The Strange Promotion(Closed)


Really Experienced
Mar 24, 2013
Tara was on her way to work, and very nervous. She had only started working at the corporate office of Lilly's Lingerie recently, and there were a lot of changes happening. The biggest of which was Lilly's retirement. This left the CEO position to her, admittedly very attractive, son. Unlike his Mom he had gone to business school, and had pretty much spent his life learning how to run a business. He had only been in charge two weeks, but people were already hating him for the changes he was making.

The change that worried Tara the most was the downsizing of her department. She was the secretary for the lead designer in the basic fashion department, and he was taking the store in a more "modern" approach, whatever that meant. As if somehow women were just going to stop needing and buying granny panties and only ever wear the uncomfortable sex appealing stuff. Anyway, from the rumors she had heard, she was most likely going to lose her job today.

At 37, she had only taken a job after her divorce to help pay the bills. She hadn't been married to a rich man, or anything close to that, so she wasn't actually getting much from the alimony. She couldn't afford to be out of work long, and she was just starting to like the people she worked with, had even gotten over the divorce a bit and been flirting with a few of the guys around the office. She enjoyed the attention she got from them.

Well not the attention SHE got as much as the attention her large 36d breasts did. She had also been working out and running since her divorce and was finally starting to feel comfortable with her thick but well toned legs and ass. In the last few weeks she had even taken to wearing more cleavage baring tops, and mini-skirts. She was even pretty sure she had caught the new CEO staring at her, with those strangely hypnotic purple eyes. God, those eyes! Despite how much she hated the way he was beginning to direct the company, she couldn't stop imagining being alone with him in his office.

Before she knew it she was at the office. Shaking the naughty thoughts from her mind before her thong became too damp, she took a few deep breaths and walked in, hoping the day wouldn't be as bad as she feared.
Dylan smiled as he stood in his office. His mother officially retired after he had proved himself worthy. He built up Athena, his software company from the 1,000 dollar loan from the bank. It took him a few years but he got it off the ground.

He smiled from his office looking at the lovely parking structure and than his clock. Seeing it about time for the employees to come. He adjusts his mocha colored suit , and than straightens his thin purple tie. He walks towards the door and smiles as he pops out his huge oaken doors.

The room behind him was once the epitome of his mother, chic furniture, posters of Fashion magazines,even some mannequins with product on it. Dylan however changed it to more comfortable furniture, with book shelves, and a couple of his mothers posters that showed the great history of his mothers company. He than kept on his desk a small framed copy of the worst thing the company launched to remind him of failure.

Dylan took the secretary's phone and rang the front desk he waited and heard the main buildings desk clerk call back.

"Cavanaugh business center, Lana speaking how may I help you." a woman asked as she sounded completely chipper on the phone.

"Yes Lana this is Dylan Cavanaugh, and am looking to have you divert Mr. Jacobs to Human Resources, and have his secretary come up to my office." he says as he smiles."Sorry I forgot to say please" he says as he than hung up the phone.

Dylan, sighed as he waited by the desk and looked at his watch. He was free, finally free and had amassed his wealth and was ready to finally have some fun. He saw Tara while he was walking the departments. She had something about her, she was sophisticated yet sultry. Normally that wouldn't have prevented him from giving her the axe like the rest. His mother wasn't in the top 5 lingerie companies and cuts to merge a few departments and boost R and D and Advertising was necessary. He however had heard rave reviews from her fellow employees, and her boss, well former boss.

Dylan adjusted his glasses and his suit. He was nervous she was one of the most likeable and charismatic secretaries in the company that was free for him to snatch. Her department was merging with R and D as they need to perfect the basics. He now just had to get himself Tara as his secretary and he coudl be complete.
Tara was on the elevator feeling even more nervous now! Lana had stopped her almost as soon as she walked in the door and said Mr. Cavanaugh wanted to see her! Usually when someone was let go they got sent to HR, so this just didn't make sense!

Compounding the fear was the way she was dressed. She had figured that since it was her last day working with the guys in her department, she would have a little fun at their expense! She was, after all, going to miss the attention! So she had put on the companies best black push up bra, it made her d cups look like at least dd's. Over that she had put on a VERY low cut white blouse, which also showed the outline of the bra. She was also wearing a knee length skirt that was very tight around her ass, and a thong so as to not show any panty lines.

Finally as she worked fruitlessly to get the blouse to cover her better the elevator came to a stop. He stepped out into the office lobby area that had already had big changes made to it. She hated how much things were changing, but had to grumpily admit the CEO's office area looked better than it did before. Slowly she walked over to Mr. Cavanaughs secretaries desk, which was strangely empty. She stood there quietly, deciding to wait on the secretary to tell her it was ok to go in. ”Hmmmm, its still early, maybe she's still giving him his schedule for the day” she thoughg to herself.
Dylan walked out of the office doors and smiles. "Good morning Tara, How are you" he asks as he stands there looking at you. he nervously adjusts his suit lapel and than gestures to his office.

"Please come in, I have much to discuss with you, I have made coffee and have various flavor shots creamers and what not for you to choose from. I do apologize for not greeting you had to excuse my self" he say as he offers his arm.

His mother had taught hm well. He was a gentleman, at least until he got to the bedroom. His thoughts drifted there again, Tara was a beautiful woman, and her body was jut the way if should be curvy and full. he wanted to get those clothes off her and kiss her skin and taste her pussy, but he held him self to proper decorum. His cock however grew and throbbed in his pants. It was apparent and was big.
"Uhm Hi Mr. Cavanuagh, its ok, uhhh, I was told you wanted to see me?" she said nervously trying not to stare too long into his eyes. Accepting a cup of coffee and after dropping one shot of normal cream into it she accepted his arm and walked with him to their seats.

Sitting very carefully as she was painfully aware that her skirt was way too short, she crossed her legs, trying not show anymore than she could help. She looked at him wondering why she had been called here, and couldn't help examining his body. "Damn is he sexy!! His amazing eyes, the strong jawline, perfectly v-shaped torso, his large bulge in the pants...wait, that, no, it can't be!" she thought to herself and blushed as she realized she might be staring, hoping he hadn't noticed. "That has to be huge, surely thats not because of me! I'm at least 10 years older than him! Oh god, I hope he didn't see to much as I sat!" she thought doing her best not to blush furiously but was failing.

"So, uh, Mr. Cavanaugh, I, uhm, I mean why, why did you call for me?" she said regaining some composure and focusing on the problem at hand.
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He looked over Tara, he let her get her coffee and than leads her to a chair.Oh God! she is wearing an exceptionally hot, Oh God My cock is in pain. When you sit he sneaks a peek of your thong a nice racy purple, and one of Lilly Lingerie's' designs! The Femme Fatal collection, should have black lace accents made of mostly silk, and have a cute little rosette right at the top in line with the sternum and navel

Dylan felt a little precum bead on the tip of his cock, and shook his head Seeing him self still standing there as she had already sat. he adjusted his lapel nervously as he than sits and smiles.

"Don't worry Tara I'm not firing you" he says as he drinks his black coffee."I brought you here to tell you you are gonna be my secretary, Its easier than your last job, mostly will be rescheduling as I tend to be hands on with my letters, and notes. You basically will take calls, scheduling and rescheduling. You will be making a sweet 350,000 dollars a year you'd travel with me, and basically stay wear i stay, you know be a great Secretary and personal assistant. You are a great face for what I represent, Granted i appreciate your enthusiasm about our product, but showing it all off is a little much though today I'll let you slide. If you need to I can give you 100,000 dollars for clothing, what do you say Tara willing to take the job or would you rather stick with your old boss and go from 100,000 a year to 50,000 a year?" He says looking into your eyes his locking on to yours.
Tara sat, dumbfounded. She knew she had to be dreaming! There is no way she was going to get paid that much to answer calls, and travel with this young stud! It just didn't seem possible. Sure she was embarrassed that he pointed out how inappropriately she was dressed, but she was too shell-shocked to worry about it yet. She still was certain she liked him as a boss, and she really loved working for her current boss, but she couldn't turn down $300,000 a year!

"Uhm, Real,...really? That's, I mean, that's huge! And there are much more experienced...I'll absolutely take the job, I guess I'm just wondering why?" More importantly Tara, why are you trying to talk him out of it!!! Shut up before he changes his mind!!

"And I am sorry for how I am dressed, I really don't have a good excuse for it, but i will definitely be more professional in my attire. As far as $100,000 for clothing goes, I don't feel I need it, but I certainly won't refuse it!!" she laughed. Then the devilish little flirt in her realized something. If he's going to point out my attire and even the underwear I'm wearing why can't I point out his elephant in the room?

"And, no disrespect Mr. Cavanaugh, but if you are going to point out my attire, maybe you shouldn't be so obvious in your appreciation of it" she remarked and she half nodded to his more than obvious bulge.
"True alot of them are experienced more than you, but you were avaiable, and after talking to a few of your colleagues over the week They told me you were the best suited at talking to and engaging others" he says as he looks at you with his piercing gaze, and than smiles.

"Its okay i figured your dressed this way because it was supposedly your last day and you wanted to flirt and tease all the guys in your department, which is admirable as thats part of what we want here is for women to be empowered, its just not the attire I would like for you to start as my secretary, especially at the office" he says as he than looks at what your looking at and his face blushes.

"Yes well, its a problem yes, but one i can handle in my executive bathroom. I do however admit it is because of you..." he coughs and than smiles." Any ways I have the keys for you to my office and my wash room. Its a time saver to use my restroom than having to walk all the way down the hall. And since you took the job, your first order of business is to get me some coffee, black. and than if you have any more questions I'll be here for you to ask unless you want me take care oh your distraction?" he asked as he walked around and held out his hand, his bulge only a few feet away.
Blushing, Tara took hid hand and stood up, letting her hand graze his impressive bulge. "I believe you are the one with the distraction Mr. Cavanaugh," she said as she winked and walked out to get his coffee.

She couldn't believe how wet she was! his admission that she was the one that had him so hard shocked and aroused her. And the thought of him in his office restroom stroking his problem away had her more aroused than she had ever been. Plus she had a key to that same restroom!! I'm going to have fun with this new job!. She hateed how he was running the company, but she couldn't wait until he was running hi...."Shit!!!" she yelled. In her daydreaming she had over-filled the coffee and burned her hand. Ok maybe this will be harder than I thought

On her way back with a new cup of coffee she stopped at her desk to freshen up. She buttoned a few buttons up on her blouse, although they were straining and she feared the may pop, and touched up her makeup. She walked back in looking more professional, but she knew he would still be staring at her.
Dylan stood and blushed a bit as she flirted and left the room.Damn it, what am i thinking, shes' gonna be my secretary!I can't just sleep with her, but god shes' so hot her body makes me want to just bend her over the desk and ram in her with wild abandon. He shook out the thought and than sighed as he looked at the Surface in front of him and pulled up his lay out from the new scheduling.

He than heard Tara curse and sees her coming in and her top straining. he pops up and pulls out his hanker chief from his lapel and quickly takes the coffee sits it on his desks and wipes your hand.

"You Okay Tara?" he says looking at the hand he absentmindedly kissed it and than pulled his hands and lips away. he blushed realizing what he did he plays it off." And please call me Dylan, your job is kinda of easy, I don't require much from you in fact you'll be doing less diverse things, and mostly handle the phone, coffee, lunch and scheduling, which reminds me."

He opens and desk drawer and takes a glace at your chest and than pulls out a brand new Samsung galaxy S and a Surface and hands them to you." As my Secretary you will need these. I have uploaded the Schedule and plans on yours as well I try to keep you in the loop," He says still standing as he smiles." And as a side note Tara...You can unbutton the top, i don't want you loosing buttons today on my account" he says with a smile as he than coughs.

"Now if you excuse me i will be in the bathroom for the next 10 minutes, i have important business to take care of" he says blushing as he than heads to the bathroom.
Electricity shot through Tara as Dylan kissed her hand. She blushed as they both realized what he did. She took her new toys from him, still in awe of how much her life had changed in the last 15 minutes.

As he headed towards his bathroom, she unbuttoned her button, and wondered if he was going to do what she hoped he was. She went back to her desk for a few moments and began playing with her new tablet, but she couldn't stop thinking about it.

After about 5 minutes had passed by, she couldn't contain her curiosity anymore, and tiptoed over to the restroom door to see if she could hear anything. God I hope I'm right, it will be a real shame if all I hear his him pooping
Dylan walked into the bathroom and quickly removed his jacket onto the peg, and than his pants. His cock its glorious 11 inches springing to life as he stood there over the toilet and gripped his dick. A crack had been left open as he shrugged and began a slow stroke and gave a soft gasp.

"Tara, oh yeah just like that" he said in a soft voice as he continued to stroke it. as he did his girth increased from a mere inch around to three. He continued to run his hand across his cock as he groaned a bit when he increased his speed a bead of precum dangling from the head now as he moaned a bit more.

"Fuck, OH FUCK TARA," He groaned out as he sped up his hips bucking into his pumping hand know. his other hand pressed abgainst the wall as he continued to fuck his hand. "OH GOD TARA, I'M...I'M.." he than goes into a silent moan as his thick ropey cum shoots out all over the toilet seat the back of the toilet, the wall the floor.

Dylans cock was still rock hard as he looked at the mess and sighed." Looks like i have to clean it up before Tara has to use it" and the mention of Tara his cock twitched and he tensed a bit another dollop of pre on his head.

"Dammit again...If I keep this up i won't be able to do any business at all... geez does my mother really think her virgin boy could focus at a Lingerie company. Well i could of since most woman here who model are twigs, but than there's Tara, God i wanna ram my dick in her so bad" he says as he begins to softly stroke his dick with one hand as he wipes the seat with toilet paper." Next load will have to wait. he says turning to throw away his trash to see a hint of something at the door. "Whos' there, show your self"
Tara was very happy to hear him moan, and then saw the door was cracked. She knew she shouldn't but she couldn't help herself. She looked in and nearly gasped when she saw how big he was. Unable to contain her excitement she began touching herself also. She couldn't hear what he was moaning at first, but all she needed was to see him stroke that huge cock. It was so erotic and she was getting close to cum herself when he practically yelled her name. She herself came hard, letting out a soft whimper as she saw his delicious seed shoot wildly all over. Her breasts heaving as she stood up she gently bumped the door and froze.

He had seen her and she was caught! She blushed as she tried to decide whether to run away or walk in. The possiblities of what could happoen if she walked in made her decide to take her chances. She slowly opened the door and revealed herself. Her hair slightly messed, her cleavage heaving as she was still catching her breath, her pants still unbuttoned, and her fingers still glistening with her juices. "Ummm, well, Dylan, it look like we may have been thinking the same thing" she said deciding not to try to hide what had happened.
Seeing Tara there Dylan spurted a bit more his cum hitting your exposed panties and your skirt. Dylan blushed his cock eager." I...uh...oh god Tara I wanna fuck you" he says all his sauce demeanor gone as he stood pants about his ankles and cock hard in one hand.

" Let me fuck you Tara let me finally, become a man" he says as he walks over to you and looks into your eyes." I've been a good chaste boy, and now I wanna bury my cock into the heavenly body of yours Tara" he says as he gazes at you with hungry eyes.

" Please Tara, Please" he said as he looked at you and than adds" If you do I'll tell you my vision of Lilly Lingerie, and ots a good one." he says as he stands his hands off his cock waiting for you to help tame him and make him a man.
"Are you kidding Dylan?!?! With a magnificent cock like that you only need to ask once!" She smiled walking forward and grasping him, letting her soft hand stroke his full length. Leaning forward she kissed him, before whispering in his ear. "I would be more than happy to be the first one to get stuffed by this perfect cock. But are you sure right here in your bathroom is where you want do this? I am more than happy too, it would be very hot, just want to make sure you are really ready." Then she took his hand and slid it up her shirt until it was grasping her large breasts as she moaned and kissed him again.
" Yes Tara" he says as his right hand gripped your tit, and began to knead it like dough on his hand the other moved down to your open skirt and let his fingers run across your crotch. His cock twitched and shook as he absent mindedly began to buck his hips making his cock slid in and out of your hand.

" A have dreamt of fucking a woman like you, ample breasts, a nice ass, sensious curves, I want you to be my first Tara, take me please" he says some what pained as his cock trips pre like a leaky Fawcett.
"Well then I'd say your more than ready, but you're going to have to take me!"she said as she turned, pulled her panties down and bent over the sink. Pulling her skirt up she spread open her hole and and waited for him to begin pushing that amazing cock into her.

"Dylan we will have many more play sessions as long as I work for you and your perfect cock, but for now I think we both just need a good hot fuck." With that she reached back and stroking his dick she pulled him forward until he was pressing against her moist entrance.
His hands greedily caress your chest pulling on your nipple through your clothes as his other hand slides over your hips running over it teasing your skin as he than slides his cock head in. " Oh Tara" he moans as he than pulls his hand from his hip and begins to stroke his cock up and down feeling your walls on his head before he than lines it perfectly. He smiles and than thrusts his first thrust going in deep as he than stops only half his thick hard cock inside you." OH GOOD YOUR PUSSY IS ON FIRE!" he roars as he pulls back and rams it in a little deep now.
Tara had never been hornier in her life. As Dylan played with her breasts and caressed her ass, she moaned and nearly lost control. Then he teased her sex, rubbing his cock between her wet folds. "Dylan, please, I need that huge beautiful virgin cock inside me!" she nearly yelled, as she couldn't take much more.

Then there was a brief pause, and she knew what was about to happen. As excited as she was and as much as she wanted it, she was still nervous and afraid. It was so big, how was this inexperienced horny man going to know how to use such a privileged? Of course, she didn't much care, it had been so long, she kind of hoped he would just destroy her pussy.

Then the moment came and with one powerful thrust he buried himself halfway inside her. She screamed as it hurt, but felt so fucking good!! "Yeah Dylan? Does the rich virgin boy like my hot tight wet pussy?" she asked as he slid out and thrust deeper inside her as her pussy began to adjust for his size. She began grinding her ass back wanting more and more of him. She needed free access to her breasts wanting to caress and touch them, and quickly lost her shirt and bra.
"SO...SO ..GOOOOOOD" he moans as he pulls back a bit and than pushes forward his hips slowly working himself into your pussy. Oh god did he love this tight little pussy he enjoyed. He began to pull back and than dart back in his cock stretching and straining your pussy as he grunted.

" Oh God ..OH GOD" he says as he than pulls back and wiggles his hips a bit to try and let your pussy rest. It didn't last long as he pushed back in and than began to ram deeper slowly and steadily getting faster and inching deeper. he had seven inches in now and was going for eight.

"Tara...I'm close..Oh god..i wanna cum..Please i wanna cum so bad" he says as his right hand gripped your hip and his left fondled your breast.
Tara could hardly contain her own desire to cum as she continued to moan with each penetrating thrust of his huge cock. He almost seemed afraid to really try though as he was gently trying to work himself in. She was so wet she knew she could handle him getting rough with it.

"If you want to cum Dylan, fuck me harder and faster!!! I want to feel that entire monster of a cock inside me when you cum!" she said. Then taking his large rough hand that felt so good on her breast, she guided it down her side to her hip, so that both hands were grasping the sides of her ass. "Baby, take my tight wet pussy! Do what you want and fucking pound me! I want all of you inside me now!" she said already bracing for the fucking to come.
"Yes Maam" Dylan says as he slides his hands back to grip your hips and rams into you forcing all of his thick hard member in side you, he than pulls back and rams hard again. He tests the waters one more time as he than begins to ram his pulsating prick hard and fast into you. He begins to groan and moan, he chest leaning forward as he begins to buck his hips into you with wild abandon.

"OH FUCK" he says as he continues to fuck into your tight pussy enjoying it as he moans." TARA, I'M...I'M CLOSE!!!" he says as he begins to go faster his balls and hips slapping painfully quick and hard into you as his cock pierces your womb sending his head deep and pushing up even further as he gasps .
Tara was glad that Dylan had his own private office on his own private floor. Right now neither he nor her could contain their moans and screams. She couldn't believe how painfully good it felt to have him fucking her so wildly. She had needed this so bad for so long, and his cock was so perfectly big! She could hardly breathe as he ravaged her soaking pussy, the sounds of him impaling her filling the room. All she could do was hold onto the cupboard and scream "Fuck!!" over and over again.

Finally just as she was bout to cum, she could feel him entirely inside her. He may have even penetrated to deep as a sharp blissful pain shot through her and sent her into an explosive orgasm. She squirted on his cock as her knees buckled and she moaned loud and uncontrollably. Her pussy rippling and spasming along his cock. She knew he would cum deep inside her any second and that only heightened her orgasm. "Cum,, cum deep inside Dylan. Please I want to feel it throb and release!"
"CUMMMING" he roared as his cock deep with in you spurts its first thick load. Dylan holds your hips on him and rotates his hips so his cock moves in a counter clockwise motion.

He keeps you tightly held to him his cock spewing more and more seed into you emptying his balls, as he leans a bit more forward and kisses your ear. "Thank you Tara, that was amazing" he says as he than pulls away as he does two short quick bursts hit your ass and thighs as he than stands his cock semi erect watching as cum dribbles out of you.

" I never knew a woman, not a stick, like you would be working here when i took over a real woman not some fucking twig. This is what I want the company to produce, panties for real woman, that look good for real women" he says all breathy as his cock twitches slowly hardening again." Thats if i can pull my self away from such an amazing sight and fell of you Tara" he says as he stands with his cock hard again." But we can stop if you want I can always work with his"
As Dylan's cum exploded inside of Tara, her orgasm hit a new level. It felt so good to have a pulsing cock shoot inside her again, she was surprised at how much she had missed it! She felt a spurt hit her ass as he pulled out of her and she quickly reached back, wiped it onto her finger and sucked it off, wanting to know how he tasted. God it was good!!!

She listened and smiled, leaning back against the sink her tits pushed out on full display for him while their juices began to run down her leg, as the poor previously virgin boy rambled on, obviously nervous and not sure how to proceed. She was shocked to see him ready to go again so fast. When he finished she looked at him with a devilish grin for a second, then said, "Dylan, babe, I could stand around here all day with that amazing, huge, perfect cock inside me all day and be perfectly happy, but you are right we do need to get some work done! So...why don't you let me clean up a bit while you go out and do some work. I'll be right out and maybe I'll have a surprise for you!" She winked, gave his dick a few strokes, then put it away while shoving him out the door.