The switchboard??

Don't need it with DSL... Have no idea if it's any good or not.
You dont need it either....go to radio shack and buy this little box from Emerson....costs ten allows you to recieve calls while online....but you still can not make calls.
I used something similar to that for a while It’s called CallWave. It works great. It lets people who call you leave a message and then you can decide whether you want to log off to get the call or not.
The original switchboard was invented by a funeral parlor operator who thought that when people would call up the operator and ask for a funeral parlor, they'd give them the one across town.
Satellite is pretty expensive and not that fast but it should be available anywhere ...that's what I think anyway ...unless they lack bandwidth of course and don't want to sigh up any new customers... I'd ask around if I ware you pore broadband is better then dial up ;)
Luscious Lioness said:
I had that but no one wanted to leave a message... so it didn't really work.
I thought of it as a regular answering machine. If it were really important they’d leave the message