The three losers.......


Literotica Guru
Jan 26, 2002
Gephardt....Daschle .......and that wonder boy McAuliff. So, who will become the next leader of the Dems?
a very active Democrat law student in my class was talking about Gore again.
Hillary is taking control.

McAuliffe will stay in power.

They are like Monster's Inc. and have yet begun to scare...

Despite the power of laughter. Isn't Bush an easy target? Purple, TWB, 70/30, p_p_...?
He and Gephardt have now successfully distanced themselves from Bill Clinton...
SINthysist said:
Hillary is taking control.

McAuliffe will stay in power.

They are like Monster's Inc. and have yet begun to scare...

Despite the power of laughter. Isn't Bush an easy target? Purple, TWB, 70/30, p_p_...?

I disagree...even Hilary admits she doesn't stand a chance according to a link on this morning.
Diablogrl said:
I disagree...even Hilary admits she doesn't stand a chance according to a link on this morning.

They are going to have to sacrifice someone, I suspect the sacrifical lamb will be Gore and try Hillary in 08.

Interestingly I heard Gary Hart today. ???
LovetoGiveRoses said:
I wish Terry McAuliffe would retire. He spews a message of vengance and hate.
Yes he does, + He is a sore loser:)
bored1 said:
Gephardt....Daschle .......and that wonder boy McAuliff. So, who will become the next leader of the Dems?

We have a similar lack of leadership among the presently elected politicians in Oz, at both State and federal level . . . :)

At present the CIA is openly using the Liberal Party Prim Monster's office as their Oz HQ, while Treasurer Peter Costello is being nudged aside to make way for the new golden haired boy Tony Abbott as Honest Johnnie Howard's successor . . . meanwhile the Opposition Labor Party is having trouble losing leader Simon Crean, the man who will never be Prime Minister . . . the Democrats have self imploded (with a little misplaced racial nieviety) and the Greens are becoming excited at the prospect of replacing them as the third force in Oz politics . . .