The Therapist (Closed)


Literotica Guru
Sep 16, 2011
(Closed for MzSeductress)

Dr. Bill Lewis was living a life that he could have only dreamed about when he first decided to get into the medical field. No, he did not become a doctor or surgeon. Instead he went into the field of therapy, more specifically, helping those with addictions. It was something he always saw himself doing, helping others with their problems and attempting to help them live better, more healthy lives.

Bill always seemed to be the one with his life together. He went to college knowing he wanted to get into a medical field. He wanted to help others, that was his main goal. He started college, and was lucky enough to play on the basketball team. He was fairly decent, until he hurt his ankle. However, he always credited his basketball playing days with meeting his wife, Nicole. Bill met Nicole in the athletic facility at college. She was a track and field athlete and they immediately hit it off. He did not like to sound cheesy, however, the moment he met Nicole he knew he was going to marry her. They just hit it off, and their relationship grew as they finished college and moved into the real world.

Nicole and Bill got engaged and soon married a few years after college. During this time his wife got a job at a large accounting firm in the city, while Bill began his career as a therapist at a local office. He was lucky enough to get hired by a doctor he had done an internship with. His hope was to get enough experience and make some money before opening his own practice. During his time at the practice, he saw how bad addiction effected individuals. He became very good at helping addicts curb their addiction and improve their lives. He helped everyone; drug, alcohol, smoking, technology and sex addicts. They each had their own reasoning for the addiction, and Bill's patience and determination was the deciding factor in helping as many as he could.

After being in the field for eight years, Bill opened his own practice. This time in his life was crazy, as he and his wife welcomed their first child. While it was a lot at first, he found time to spend with family and continue his successful practice. His office is set up to be comfortable to his patient. His desk is in front of a large window overlooking the city. Two chairs are set up across from his desk so he can talk to his patients there if they wish. Off to the side of the office is a comfortable couch with a leather chair next to it. That is also used for sessions so his patients can be more relaxed. The opposite side has a small table with some chairs around it for meetings. On his desk is a picture of his wife in a frame and another of his family. His building was on a top floor of a business complex. He did not have many employees, working only with himself, one other doctor and his secretary, Lisa.

Fast forward to the current day, and Bill and Nicole have been happily married for 15 years. Nicole just gave birth to their second child, and everything seemed to be perfect in their lives. Nicole was now staying at home with the two kids, hoping to go back to work after their newest child got settled. Bill had seen his own practice grow, to the point where he even had a few semi-famous patients. Overall, he was living a life he could only imagine and he did not think anything could ruin what he had built for himself and his family.

Today seemed like any normal Monday, however, that was far from the truth. Bill was seeing a new patient today, one that was referred to him by a colleague. This new patient had many addictions, but one was an addiction to sex. Bill entered his office, wearing a grey suit jacket over his white button down shirt, a blue tie, and grey dress pants with a belt over his boxers. He sat down at his desk, reading the file. The patient could be a challenge, as she did get one of her past therapists to break code and sleep with her. He sighed, hoping he could help his new patient. He looked at the clock, their first appointment was set to begin soon.
Hailey Green was disappointed that her previous threapist had cancelled on her after she felt so connected, perhaps it was because she had tried to kiss the woman, but that couldn't be helped it was a part of who she was and she had wanted to thank her for making her feel comfortable with her .

Hailey had always had her issues since junior high, she developed early and was taken advantage of by boys even that young wanting to see her body, or wanting to touch her or even take pictures. She had learend then that sex was power, but so was money, alcohol and drugs, it took you to a whole new world when you did them.

She was quite the party girl doing anything to fight the loneliness and emptiness she felt sometimes, dropping out of college, seducing men and trying things that made her fit in and feel comfortable places because she was a people pleaser..more so men, it was her favorite thing to do.

She glanced around the doctors office spotting a picture of a handsome man and smirked assuming that was him, she knew shed have fun with this one, she had previously slept with a doctor and he had fucked her hard all over his office, in his car, at his place and in the building elevator where the two were actually caught going at it hard by security. She rubbed her legs together a little as she thought of the scene and she bit her lip, perhaps she could have fun with her new doctor, if he was anything like the last male she had.

She wore a short black dress, thigh high socks and black leather mary jane heels accompanied with a sexy lace choker, bubblegum pink lips and a sharp winged liner.

She eyed the secretary coming in and had even tried flirting but the woman was so professional about things it frustrated her, now she was ready to see the doctor.
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Bill had a full schedule today, and as he sat at his desk reading his new patients file, he wondered if he set enough time to speak with her for their introductory meeting. Bill shook his head, closing the file as he leaned back in his chair. He spun around, looking out the giant window that overlooked the city. He smiled, loving the view the window had. It was the main selling point when he was looking for office space. This window allowed him to relax, look out at the city, and understand the small part he does to help society stay on track.

Just then his phone rang. He turned back to his desk as Lisa, his secretary was on the other end. "Dr. Lewis, your 10:00 am patient is here, Ms. Green." Bill nodded, smiling, "Thank you Lisa, if you don't mind bringing her down, I am ready for her." He hung up the phone getting a note pad and pen out. His desk was so neat, everything placed in a perfect spot. Pictures of his family were placed all over his office. It was one thing one of his mentors, Dr. Stewart, warned him about. He told him his office should not have his personal life in it, as patients may take advantage. However, Bill did not worry about that, at least he never did before.

He heard the knock at the door as he stood up, Lisa opened it and smiled, "Dr. Lewis, here is Ms. Green," she announced as Bill watched Hailey enter his office. "Thank you Lisa," he said as she shut the door and Bill walked around his desk to his patient.

"Ms. Green, pleasure to finally meet you," he said as he made his way to the attractive blonde. As he stopped in front of her, he reached his hand out to shake her hand. He gave her a re-assuring smile. "I know this may seem difficult, but I am here to help....... I read through your file and I have some ideas, but today is about getting to know you a bit better."

After she shook his hand, you pointed toward the chair in front of his desk, "Please, take a seat here today....." he said as he turned to head back, sitting down behind his desk, in front of the large window. On one side of his office was a small couch and chair for therapy sessions. On the other side was a small table, chairs and bookcases for meetings. He was proud of his large office, but was even more proud of all the patients he has helped in here.

As he watched Ms. Green move towards her seat, he noticed the way she dressed. He noted that she dressed provocatively. Definitely was not afraid to show off her body, which he made note in his head could be part of her addiction. As she sat, he smiled, "So, Ms. Green, tell me why you are here."
Hailey grinned being guided to the office admiring the was on the secretaryas she did and smirked seeing the woman was flustered by her boldness. She looked around the office as she entered noting the neatness and organization of it.

She heard the door close behind her and grinned as the doctor made his way over to shake her hand. She eyed the man up and down taking in his handsome features and impressive body.

He explained how difficult it had been and how he was there to help and wanted to get to know her better and she shook his hand before he instructed her to a seat.

She smirked and sat across from him as he got comfortable, he was a typical Dr and she was asked the basic question she always got, why was she here?

" I got arrested for masturbating in public when I was drunk and I have an ass hole PO" she said and sighed , the man hadn't been attracted to women and that frustrated her because she had tried to seduce him many times.

" My old doctor sent me here and I'm very happy she did... I feel like I want to get to know you as much as you want to know me Dr. Lewis" she said and grinned.
Bill opened his note pad as he sat in his chair. He looked at his new patient, watching her as she sat down in the chair across from him. He took some notes as she spoke about her getting arrested for masturbating in public and how she was sent here by her old doctor. He put on a reassuring smile as he looked up from his note pad, wondering if she was trying to play coy or if she truly did not know how much he knew from her file.

He smiled, "well, getting help is the first step....... but I know from your file that you have more incidents then just the one where you were arrested for indecent exposure," he said as he watched her sit in the chair. She seemed like a very confident woman. He could see that she knew how to use her body and good looks to get what she wanted.

He began again, "I guess my question to you is, do you want to get better?" He was being honest, it was a question he asked most of his patients. He continued, "I know from your file that you have a lot of incidents involving sex, drugs, and alcohol..... those things can be very addictive, especially for someone with an addictive personality." He watched her as he leaned back in his chair a bit.

"I see you had success with one of your therapists for a while, but then it seemed he got caught up in your addiction, and your last therapist, you made a pass at," he said bluntly. "I want to help you. I want to help you live a life free of your addiction, but if you do not want that, then being here is pointless," he said as he looked at her. Wondering how she would respond.
Hailey smirked hearing he knew everything, including her history with drugs, alcohol and sex, he looked like he genuinely wanted to help but she saw nothing wrong with what she did , she was enjoying herself.

" Why do I need help here doctor? Just because some PO says I do? I'm here because the court demanded it but... I like to think of myself as being the one that truly helps, I help people discover their inner passions, what they truly want to feel... " she said sand stood removing the sweater she had on and watching his reaction to her.

She had drank and did drugs , in fact she was a little high atbthe moment but she thought very clearly. She saw the images on his desk and the ring on his finger and got excited, Married men were often pent up, especially when they had kids, they couodnt fuck as hard and as much as they wanted which is now"she got her therapist to fuck her before.

" How often do you get to masturbate doctor?" She said and chuckled knowing the question wouod throw him off but also possibly arouse him. " zi can show you the video my officer had of me and what got me here ... Im sure it's popular around the police department too a few of them have fucked me" she said and smike matter of factly
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Bill watched as Hailey smirked at him and seemed to put off why she was there. He watched as she came back at him, asking why she needed help when she was being forced to be here with him. He nodded, "So you are only here because the court demands it? Well, I am sorry, but maybe I am not the right therapist for you," he said matter of factly. He did not want to waste his time, or her own. He wanted to truly help others, not be put through the ringer by a patient that was just trying to do what she had to do to avoid jail time.

As she stood to remove her sweater, he noticed the swell of her breasts, the cleavage on display. However, he had been put in this position many times. He kept staring at her eyes, not even glancing more then once about her body. To Hailey, he would seem as if he was uninterested in her body, something he knew he had to do around a sex addict. He shook his head as she mentioned how often he masturbated. He gave her a grin as he knew this type of tactic.

"Hailey, we are here to talk about you, but if you want to try and deflect, we can just end this session and I can send my recommendation to the court...." he said as he looked at her. "I want to help, but if you do not want my help, then we can just move you along to another therapist..... or if this is your last chance, to do your time..... depending what the court says..." he said as he sat forward at his desk.

Bill had been at this many times, and he was not thrown for a loop by Hailey. She was pushing, seeing what she could get away with. He wanted to let her know where the line was, and that line was patient and doctor. He knew she probably had her way with many weak minded men, but Bill loved his family and his job, he was not willing to risk it, at least not yet.
Hailey pouted slightly at the doctor , he was just as serious her PO though shenhad the option of seducing him on her side, all men eventually crumbled the more you tempt them.

Hailey knew she was running out of chances and out of approved therapists, she liked it in this place,worse case scenario they locked her up for mental evaluation or worse.

She watched him carefully, this one cared for his wife, perhaps he wasn't as frustrated as most were or he jacked himself off often to fight his urges, She grinned at the thought of that and gained innocent.

"I'm not deflecting doctor I promise! I am here to talk about my addictions... I was just curious , I wanted to know if you loved touching yourself as much as I do doctor.., if it made you feel as good as i do? I keep getting told its not normal or appropriate but.. pleasure is one of my favorite feelings... drugs ,sex and alcohol... you feel euphoric its nothing like it.." she said flirtingly
Bill listened to Hailey as she spoke about her addictions, especially her love for touching herself. He took a few notes on his notepad as he listened. He then looked up at her, "there is nothing wrong with touching yourself, as long as you can control yourself. For example, doing it in public, where you can be arrested, is not a good time," he said to her, giving her a smile. He knew he was being serious around her, but he wanted her to know there was a line. However, part of what made Bill good at this was opening up a little to his patients.

He hoped the smile he gave her made her realize he was not going to write her off. He sighed, "I understand you like your addictions, they make you feel good. That is why you do them, however, I need you to understand the trouble that they have, and will get you into. You have to control your urges, that is something you have shown you cannot do..... which is why you are here," he said as he set his note pad down. He looked at Hailey, she was attractive, and as he looked, for the first time he noticed the swell of her breasts.

Bill's wife, Nicole was attractive, but she was a runner in college. Her body was thin, but her breasts were small. Hailey had very large breasts, and the fact that she showed off her cleavage left very little to the imagination. He sighed, knowing most men would be distracted by her chest, but he pulled his eyes off of it, hoping he wouldn't be comparing his wife's small tits with his patients.
Hailey saw he was paying attention and glad he had not considered turning her in because she had started talking a bit.

She caught his glance at her breasts and bit her lower lip. She was attracted to the doctor that was for sure, but he was so serious about his profession, he had even deflected her questions and was writing things down in his book and she wondered what it was.

She stretched a bit in the chair to get comfortable seeing his mind had wandered a second and wondered what the doctor had thought as he explained how she couldn't control herself and how there was nothing wrong with her touching herself. She sighed sexily at that , if the doctor could see how wet she was beneath her dress she was sure he woukd be shocked and she rubbed her legs together a little bit.

" To be fair doctor... in public ive only fone that once i had a bit too much...but I did like that people were watching just made me hornier... is that bad doctor?" she said
Bill sat there, watching Hailey stretch in the chair. He sighed, as he felt his eyes again look at her chest. He wondered why he looked again. He found himself thinking about how big Hailey's breasts are compared to his own wife's. He leaned back, a bit uncomfortable as he found his mind wandering. He heard Hailey talk about touching herself in public and he shook his head.

"You liked people watching because you have an addiction....." he said softly. "Can I ask you something? Do you find that drugs, alcohol, and sex get in the way of your everyday life? Does it stop you from holding down a full time job?" He asked, picking up his pad. He was trying hard to focus on helping Hailey, but he found his mind wandering, something that has not happened to him before.

"Hailey, I will try and help you, but you have to want to be cured, or if not cured, at least stop your addiction from being front and center in your life....." he explained to her. "You have to want kids some day, or marriage...."
Hailey shook her head at him asking if her addictions got in her way of work "I don't think it does... if had people pay to see me masturbate, those cops and people in the park got a free show that night in my opinion" she shrugged.

She saw him watching her more and slowly slid her hands up her legs rubbing a bit " How can you help me doctor? I have urges...impulses that I need filled, I know you said I can't help it but... can any of us really?"

She reached forward grabbing one of the lollipops off of his desk and unwrapped it watching him. She put it in her mouth getting it wet then begin licking it "If you wanted to act on your inner urges...wouldn't you want to Dr?
Bill watched as she shook her head and talked about how her addiction does not get in the way of work. He smiled, "well if you think of it that way, you think you are doing everyone a public service......" he had to laugh a little before continuing. "However, you are the one that was arrested and now has to see a therapist to get cleared in order to count as time off your sentence." He shook his head, trying to be the calm one, even if Hailey was trying to get him all revved up. He knew he was trying to help her, and would not deviate from that path.

He watched as she asked how he could help her. He smiled, "We all have urges, but you have to control those urges that are inappropriate. How can I help? We have techniques you can use in the real world...... and therapy could be going into detail about past problems and hoping to find fixes that can alleviate and curtail some of those impulses." He was being honest about his approach, but part of him felt as though Hailey did not really want to be fixed.

As she reached forward and grabbed a lollipop, he watched as she unwrapped it and put it in her mouth. He watched her full, pouty lips suck on it, her long, sexy tongue snaking around, licking it while speaking to him. He sighed, "My inner urges? I think I am happy in my life, my urges are not as extreme as yours....." he said honestly. "I have a great family, two great kids, a wife that I love....... my urges are not as extreme because I am content...." he said as he looked at her, he fought the urges that she was trying to bring out of him. Her sucking on the lollipop or showing off her amazing breasts would not get to him he thought to himself.
Hailey knew that the Dr was trying to remain professional but she did notice the stares at her body and at the way she was sucking the lollipop to tease him.

Hailey heard him ask about past problems and paused for a second, she hadn't really thought about her past issues as long as pleasure replaced them. She wanted to know more about the doctor before she opened up and she heard him speak about his family.

She had to laugh at the doctor a little " Im sorry doc but i call bullshit... If your wife showed up right now in this session needing it... needing you to give her somethings she's been craving and wanting alone time with you.. you wouldn't fuck her?" She said bluntly
Bill listened to Hailey as she got blunt about his wife. He shook his head, "I guess there is the problem we are trying to correct........ no, we wouldn't have sex right here......" he said as he wrote down a bit more about Hailey in his pad. "We would wait to do that in our own home, on our own time......" he said as he shook his head. "That is what we are missing with you Hailey, the trigger of when the appropriate time is," he said as he smiled at her.

"Trust me, I get what you are saying, and yes, it is not a bad thing to leave work early and meet your significant other to let out urges, but knowing when is appropriate and when is not is something that you need to work on," he said as he was diagnosing her a bit at a time, just by hearing her talk. He always thought he was good at helping others, and in this moment, it seemed like Hailey wasn't giving him much, yet he was getting more information then she would have ever thought she was giving him.

"We will have to look into your past to find out where and how you lost the sense of what is appropriate or not, but that is not this session..... right now we are just getting to know each other," he said. "For instance, I need to make sure I can help you..... and you need to make sure you can trust me," he began. "If you can't trust me, then I will never be able to help."
Hailey watched as he wrote more things down and folded her arms ondering what he was scribbling again. She was growing frustrated with the doctor and she was also horny , at this point she was determined to seduce him now.

" That is so boring Doctor... spontaneous sex is always the most fun you need to experiment more...have sex more places... you can always have sex in the house" she said and sighed

She ran her hand over her thighs again tempted to just lift her dress and take care of herself right there. She bit her lip moving her hand up a little more " Doctor.., we are in private right.. the door is locked.. so would this be an appropriate place for me to.. you know..take care of myself.." She sighed watching him
Bill heard her tell him that was boring and he smiled. "Well, I guess you may think that is boring, but that is because you are so adventurous." He grinned as he put his pad down, looked at the clock on the wall and sighed. "Well, I will talk to the wife about that," he shook his head as he laughed a bit.

He watched as her hand moved down, disappearing behind the desk. He sighed as he saw a look in her eyes. He could see she was getting turned on as she sat there. He shook his head, "Unfortunately, we are not in private, the door is not locked and our session is about to be over," he said softly as he stared at her. He pushed his chair back a bit and leaned forward, "It was nice to finally meet you."

Bill felt his eyes drop to Hailey's breasts again, his mind flashing as he again compared her amazing tits to his wife's small ones. He sighed, wondering why he let himself look, but he felt his mind racing.
Hailey smirked and glanced at the clock " Hmmm I guess you are right Doctor..I really hope you do speak with your wife about that.. you might even get another baby out of it" she joked.

She was definitely frustrated at the moment that was for sure , it was evident she wasn't getting what she wanted out of him today and he probably had written all kinds of things about her down in that pad. She just wished she could fuck him to get out of this case and he cleared her.

She heard him sigh and stopped her hands " Its a shame it isn't locked .. anyone could come interrupt our sessions and I want you all to myself" she smirked.

She stood taking away his view of her breast and suppressed a grin knowing he liked what he saw , right now she was focused on getting something inside of her whether it's be a tongue fingers or cock.

She headed out of his office to reception and made her appointment but also couldn't help but flirt with a hot guy there going to see the other doctor and gave him her number hoping possibly later she could get a good lay out of him because he looked fit.
Bill watched as Hailey stood up to leave. He heard the comment about his wife as she grinned. He stood as she was going to leave and smiled, "Have a good day Hailey, hope you stay out of trouble until our next session...." he said as he watched her leave.

As she walked out, he watched her hips sway, her ass shown off until the door closed behind her and blocked his view. He sighed as he sat back down, grabbing his note pad. He read some of his notes, and then began to type them into a file on his computer.

As he typed, he couldn't help but think about Hailey's body, the way she used it to try and distract him. He had seen sex addicts act that way before, but for some reason, Hailey was different. She seemed to be more forward, almost more manipulative.

He finished up his day at work and headed home to his family. When he got home he forgot about his work day and enjoyed his time with his kids and wife. At night, Nicole and Bill started to mess around a bit, and that is when images of Hailey flooded back into Bill's head. He was kissing his wife, but thinking of Hailey's full, pouty, pink lips. He found himself losing control a bit, being a bit rougher and finally Nicole pushed him away.

"What has gotten into you?," she said shaking her head. Bill apologized, "I am sorry babe, just a long day at work, guess I am out of sorts a bit," he admitted as they both went to sleep, however Bill was shocked his patient got into his head at home.

It would be a few days before Bill and Hailey would have their next session, but he hoped she was staying out of trouble. He got out of work, leaving the office, wearing a navy blue suit jacket, a white button down shirt, blue tie, navy dress pants and a belt with boxers under. He walked toward the parking lot, knowing he needed to stop at the store before heading home.

He got into his car, driving towards the store.
Hailey had a great time over the past few days, she had gone shopping for some more outfits to tempt her new therapist, made a new fuck buddy the man who she had met in the office who she had learned suffered from OCD which she didn't care because they had fucked like animals in his car, on the rooftop of his building and in his apartment many times.

She smirked at the thought of it , she had even imagined it was Dr Lewis's cock she had been sucking and riding a few times and it had made her even hotter for him.

She had just finished meeting Dave before his appointment for a quickie in his car when she spotted Dr. Lewis in the parking lot . She saw him get in his car and grinned making her way over to it before he could pull out.

"Dr. Lewis is that you?" She said feining innocence knowing she looked freshly fucked.
Bill rolled the window down in his car, sighing as he was not looking forward to going to the store. He sighed as he turned your car on, about to put it in drive when he heard someone call out to him. He turned, looking to see Hailey walking over towards his car. His shook his head, "Hailey, what are you doing here? Our appointment is not until tomorrow....." he stated.

He looked at her, seeing her feigning innocence, but her hair and clothing made it seem like she just got done having sex. He shook his head, feeling his eyes move over her as she approached, her body looking incredible as usual. He sighed, "I am just leaving for the day....."

He knew he should leave, but he stayed there, sitting in his car as Hailey moved closer, moving right up to his drivers side window, looking down at the man that was supposed to help fix her addictions.
Hailey grinned at the doctor knowing the dress we wore left little to the imagination and she had heels on to match " I was just visiting a friend here he gave me a ride" she said and bit back the giggle wanting to spill out at how true that statement actually had been.

She trailed her eyes over his body getting a good look at how in shape he was from this position looking down into the car. "Long day?.. You look a little frustrated.. I can tell" she said and smirked leaning forward giving him a better view of her breasts.

She reached forward in the car running her hand across his lap and said sexily " Maybe I can help?"
Bill watched as she walked up to the car. As she leaned down, he heard her talking about it being a long day. He sighed, "yes, it was a bit of a long day..... and not quite over yet unfortunately," he said before watching her lean forward. As she did, he felt his eyes staring at her cleavage. He let his eyes linger, even though he knew he shouldn't, however, the dress she wore almost begged for her breasts to be stared at.

As she reached into his car, he felt her hand running over his lap, he gasped a bit nervously. "I do not need that kind of help....." he said softly, his hand reaching down to remove her hand from his lap. "I am sure you have plenty to do for the rest of the day...."

His eyes still locked on her breasts as he began, "I have to run to the store, I have some things to get for my wife," he stressed the word wife, wanting to let her know that even though he was out of the office, he was still married and professional. However, his eyes were definitely distracted by her amazing chest.
Hailey chuckled as he stopped her hand and emphasizes that he had a wife, which Hailey of course cared nothing about. She had felt him stiffen a little under her hand and smirked seeing him ogling her body.

"Hmmm It doesn't seem like you don't, besides..I'm free for the day and I only want to help my doctor out just like he's been trying to help me" she said and bat her pretty eyes.

She heard him mention going to the store and smiled opening the backdoor and climbing in . " Maybe I can come too doctor? Help you out with your day?" She said eagerly
Bill felt his mind racing as he pulled her hand off of his lap. He was staring at her breasts, and an image of him thrusting his cock between her amazing tits ran through his mind. He gasped as she told him she only wanted to help her doctor out. He shook his head, "I do not need you to help me out.... I am okay really Hailey...." he said.

As she opened the back door, he shook his head, "No..... you cannot come with me," he said sternly. He looked in the mirror at her in his backseat. He sighed, "Hailey, you are my patient, you cannot be driving around town with me..... it is highly inappropriate." He found his eyes on her in the mirror, but again he felt himself looking at her breasts. He again found his head imagining him on her in the back seat, thrusting his cock hard between her large, perfect tits.

He gasped, "Hailey, you really should get out and go...... I will see you at our appointment tomorrow...." he stammered, his mind racing as he was a bit lost in his thoughts about her amazing body.