The shootings at teh Sikh Temple was called DOMESTIC TERROR 5 minutes after


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
the shooting stoped

A few days AFTER we all knew that Nadal screamed ALLAH AKBAR as he gunned down fellow soldiers


A year or 2 have gone by

CNN Reports Wade Michael Page Is A Former Soldier, May Have Been White Supremacist [VIDEO]



yet to THIS day

Islam and Muslim and Terror are NOT UTTERED IN THE NADAL CASE

Dude was Army pysch-ops for 7 years, less than honorable discharge... they're leaning to hate crime.
White guy, ex-military; automatically and immediately profiles now as "domestic terrorism" according to DHS mandate...

...or do you not realize that America is now the battlefield for "the war on terror"?

Get over yourself. Why don't you start a thread about HUSSEIN Bolt?
Holder Calls Sikh Temple Shooting “An Act Of Terrorism” – Continues To Label Ft. Hood Massacre As “Workplace Violence”…

Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that Nidal Hasan is Muslim and the Skikh temple gunman is white.

( – U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, speaking at the Sikh Temple shooting memorial service in Oak Creek, Wis., on Friday, called the tragedy “an act of terrorism, an act of hatred,” and “a hate crime that is anathema to the founding principles of our nation and to who we are as an American people.”

The gunman, identified as Wade Michael Page, shot nine people at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin – killing six and injuring three others. Page, a suspected white Supremacist, died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to police.

“For our nation’s law enforcement community, our resolve to prevent acts of terrorism and to combat crimes motivated by hatred has never been stronger, and that is precisely what happened here – an act of terrorism, an act of hatred, a hate crime that is anathema to the founding principles of our nation and to who we are as an American people,” he said.

Holder said that the Sikh community has been the victims of “this sort of violence” far too often. “In the recent past, too many Sikhs have been targeted and victimized simply because of who they are, how they look and what they believe. That is wrong. It is unacceptable, and it will not be tolerated,” he said.
Holder Calls Sikh Temple Shooting “An Act Of Terrorism” – Continues To Label Ft. Hood Massacre As “Workplace Violence”…

Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that Nidal Hasan is Muslim and the Skikh temple gunman is white.

( – U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, speaking at the Sikh Temple shooting memorial service in Oak Creek, Wis., on Friday, called the tragedy “an act of terrorism, an act of hatred,” and “a hate crime that is anathema to the founding principles of our nation and to who we are as an American people.”

The gunman, identified as Wade Michael Page, shot nine people at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin – killing six and injuring three others. Page, a suspected white Supremacist, died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to police.

“For our nation’s law enforcement community, our resolve to prevent acts of terrorism and to combat crimes motivated by hatred has never been stronger, and that is precisely what happened here – an act of terrorism, an act of hatred, a hate crime that is anathema to the founding principles of our nation and to who we are as an American people,” he said.

Holder said that the Sikh community has been the victims of “this sort of violence” far too often. “In the recent past, too many Sikhs have been targeted and victimized simply because of who they are, how they look and what they believe. That is wrong. It is unacceptable, and it will not be tolerated,” he said.

But Holder can kill all the Mexicans he wants. :cool: