The Third Great War

Farren screamed out in pain, falling to the ground just as the plasma round hit its mark. He dropped the gun, tendrils of smoke still escpaing the large chamber. It felt hot in his hands, internally cooling, but still hot.
The red light went on, it would take several minutes before he could fire it again. The internal cooling systems for this weapon sucked.
Someone had shot him.
He lay against the sand, gritting his teeth as the flesh throbbed in dubious agony. Robbie knelt down by him, examing the wound.
"Cartigal laceration. An appendix to the right shoulder blade. This can be treated."
"Ok, hurry."
As guns fired, and bullets flew overhead, the robot laid out a specific injection, healing the wound and stopping the pain.
After he had finished, Farren just felt a dull ache.
"Wow, thanks."
Robbie ducked.
Farren put his hands over his head.
Explosions rocketed both sides.
He couldn't styas here. This was just too open, from both sides. They would be slaughtered in a matter of minutes.
"Robbie," Farren called through closed eyes and gritted teeth, "Find a bunker, something that can protect us from both sides..."
He reached out for his weapons. The plasma gun right beside him, still charging, was put on his back, to save for later. The m4 had trickled halfway down the hill, and he had to use his foot to grab for it.
"Several meters Southeast by..."
"To the east, sir. That way."
A small hill was enclosed by a tiny ridge. It wasn't much, but he could use it for the time being. He fired his m4 blindly, just enough cover fire to get himself and his robot over there.
Bullets ricocheted off the ground they ran over.
"Kill them all Robbie," He growled, opening fire against the DCP infantry. Robbie did the same.
Mech troops

IC: The group of five Edges came over a hill with a beautiful shimmer of charged particles moving across the Sky at UP troops. The blue waves crashed seemed to break against a few enemy troops. A DCP soldier would see this beautiful sight and then here the confident support of autocanons breaking against the ground. The mech division were well trained but not expert marks men. "I have a spacial order here for Master Sergent John Klor."
Space, near Mars...

The freighters approached Mars, and as they did so, the AI lit up along with the ships active sensors.

It was a simple program the AI had, esentialy it was to locate UP capitol ships, and set an intercept course to ram the UP ships. Should any attempt to board the freighters be made, or a small craft dock, that vessel would send off its data and self destruct imediately.

The vessels transmitted no identification codes, but were clearly marked with UP signants on their hull. The AI could manage a few simple text responces to chalanges, however, they did not have the codes to authenticate themselves to the chinese ships.

The UP would know something was up by the way the freighters were using their sensors to take such specific readings on the space around them, as most ships prefer to use passive sensors to listen to whats around then rather than search as with a flashlight using active sensors, but the AI's didn't care, and did as they were programed to.

4 Probed trailed the freighters, one 15 light seconds behind the freighters, then one 2 light minutes above it, then 5 light minutes above that one, and finaly the one which would send off a burst transmission after it recieved confirmation that the freighters were toast.

Slowly they approached and their radars began to sweep methodicaly....
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Omega Squadron

The UCP pilots began evasive maneuvers as a group, splitting off in diffrent directions to begin engaging their opponents. The NY-5's were more manueverable, and Omega Squadron knew how to use that advantage. The flew through the air, getting into positions where they could shoot down the White Dragons. The aerial battle was a well-coordinated dance that resulted in the White Dragons quickly losing their fighters.

"Okay, team, let's get back on course for the ammo depot," Red Devil said over the comm when the battle was over. Omega Squadron got back in formation and continued to fly towards their target. "We no longer have the element of surprise on our side, so keep an eye on those scanners."

A minute later, they arrived at the ammunition depot. There were many anti-aircraft guns on the ground, and they started opening up when Omega Squadron got close enough. "Okay, team, you know what to do." With those words said, they split up and started firing at the guns.

Viper locked on to one of the guns that was firing at another pilot and let loose a barrage of laser fire. The flash of an explosion filled her window as he AA Gun blew up. Her window darkened for a second, the anti-flash technology kicking in so that she would not be blinded. Off to her side, she saw Raptor firing a missile at a building. A second later, the missile hit and the building exploded, concrete and steel flying through the air. "Good hit, Raptor." "Thanks, Viper" came the reply.

On the other side of the installation, Raven and Cobra were flying side by side, aiming at the radar building. They both fired their missiles and turned away. The building exploded behind them, and the radar dish that was on top of the building collapsed through the roof in a shower of sparks.

Wolverine and Wild Eagle were flying when the hangar appeared in their sights. They fired their missiles at it and were happy to see the building explode. "They won't be using that for a while," Wild Eagle said. Before Wolverine could respond, there was a massive explosion nearby and the shockwave shook their fighters. They looked on their scanners and realized that the main ammo warehouse had just been hit. They flew out of there fast as secondary explosions began shaking the air, many of the buildings going up in flames and exploding. "Okay, Omega Squadron, mission accomplished. Let's get our asses home."
General Quon Li watches the tactical holgraphic display from the warroom of his safehouse in Hellas Planitia. Data cables lead from behind his ears into his command chair, linking him to the Supreme Admiral, several light-hours away.

The DCP mecha forces are steadily advancing across the sculpted valley. Soon they would reach the First River, the final natural defense of the UP-conroled southern hemisphere of Mars.

The General shifts his eyes to different portions of his holographic display. Without moving or speaking, he directs the ground forces in the valley to scatter, find cover, and continue to harrass the DCP advance from guerilla positions.

With another shift of his eyes, he sends Snake squadron of amphibious mecha and remote weapons to hide in the river. There they will ambush the DCP ground forces.

Cock Fighter flying mecha take off to engage the DCP air defense on the far side of the planet. The air defense should be thinned, with so many forces assembled in the trench valley. The risk that French and Japanese colonies will interpret Chinese warbirds in their airspace is taken into account.

The Cock Fighter's real mission is to distract the air defense, to allow a small sqadron of Black Dragon stealth fighters to drop in from orbit around Phobos, the larger moon. The Black Dragon will deliver a platoon of elite Monkey hacker/commandos in DCP territory. The Monkey will infiltrate, enter a satelite transmission tower, and deliver AI hunter-killer viruses into their martian tactical datasphere, ultimately cutting off DCP communications and isolating them from their space forces.
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News reaches Old China that the supply / repair convoy has been destroyed or captured. The AIs in Beijing up the threat level of the conflict on mars, and begin predicting probabiliity of hostilies spreading to the other planets. The second convoy will be accompanied by a larger escort, including the hulking Confucious flagship. They are expecting to meet resistance, and force themselves through.

Chinese Embassadors meet with Americans in Paris. They propose a treaty that will make the Earth off limits to all hostilities. "Let us settle our dispute honourably in the battlefield of space."
03:30 hours
Mars Standard time
Mars orbit.

The freighters had been scanning for 4 hours and only now picked up the the chinese ships in Mars orbit.

The freighters acted as one, setting a course for the UP formation, still scanning and gathering as much data as possible as the AI accelerated the ships as fast as they could fly.

Soon the range had dropped to 8 million kilometers, and closing.
The Confucius is like a black whale in space, the fleet surrounding and trailing it like many schools of tiny fish. It's last news from the conflict on Mars is hours old.

The fleet leaves Earth orbit and makes a curving path around the sun to distant Mars. They wait for news of the first transport convoy, and prepare to engage the Americans in the largest space battle in human history.
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"What's that?" Fyodr asked, pointing to a large blip on the radar. The radar officer turned to him. "Our scanners show this is a group of ships approaching. We have identified the ships as a convoy that was sent out some time ago. It seems to be in normal condition. However, what's worrying me, sir, is the absence of any capital ships. It's only transports", he reported. Fyodr frowned at the radar, thinking. "I want a main holo-screen projection established with one of the freighters. We'll find out just what's going on here soon."
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John stood, confidently walking towards the edges as explosions went off around him, rocking the ground. He approched the lead edge. "Master Sargeant John Klor", he said, saluting crisply. "Goddamn it's good to have you here. Now, what's the order?"
At one million kilometers the freighers broke formation and began their final run on the targets.

The freighters AI was relatively dumb, being rigged on short notice, but thats ok, as it didn't have much to do in the first place.

As the freighters accelerated, they gathered information on the UP fleet around Mars and sent it back using ELF Laser links to the probe trailing the convoy.

The AI on the freighers selected the nearest capitol ships, then began to close with them.

Some transports selected carriers, others destroyers. Several selected the largest and closest targets, which were other transports in the UP fleet leading , but 3 of the transports, by luck, selected the same medical ship.

As the ships had been accelerating for 4.5 hours, they were traveling with quite a lot of velocity for something their size.

They weren't very tough ships compared to military vessels with hulls built to resist battle damage and engines made for higher speeds, but they did have huge steel engine mountings and a high strength spine made for hauling loage amounts of heavy cargo, and those were massive enough to absorb a good amount of fire before the hull broke up into inconsequential pieces.
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Farren had fallen back, unsure what to do now. The battle had changed, and none for the better. Now, he could see that mechs were coming to both sides aid. Transporters landed, letting go of supplies, as both flying, and ground battle bots descended on the field.
His only useful weapon now was the plasma gun. He wished he had some sort of electro jammer. There were some in use, but he wasn't qualified, or had any training in the matter. For now, he just sat back, with his plasma gun, shooting whatever came close.
Robbie was relaying information to several mech computers, giving them the latest whereabouts and tactical info on the DCP forces.
A ball of fire shot out, encompassing a flying mech. It raced passed them, flames outstretching behind it like some sort of mechanical comet.
The low humming started on the gun, several minutes to reload. Damnit! He wished he had a DCP plasma rifle. Those fuckers were fast, and accurate. Damn them and their technology. Here he was, lost in a fucking war he didn't understand, and the least he should have is decent fucking equipment.
"Sir, orders sir?"
Farren shook his head, "Stay back, shoot when you can. We are backup now."
Who said war would be fun?
Eating Nutrient Bars and drinking from one of the sealed water packets,Ivellias used his feet to keep the mech on the right path.
He then leaned over,which probably was what saved him.
As he leaned over a low whizz then a loud Crack as a hole the size of about a soda can erupted in it,a large single shot sniper slug burying itself in his left shoulder near the joint between shoulder and arm.crimson red splattered across the cockpit as he gave a scream of pain,jerking in his seat,stopping the mech and making the torso spin,blocking the next shot with its broad side.
He gritted his teeth to bite back another cry of pain and managed to force the pain into the back of his mind,as instinctive rage took over the feeling...
a hand,covered in shiny red blood grabbed the right joystick and swiveled the mech around,aiming at the hill where the sniper should be.
The hill vanished under a pummeling of autocannon and missle fire,the smoke melting away as the Loki leaped over the rubble of the hill,landing a few feet from 2 UCP soldiers(which were identified by the mech's computer system and the colors/styleof their uniforms) on foot,armed with heavy sniper rifles.The first became a sputtering pile of blood and gore as the machingunes diced the body into unrecognizable chunks.
the other one got trampled as the mech stumbled and smashed into a tree,stopping it as it sagged into its boughs as its pilot's view faded a bit from blood loss,managing to rip the medipad off its emergency hook and atatching it to the hit,stopping the bloodflow as everything went black....
USNS Burke
Combat Information Center
1 light hour out from the freighters.

The public address system signaled an all hands anouncement.

"Ok, folks, the freighters should be starting their terminal runs now. In about 2 hours we should know the results of our little mindfuck on the chinese...All off duty personel who wish to see the results in the CIC on the holographic display, please get your names to your supervisors and department heads. CIC has room for aproximately 15 people, so the spaces will be allotted randomly for people to gets slots.

No. You may not sell your slot. Please be considerate of your fellow crewmen in allowing then to retain part of their income. Should you wish to fleece them, please use the traditional way, as decks of cards are free for the asking from supply.

All personel on duty, sorry, but your shit out of luck till you go offshift and get a chance to drop by the crew relaxation room were comunications will be showing the results at 22:00 hours before the movie 'vanessa does venus'

That is all. Carry on."

Commodore Bains looked around the Combat Information Center and smiled.

"What?" he said to the radar opperator who looked at him amazed. "Gotta keep moral up, besides, I love a good explosion, don't you?"

"Open FIRE!" he roared as the freighters, giving no response, accelerated. "Open fire with everything we have! Blow them to pieces damnit!" A moment later, guns and missile tubes had been aimed. "Targets painted! Fire!" shouted the captain. Zantrovich watched as the fire streaked from his ships, colliding with the freighters. All was peaceful for a moment. Then, suddenly, a bright flare signified the first explosion. Zantrovich was thrown from the chair and to the floor as the shockwave hit. Detonations, some absolutely massive, some barely noticeable dotted the former location of the convoy. The Information officer turned wide-eyed to Fyodr. "Sir! Those explosions are far too large to be standard detonations!" he shouted over the roar of the explosions. "Damnit! I know that! After you can get up, find out what explosives were used!" He screamed just as another shockwave hit the ship, tossing them into the air. Soon, after the shockwaves had subsided, Fyodr stood up, shaking in rage. He walked to the chair and sat down in it again. "I want all weapons turned on the DCP fleet! Deploy fighters and bombers now! No one messes with me like that! Fire missiles in volleys. I want the shit blown out of them!"
The probe trailing the convoy recieved its data from the last of the freighters and transmitted it along the series of probes to the 4th one above and behind the convoy.

The probe took all the data, compressed it, encrypted it and sent it off in a tightbeam burst transmission to the USNS Burke and her escorts which held station under blackout (minimal emissions) conditions 1 light hour away from the freighters.

As each freigher exploded, it transmitted a single line of clear, uncoded text on an open channel.

"I love a good fireworks show, don't you? Love and Kisses, United States Space Navy. UR-AH!! ;-) "

The probe, still functioning, gathered more data on the UP fleet's reaction, as it fired wildly and searched for a fleet that was nowere near the UP's shaken up formation.

As this was occuring, Commodore Bains and his staff were occupied planning the execution of a raid on another juicy target.

Space had been entered about 150yrs ago, and some of the first things established were trading posts, almost like spaceborne truckstops.

Each Nation had them. They were used mostly by the civilian ships as maintinence for freighters, refueling, R&R for the crews during long hauls, although they usualy had a light naval presence to scare off pirates which infested the outer system.

Freighters, in convoys and by themselves streamed in and out all the time.

It was truly a target rich environment.

The stations that were to be the targeted floated on the very edge of the Mars Fleet Sector, 1 to 1.5 light day's distance from the Red planet itself toward Jupiter.

An attack on these posts would definatly require a responce from the UP forces, if for nothing else than to show up, assess the damage and try to repair things.

As the Chinese economy depended heavily on trade, the loss of the freighters located around the posts would hurt their economy.

The loss of be bases, that would not only hurt the Chinese, it was bound to enrage them.

An enraged Chinese governmet would dispatch its navy to deal with the problem, and more than likely, the dispatched forces would come from the nearest force.

The UP Fleet at Mars.
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Mech leader and Lt. Jackson

IC: "Sir I thought you were in charge?" The leader of the edge platoon Roberts replied back. "One of us needs to take charge now." Roberts looked up to the hill side and saw what he assumed was a special forces machine based on the the canon mounted on the Loki. "Biggs up on the hill side. Back up that mech, bring him here."

"Sir, what is the tactical significance of this point?" Roberts was clearly thinking about a retreat.

IC: Jackson: 'Sir the enemy is gaining ground on both sides.' "I expected as much after I saw them deploy more men to this battle field. The comi's have a number advantage, they have it here, and I hope they'll have one in body bags too."

The Lt. looked at his forces and considered his option carefully. "We are taking that ridge. Tell the men to charge." The Lt. reached down and drew his pistoles and charged forward with all 50 of his men.

OOC: Jackson is on the other side of the battle field. Roberts and his team are a considerable distance away.

I'm good at that.

Morgoth the unit of mecha was placed at your command, the two being of equal rank. Since you haven't given orders he is willing to take command. Speak up if you wish to give him orders otherwise answer his question and he is likely to pull back to a more defensive location if the area he is in has no strategic value.

The group charging is closer to poohs area. So it was more to stage an attack he and PC,s or NPC's around that area will determine what happens to those men in reply.

"I'll be assuming temporary command", John said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully, looking around. "Right now we're in a bit of a predicament. You see, we're outflanked. They're behind and in front of us. We need to break through unless we feel like being massacred", he said, thinking out loud. "Sanders! Sanders, get up here!" he screamed. One of the AWS suddenly appeared at hi side like a ghost. "Yes, sir?" he asked slowly, quietly. "I need you to make a general estimate of which side has more troops. Behind or in front. You know I only got my eyes upgraded so much, so don't ask why I'm not doing it myself", he ordered. Sanders nodded silently, then stared intently first in front of him, then behind him. "Sir, there are less troops behind us. However, there are also more tanks behind us. Mecha on both sides seem equal", he said. John nodded, said his appreciation, and Sanders disappeared from his side. John sat, mulling it over for a minute. He turned to the mech commander. "You and your boys think you can take those tanks?" he asked. The man nodded. John nodded back. He lifted the radio, contacting the other sergeants. "We have formulated a battle plan. We are going to charge the soldiers to the South of our position. Our goal is to break through and continue charging. Keep in mind that though outright victory over them would be nice, it's unrealistic, so unless you feel like being killed, stay with Special Ops. and the mechs. I'll give the command. Code word is Terrier. Understood?"
"They're heading this way sir," Farren cursed to himself, making sure the microphone had been turned off. Those were mech's, able to take down hundreds of infantry in a single raid. He had nothing except a few high powered rifles and plasma guns.
In a matter of moments they'd be suped to shit.
"Give me a roatating cover fire. Take intervals, ok? Make it look like we have three times as many men over here. I'm going to go grab something. Robbie? You're with me."
The robot beeped. Sometimes, Farren swore that beep was some sort of computer sarcastic burp which he just didn't understand. IT would make perfect sense. The thing was fucking smart, it could be sarcastic.
Couldn't it?
Who knew...
He ran out behind the hill, as the rest of his man, now nearly a dozen took turns firing rifles, lasers and plasma in turn at the advancing front. They way they calculated it, something was always firing on them. With a little luck and some foggy radar readings, it could look like they had a decent size army back here, instead of some piece of shit.
Farren ran for the treeline, where cumpled up and smoking, was a fallen mech from the DCP. He had watched it fall, run right into a tree and then slump down.
He opened up what he assumed was the front of the thing, looking down at the not dead, bunt just unconscious DCp mech driver.
Fuck. He had thought the guy would be dead. That would certain have helped things.
Farren put the barrel of his gun at the temple of the man. He closed his eyes, finger straining against the trigger.
HE was unconcious...
Farren hesitated, thinking over the death of this one unimportant man. Could he be valuable? If they won this war, a prisoner might come in handy.
"You have something that can keep him knocked out?" Farren asked Robbie.
He took the rifle away, helping the man out of the mech.
"Good, treat his arm. We need him alive."
"Aye sir."
Farren got into the thing. He wasn't quite sure how to make himself fit, but he had seen the way the driver sat in here, and could figure it out.
A stray bullet bounced off the tree right next to him. Farren closed the door, looking at the array of buttons and knobs. He grabbed two joysticks where his armrests were, and the pile of metal moved to life. It stood up, leaning on one side.
"Holy fuck," He hadn't had a single day of mech training. Mech shit was for people who wanted to drive or fly mech's. He just chose to be infantry. Hell, he hadn't even seen one up close until now.
A red button was next to the joystick.
He pressed it.
Autocannon shot off into the red mars sky. He paused, moving the joystick to where the advanced mechs were coming. It looked as if some were making they're way specifically towards him, while others were going towards his unit.
He took aim, and fired again. Missing by a quarter of a mile instead of two or three. The third time he shot in there general direction.
"How do I move this thing?"
He needed to flank, or he'd be a sitting duck right for there arrival.
"The foot petals, sir," Robbie sputtered, not missing a beat as he patched up the man's arm.
Farren moved the petals at his feet, and the thing started to move.
He pressed the buttom, moved the joystick, and pushed on the petals with all his might. He had no fucking clue what he was doing, but at the moment, he was doing it.
Ducking as the machines began to fire back, he looked for more buttons to press.
swimming in a sea of semi-consciousness,his body jerked a bit unde rthe ministrations of whatever was treating his arm.hw realized his 'mech was moving,well,actually more of stumbling and blsutering around,due to the fact that he had piloted it for awhile.he wondered sleepily what would happen when whatever bastard had gotten into his mech would be dumbassed enough to fire the heavy cannon and tip them over(since they probably wouldnt brace the loki likehe would)
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USNS Burke

As the crew viewing the freighter's hairy rampage into the UP fleet laughed their asses off, Bains was hunched over a table in a conference room off to the side with his staff, commanders and their staff.

"Ok, we have two problems. First is the UP fleet being marshaled out from earth, the second, a raid on the UP's truckstops.

For the truckstops, I'm assigning a Nelson, one destroyer, and two frigates each. The ships will split into the frigates/destroyer element under heavy EW to make you appear like a Trafalgar class cruiser, and the Nelson will use her EW to appear as if she is a pair of destroyers.

This holds till action is commenced, then its the CO's show.

Then you will attack, kill the warships in close support, then kill the freighers and they truckstop.

Once you are finished, regroup with the main fleet at point zebra. By the time you return, we should have a more accurate read on whats coming from earth so we can harass them and request support to be more than insignificant in hurting it.

Any Questions?"
Asked the Commodore
David exited his quarters. He was in full unifor and ready for this day's asignment. He aproached the dispatch office and after getting clearence he joined the rest of the 12 man team. They had recieved orders to bring a neuroly implanted chip to certain satelite towers behind DCP lines. He checked his gear and after making a quick cybernetic diagnostic check he boarded the stealth fighter. He sat behind the bridge with the rest of the Monkey team.

He opened up the mission briefing wich he had downloaded into his neuro computer. A computerized voice spoke within his mind. It outlined the basic mission peramiters before going to the mission maps wich had either been provided for him or that he downloaded himself. He carefully reviewed the routs they were to take. The insertion zone, the positions of the satelite towers and then finally he calculated possible routs to each.After he was finished they He brought up a list of all the equipment he had. His standard wepons and hacking equipment plus the implant.

He reverted to normal vision as they aproached the drop off point. He opened up the navigational program and enterred the position of the drop point on the map and the positions of the main targets. As soon as the door opened he peered out.......