The Three Amigos!


Loves Spam
Dec 28, 2020
What class acts!
Taking the day to politicize a national tragedy!
Never let a crises go to waste and never stop to mourn; immediacy is the key to using emotion politically.

So, everybody, sombreros off to the elite, erudite, egalitarian triumvirate of
President Barack Hussein Obama, President Joseph Robinette Biden and the Little Hispanic, Beto "I think I can" O'Rourke!
Señor Beto especially deserves kudos because while his mentors were given stages, he had to storm and take his by force!

This is the party that left me and my values in the dust such a long time ago, and this is one of the reasons why.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
This is pathetic even for you. Thankfully there are more people who think it’s wrong to walk into a school and start shooting kids.
There's that tone shift again.

Went from "we shouldnt get political during such tragedies" to "it's your fault because of...."
Nobody "said" that, but the Democrats "did" that...

Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Quote where I said that.
Even better, take a look at Ofuckers tweet about how the tragedy in Uvalde reminds him of how Floyd died... Oh and don't forget to send money to his favorite racists and political allies.

Yet there goes stupid ol' ll74 with his inane attempts to alter reality...
Hey! #BLM needs mansions too!

Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
This is the party that left me and my values in the dust such a long time ago, and this is one of the reasons why.
The "I used to be a Democrat but" crowd has a remarkable talent for making it clear that the party is much, much better off without them. For my money, the all time champion of that particular distinction was a white guy I knew years ago who quit the party in protest because "they stabbed the Black community in the back by failing to support Clarence Thomas."

This doesn't quite top that, but it's close.
That you say that only proves how far Left your ilk has drug the party...
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
The "I used to be a Democrat but" crowd has a remarkable talent for making it clear that the party is much, much better off without them. For my money, the all time champion of that particular distinction was a white guy I knew years ago who quit the party in protest because "they stabbed the Black community in the back by failing to support Clarence Thomas."

This doesn't quite top that, but it's close.
Former Democrat, former homosexual, current liar.

That's AJ summed up.
That you say that only proves how far Left your ilk has drug the party...
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
The political center-of-gravity of the Democrats hasn't moved a degree to the left since the 1992 Clinton campaign.
The political center-of-gravity of the Democrats hasn't moved a degree to the left since the 1992 Clinton campaign.
Yes, and it would be good for both the party and the country if it did. We need one conservative party, not two.
AOC has not had a single policy passed that she has pushed for. ZERO

You dipshits keeps playing her up to rally the base. It works because your base is stupid and continually ignores reality.