but also a realist. Oh yeah, I really dig music and I have a totally sexually perverted sense of humor, but it's funny, not sleazy. You'd get used to it ;)

Hi, my name is Hayes. I'm a student at a local community college where I have a 4.0 GPA in computer information systems (CIS).

I'm flying to Europe for the hell of it. I've always wanted to travel, so I started saving. And damnit, I plan on having some fun away from home. This could mean bad drinking habits as well as sleazy pick up lines, but it's all in the name of good fun. :)

"Excuse me," he said with a slight grin, right before he put his hand on her ass, "is this seat taken?"

ah thats a classic.
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Sounds interesting~and sounds like you could use a female here too.

Name: Catrina "Cat" Ashwald

Cat is the totally spoiled daughter of a senator. She has spent most of her life living around body guards and servants since her dad is not home alot. Which is why he is now on his fourth marriage to a woman half his age. Not believing she needed a 'Big Sister' type in her life she used her wiles on her 'daddy' and made her step-mom's life less than tolerable. For his own peace of mind he decided she needed a vacation somewhere far away from him and his irritated bride and kindly offered to foot the bill if she would go to Europe stating it would be a good way to give her failing grades a boost.

Although she doesnt put as much effort into college as she should she is a bright student and passes her classes. Though she is not a Goth at all she does have a thing for black clothes and usually wears black hip hugger jeans, a belly shirt of the same color with shoes or boots to match.

Her hair is brown with blonde streaks in it though she never says if it is from her hairdresser or natural and she has green eyes that can appear grey when she is upset. She tends not to be too open and outgoing with people due to her over protective upbringing but, when you get to know her she can be a very down to earth girl even if she does tend to have a princess attitude.
You mentioned playing as oursleves.... Now thats something I feel I could enjoy nice change of pace and all. I'm a level 300 black wizzard...... Okay so thats not acurate.

Name: Nicholas..... a.k.a Cats.
Job: being lazzy (Thats right I'll do work in order to get out of work.
Collage: Comunity major in Secondary education with a consentraion of math and science. One semester down.
Eyes: Brown or green depending on the liteing. Normally brown.
Hair: Muddy Blond, so brown

Build: Light weight very little upper body strength. Has exelent lower body strength and endurance.

Quirk: Misspells words, in every thing.

Bio: A boyscout from first grade up until the present day. He knows how to byild fire, hike 20 miles a day, set up tents, navigate with or with out a compass, use maps, and just about anything people do out doors.

He has had very little romantic success normally because he has a herd time telling peoples ages. He has a fasicnation with swords.

Boy I am kinda pathetic aren't I?

Nick ended up useing airline miles to travel to europe to see a group of people he met online. Prehaps he'll strike out with Catrina.

Okay for the record who is useing some one based off them selves? I'm curios now.
LOL Have to admit the Senetor's daughter thing is not me. Though I have grown up in the government way. I am an Air Force Brat. But, since that would in no way pay for me to go to Europe than I kinda upped him to senetor. God help us all if he actually achieves that goal.

The part about my dad marrying many women and the one he has now being half his age is true. Also the part about me making waves but not for the reasons given in the story. Actually I made waves due to my dad's attitude not his wife's-at least not until up to the end where I stopped talking to them both.

Still, I had to have a way to pay for my trip so I embellished a bit. The character's way of being withdrawn is me to a T though if you get past that you can find a real nice person and one who will do anything for a friend. You also find a sarcasm there that I use sometimes way to often and the not getting out and meeting many people is also true but for different reasons than overprotectiveness.

Okay-thats my confession of the day. Now I don't have to go see that priest I had an appointment with Sunday. ;)
I could be a preist but I told god I'd rather teach.... yes I talk to god, hence the could of been a preist.

Okay so the score is 2 real any one else going to survey... In any acount I think I'm the only one useing my real name. So I'll make a fake last name latter.

Come now speack up I'm a very curios person.
Okay 3 people are "real" that leave two more I'm curios about.
Sorry Spectral.... what lanage is it???? Not a typical english name. Or greek for that matter. Nicholas, Stephen, and several others are from greek back grounds.
Father forgive me for I have sinned-well, not really but I am thinking about it really hard. LOL
Nope, not typical. That's why I love it. Except for the fact that when someone asks for my first name, and I give it to them, they always repeat that they wanted my first name, not my last. And then I always have to calmly reply that it is my first name. And then they say that's your first name? And then I have to calmly reply yes, that's my first name. I can't tell you how many times I've had that dialogue.

I'm not really sure exactly what nationality it is. Probably either Dutch or Irish. Somewhere over there.
SecretDesires said:
Father forgive me for I have sinned-well, not really but I am thinking about it really hard. LOL

Like I siad I'm not a preist. God still hasn't sold me on that Chaste thing. I plan to get married and have children I hope god dosen't object.

Besides any one can talk to god if they try. Or it could be a delsion of mine I developed in a cathlic elemtry school. Either way I'm happy.
aye, I have talked to the man upstairs many a time and will probably have cause to talk to him many more in my lifetime.
I've never really believed in the man upstairs. He seems too busy up there to come down here and help out with things in my opinion.

But... that's a discussion for a debate thread. To each their own I suppose.
This is a thread not of space... or time... but of mind.

A place you and I know as... The Twilight Zone.