Open Carry at the 2016 Ohio National GOP Convention! Who will get shot ?

Protesters for the Right, protesters for the Left, Black Lives Matter supporters, Gun Rights open carry in public, and an army of police officers in full tactical gear.

What could possibly go wrong ?

The 911 caller told the dispatcher that Rice was "probably a juvenile" and that the gun he was seen brandishing was likely fake, yet the dispatcher didn't pass on that seemingly crucial information.

Surveillance footage shows that fewer than two seconds passed from when the police car reached Rice until Loehmann opened fire.

Tamir Rice was 12 years old. He was trying to show the police that his gun was a toy.The pre teen was pulling the toy gun out of his waist band to show them it was not a real gun.

It wasn’t until after the weapon was recovered that investigators determined it was a BB gun.

Detective Steve Loomis, who made national headlines when he called 12-year-old Tamir Rice “menacing” after the pre-teen was gunned down in 2014 by a fellow Cleveland cop.

The same Detective Steve Loomis made a statement,before all of the facts were even in following the shooting deaths of three Baton Rouge policemen on Sunday, the head of Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association blamed President Barack Obama for the spate of cop killings.

If this detective is the head of the Police Association, does he speak for most of the Cleveland police, when he said-

"It's absolutely insane that we have a president of the United States and a governor of Minnesota making the statements they made less than one day after the police-involved shootings," said an emotional Loomis.

"And those police-involved shootings, make no mistake, are what absolutely have triggered this rash of senseless murders of law enforcement officers across this country. It's reprehensible.And the president of the United States has blood on his hands that will not be able to come washed off."

gsgs comment

This police officer, speaking for the police officers of Cleveland, is accusing President Obama directly, for causing the deaths of police officers.

Do police officers prefer that we ignore the fact that black men and women are dying because they did nothing to deserve getting shot to death ?

Will this "policemen's blood on President Obama's hands, result in double the resolve of the militarized police in Cleveland to punish all minorities, for the acts of a few confused, mentally ill men ?

Why do the police officers insist on missing the point ? Most white people enjoy the full protection of the law, even after they commit mass murder.

Peaceful protesters have had assault rifles pointed at them, while the police officer screamed, "I will fucking kill you!" His fellow officers had to pull him away, and send him somewhere, else. They knew they had to follow the law. He did not, because he was allowed to behave like that, where he normally worked as a police officer. To this day, he is still upset that he lost his job over something so minor.

Before the police officers were murdered in Baton Rouge, the police officers were being egged on by their fellow officers, to be brutal as possible. Peaceful protesters were injured because the police were taking out their aggression on people who could not fight back.Why did these police officers feel entitled to intentionally inflict pain and damage ?

Will Cleveland police officers feel twice as entitled to be twice as brutal, now that one of their own has given them justification for revenge ?

Will protesters be slaughtered in a mass murder committed by police officers, because a gun accidentically gets fired ?

Jul 18, 2016 Open carry gun rights cause jitters at Republican convention

Even gun rights advocates are questioning whether people should be allowed to carry rifles and handguns during protests at this week's Republican National Convention in Cleveland in the wake of the shootings of six police officers in Baton Rouge.

Backers as well as opponents of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump have expressed concerns about the prospect of weapons being carried in open sight around the convention site.

Mr.HWMNBN, the amoral/ immoral opportunist, grabs the chance on July 11th to announce that “I am the law and order "Law and Order" candidate.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie introduced Trump on Monday, calling for “a return to law and order."

"Law and Order" is a dog whistle was used by George Wallace.

Wallace stood in the doorway to block the admission of two black young people to the University of Alabama. Wallace shouted: "Segregation now! Segregation tomorrow! Segregation forever!"

"Law and Order" was used against minority protesters that were seeking social justice, protesters that wanted the war to stop, and college students that wanted to have a voice in their government.

Sixty Minutes interview with Mike Pence and Trump

Mr. HWMNBN's boot is firmly pressing on Mike Pence's neck.

Pence speaks when he is allowed to speak.

Woe, to him, that gets in the way of Mr. HWMNBN's spotlight.

United and in agreement ?

Just as a dog and his master, are united.

Drop 0ut, Pence, before it is too late!

Are you quite done?
When you tell the average US citizen that cops in London don't carry guns and that the police must radio in for a special armed unit you can see the horror in their eyes.

If you thought how the police acted was awful in the Tamir Rice shooting the prosecutors office's actions were just as horrible.

And if you explain that in London they don't need to carry guns, they just 'pfft that's another country America is an exceptional case'.
are you mentally defective, retarded, or just a dumb ass?

help me understand

Protesters for the Right, protesters for the Left, Black Lives Matter supporters, Gun Rights open carry in public, and an army of police officers in full tactical gear.

What could possibly go wrong ?

The 911 caller told the dispatcher that Rice was "probably a juvenile" and that the gun he was seen brandishing was likely fake, yet the dispatcher didn't pass on that seemingly crucial information.

Surveillance footage shows that fewer than two seconds passed from when the police car reached Rice until Loehmann opened fire.

Tamir Rice was 12 years old. He was trying to show the police that his gun was a toy.The pre teen was pulling the toy gun out of his waist band to show them it was not a real gun.

It wasn’t until after the weapon was recovered that investigators determined it was a BB gun.

Detective Steve Loomis, who made national headlines when he called 12-year-old Tamir Rice “menacing” after the pre-teen was gunned down in 2014 by a fellow Cleveland cop.

The same Detective Steve Loomis made a statement,before all of the facts were even in following the shooting deaths of three Baton Rouge policemen on Sunday, the head of Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association blamed President Barack Obama for the spate of cop killings.

If this detective is the head of the Police Association, does he speak for most of the Cleveland police, when he said-

"It's absolutely insane that we have a president of the United States and a governor of Minnesota making the statements they made less than one day after the police-involved shootings," said an emotional Loomis.

"And those police-involved shootings, make no mistake, are what absolutely have triggered this rash of senseless murders of law enforcement officers across this country. It's reprehensible.And the president of the United States has blood on his hands that will not be able to come washed off."

gsgs comment

This police officer, speaking for the police officers of Cleveland, is accusing President Obama directly, for causing the deaths of police officers.

Do police officers prefer that we ignore the fact that black men and women are dying because they did nothing to deserve getting shot to death ?

Will this "policemen's blood on President Obama's hands, result in double the resolve of the militarized police in Cleveland to punish all minorities, for the acts of a few confused, mentally ill men ?

Why do the police officers insist on missing the point ? Most white people enjoy the full protection of the law, even after they commit mass murder.

Peaceful protesters have had assault rifles pointed at them, while the police officer screamed, "I will fucking kill you!" His fellow officers had to pull him away, and send him somewhere, else. They knew they had to follow the law. He did not, because he was allowed to behave like that, where he normally worked as a police officer. To this day, he is still upset that he lost his job over something so minor.

Before the police officers were murdered in Baton Rouge, the police officers were being egged on by their fellow officers, to be brutal as possible. Peaceful protesters were injured because the police were taking out their aggression on people who could not fight back.Why did these police officers feel entitled to intentionally inflict pain and damage ?

Will Cleveland police officers feel twice as entitled to be twice as brutal, now that one of their own has given them justification for revenge ?

Will protesters be slaughtered in a mass murder committed by police officers, because a gun accidentically gets fired ?

Jul 18, 2016 Open carry gun rights cause jitters at Republican convention

Even gun rights advocates are questioning whether people should be allowed to carry rifles and handguns during protests at this week's Republican National Convention in Cleveland in the wake of the shootings of six police officers in Baton Rouge.

Backers as well as opponents of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump have expressed concerns about the prospect of weapons being carried in open sight around the convention site.

Mr.HWMNBN, the amoral/ immoral opportunist, grabs the chance on July 11th to announce that “I am the law and order "Law and Order" candidate.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie introduced Trump on Monday, calling for “a return to law and order."

"Law and Order" is a dog whistle was used by George Wallace.

Wallace stood in the doorway to block the admission of two black young people to the University of Alabama. Wallace shouted: "Segregation now! Segregation tomorrow! Segregation forever!"

"Law and Order" was used against minority protesters that were seeking social justice, protesters that wanted the war to stop, and college students that wanted to have a voice in their government.

Sixty Minutes interview with Mike Pence and Trump

Mr. HWMNBN's boot is firmly pressing on Mike Pence's neck.

Pence speaks when he is allowed to speak.

Woe, to him, that gets in the way of Mr. HWMNBN's spotlight.

United and in agreement ?

Just as a dog and his master, are united.

Drop 0ut, Pence, before it is too late!
Considering the convention used Rolling Stones music I guess these guys would have been a good choice for security.

Exactly, because the Republicans have taught us that privatization is the solution to everything. I wish they would have either applied this principle at their convention, or, as an earlier poster stated, subjected themselves to the same threats we have on the streets as a result of lack of sensible control of assault weapons.