The Secret Life of Charlie Jones (PM for invite)


Literotica Guru
Jan 24, 2012
Closed for Brw02

Swaying slowly to the seductive rhythm of the music, Charlie unbuttoned her blouse, revealing the lace bra underneath. The deep red color was offset perfectly by her ivory toned skin. Sitting in the chair in front of her, Richard Conway, middle-aged, fat and balding, could not keep his eyes from the alluring sight of her swaying hips, which were clad in a form fitting black leather skirt. Reaching behind her, Charlie slowly unzipped the skirt, letting it fall to the floor and giving Richard a good eyeful of her matching lace panties.

"So beautiful." He said, his hands reaching out to grip her hips and pull her closer. "So perfect."

Smiling down at him, Charlie straddled her lover's lap, her panty covered crotch sliding against his lap. She could fee his arousal beneath her, his cock hardening inside his pants as she continued to rub against him teasingly.

"I want to fuck you, Charlie." He kissed the smooth skin between her breasts, his hands hungrily exploring her body.

"Now, now, Richard," she said as she gently pried his wandering hands from her body. "Good things come to those who wait." With a promising wink she climbed off his lap and moved towards the hotel room's wet bar. Her hips swayed with each step and she could practically hear him panting. Pouring two glasses of champagne, Charlie made her way back to the eager man, who had unzipped his pants in her absence, his small cock standing at attention. The sight of it made her want to vomit, but Charlie was nothing if not a professional. Keeping a look of pure desire on her face, she straddled him once more, feeling his cock rubbing against her panties. She was grateful for the thin barrier the lace provided, even though it would soon disappear and his worm of a cock would be inside of her.

One of her usual clients, Charlie knew that Richard would soon be panting on top of her, sweat dripping from his chest onto her face and his dick stabbing her pussy like the needle that it was. She knocked back her entire glass of champagne.

She reached down and gripped Richard's small prick. The man gasped and shuddered beneath her, his cock quivering at her touch. Her slim fingers wrapped around him and began to stroke slowly, building his arousal and, bringing him as close to the edge as possible before stopping. She brought her hand, slick with his pre-cum, to her lips and licked each finger slowly, sucking on each digit seductively. Richard's eyes were glued to her every movement, his hips bucking slightly as if he were trying to break through her panties in order to enter her.

"I want you right now." Richard growled, probably thinking he sounded like the alpha male he thought he was, but truly coming off as a weak imposter.

Charlie leaned forward, her full breasts right in his face, her lips brushing against his ear. "Then take me, lover." She breathed, her proximity sending shivers down the older man's spine. He pushed her roughly to the floor and ripped her panties off, his prick fumbling for entrance to her hot center.


Walking down the sidewalk, Charlie Jones heels clicked steadily as she made her way towards the Anderson Building. Her bag, slung casually over her shoulder, was weighted down with textbooks. In her senior year at Stanford University, the twenty-two year old was only a few short months from attaining her business degree. Her life was in order and she knew exactly where she was going. After graduation she would start grad school at NYU where she'd get her MBA, while also interning on Wallstreet. After that she'd work full time on Wallstreet and have a great apartment in Greenwich Village. She'd spent the past four years working on that goal and, now that she was nearly done with her bachelor's degree, Charlie was beginning to wonder if she hadn't missed something along the way. Like a social life.

Despite being extremely productive in school and her, rather lucrative, side business, Charlie had only a few friends and, unlike many other girls, had gone through her whole college career without a single date. Granted she had more than enough sex due to her job, but that was all meaningless and with men that she really didn't care to see again. Charlie couldn't help but wonder what sex with a man she actually cared about would be like.

Walking into her senior seminar, Charlie took her usual seat around the small table and pulled out her laptop. As more students filed into the room, Charlie greeted a few of them with a smile. It was a shame, really, that after four years of sharing the same classes with her peers, she didn't know them any better. Deciding to go out on a limb, Charlie turned to the student next to her.

"Hey," she said, "did you understand the reading that Dr. Clark assigned, 'cause I was so lost." She chuckled and hoped that the other student wouldn't think her too weird.
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Bruce trudged into the lecture hall and took a seat near the back of the room. He almost wished he could be a student at Stanford for the rest of his life. The warm days under the California sun were a far cry from the cold dampness of New Jersey. He liked to hike in the mountains on weekends, breathing in the fresh clean air and enjoying the breathtaking views over the valley below. So different from the putrid salt marshes back home.

His love of hiking, golfing, and kayaking had helped to tone his athletic body. He was six foot two inches tall and weighed around 190 pounds. He had a thick mane of brown hair and bright green eyes. Bruce was not a Chippendale model but most of the girls in his social circle considered him to be handsome enough. His wardrobe came mainly from L.L. Bean, but also included a couple of blazers for special occasions.

Looking around the room, he saw the familiar faces of his classmates. Stanford is a demanding school and many of his friends had transferred out to colleges with lower standards. They could earn a degree there and party all they wanted in the process. Bruce enjoyed partying too, but he didn't let it disrupt his studies. He knew most of his classmates socially and had plenty of friends, male and coed. He has enjoyed some casual flings with a few of them but he didn't have a "special someone". There were times when he wished he did.

The seat next to him was occupied by a pretty girl named Charlie. After three years, he still hadn't seen her outside the classroom. Unlike Bruce, Charlie was always "dressed for success". She would look right at home in a corporate boardroom. He knew that she was a good student. She must spend her spare time studying alone in her room.

When she asked about the reading assignment from Dr. Clark, he was in complete agreement with her. The material seemed irrelevant to managing any business. Smiling at Charlie, he replied "I think we're lost together".
Charlie grinned at him as she brushed a strand of honey blonde hair behind her ear. Though she'd had numerous classes with him, Charlie could not remember his name.

"I'm Charlie," she said, holding out a perfectly manicured hand, her nails painted navy blue, which offset her cream-colored silk blouse perfectly.

Flipping open her textbook, a heavy tome that bespoke the benefits of Corporate America, she flipped to the reading assigned by their professor.

"I just hope he doesn't call on me for discussion." She chuckled as Dr. Clark entered the room, setting his briefcase next to the lectern and clearing his throat.

Turning her attention to the front of the room, she tried to focus on the lecture, but her mind was elsewhere. After class she had a brief break in which to grab lunch and work on her business model for her entrepreneurial class. Following that she had two scheduled appointments with regular clients. The first would be a quick meeting in a hotel room - that client had particular fetishes that his wife just could not bring herself to fulfill. Fetishes weren't Charlie's thing, but the pay was great. Her second client always paid for the "Girlfriend" experience - dinner and conversation followed by a slow and sensual evening in the bedroom.

Her mind elsewhere, Charlie didn't hear Dr. Clark calling on her for her thoughts on the reading.
Dr. Clark started his lecture before Bruce could introduce himself to Charlie. He remembered her name from previous classes, although the Professors usually addressed her as Ms. Jones. She did not normally hesitate to respond when she was called on. When he looked across at her, she seemed unaware that her name had even been called. She appeared to be lost in thought, but Bruce had no clue what she was thinking about.

Thinking quickly, he swept his textbook off the desk, landing with a thud on the floor. The interruption did not set well with Clark, who was almost obsessed with keeping order in the classroom. He didn't particularly like Bruce to begin with. He didn't like the way that Bruce slouched in his chair, which was not high enough to accomodate his long body. And he didn't care for his attire, which consisted of cargo shorts, hiking boots, and an L.L.Bean tee. Bruce earned good grades, but Clark did not think he would ever go anywhere in the corporate world.

Clark was annoyed, enough to fix a harsh glare on Bruce. Momentarily, he forgot about Charlie. Having been brought back to the present, she looked over at her classmate who had a hint of a smile on his face as he maintained eye contact with the Professor. If Clark repeated his question to her, she could probably come up with some kind of answer.

Bruce wished that he would call on him. The assigned reading explained some theory that a manager could change the culture of an organization with a series of executive orders. The manager could, supposedly, issue some "standard operating procedures" and "performance expectations" and arbitrary targets which would turn the organization around. As far as Bruce was concerned, it was a bunch of crap. He worked in his father's environmental cleanup company in the summers and he would get laughed out of the room if he ever tried to enact such measures.

In reality, however, Bruce respected Dr. Clark, even as he disagreed on this issue. Clark did not know that Bruce had a job waiting when he graduated. He was expected to work in his father's company, and he knew what the job would entail. The company remediated polluted sites and created an environmentally friendly location in it's place. Toxic dumps were transformed into wildlife oases. This work was his passion, and his destiny. But for now Bruce was just another student enjoying his college years at a school he loved. For now, he wanted the class to end in order to continue his conversation with Charlie. Maybe he could ask her if she wanted to join him and his friends at TGI Friday's for a burger and a couple of draft beers.
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The loud thump of a book falling to the floor startled Charlie from her thoughts. She glanced over to see her neighbor picking his textbook up, then realized that Dr. Clark had been trying to gain her attention. The book incident, however, had diverted his attention.

"Thank you," she mouthed. He smiled in return and Charlie turned her attention back to the professor, at the ready should he call on her again.

At the dismissal of class, Charlie packed up her laptop and books and slung her patent leather, red briefcase over her shoulder, she glanced at her companion.

"Thanks again," she said, fastening the single button on her tan blazer that covered her blue silk blouse. "I owe you one." Glancing at her watch, Charlie realized that she had ten minutes to get across campus to her next class. "Where are you headed next?" She asked as they made their way out of the classroom. "I'm going to Dr. Amberly's Entrepreneurship in America class. If you're headed that way we could walk together."

Suddenly nervous for reasons unknown to her, Charlie twisted her hair up into a bun and secured it with a hair tie that she always kept on her wrist.
Bruce let a smile cross his face as he noted Charlie's nervousness. He was a little surprised that she could be shy; her dress and her posture gave her a confident, professional appearance. Despite his stature, Bruce was not an intimidating figure. Charlie's fidgeting seemed out of place, but he really didn't know much about her.

Bruce wasn't really going that way. His Jeep was parked in Lot B, which was closest to the Anderson Building. It didn't really matter because he had no more classes for the day. This was the start of his weekend. It would be a few hours before the TGIF celebration got underway. Strolling across campus with a pretty coed on a beautiful day sounded like a real good way to start his weekend.

"I'd love to", Bruce replied with a warm smile. The sun felt good on his tanned body as they started down the walkway. He was wondering if he should ask her to come out to TGI Friday's with him. Several of their classmates would be there. If she didn't have a boyfriend (and it didn't appear that she did), it might do her some good. Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. "Is there any chance you might be free at dinner time, Charlie?".
Why was she so nervous around this guy? Charlie couldn't figure it out and it was driving her insane.

Though her job required her to have sex with a lot of men, Charlie had never been intimate with anyone. Her job made it difficult to be involved in an actual relationship. Around her clients, Charlie was confident and sensual. But put her with a man who wasn't paying her to be that way and she was a complete wreck.

"Oh, I wish I could." She said as Bruce walked her to her next class. He wasn't anything special, in fact he looked like any one of her clients, but there was something about Bruce that Charlie felt drawn to him. "I have plans tonight, though. Maybe we could get together some other time?"
He hoped that Charlie wouldn't see the disappointment his eyes. He didn't give her much notice, it was more of a spur of the moment thing. Today was the first time that he had even had a chance to talk to her alone. But she did suggest that they could get together another time.

Bruce was invited to go to the beach on Sunday for a cookout. There was an assortment of students in the Business Administration program who hung out together on Sundays, and he frequently joined them. Some were couples, but many were singles too. We usually had some beer and some wine coolers for the girls, along with hot dogs, hamburgers, and sausage. If it wasn't cool outside, bathing suits were the usual attire. The Pacific was pretty cold for swimming but the beaches were great for laying out and working on a tan. All in all, it was pretty laid back.

"How about Sunday afternoon. We're going to the beach for a cookout and I'd love to have you join us. If you want, you can ride down with me. I can take the top off my Jeep for the day".
"Sunday? Let me check." Charlie said, digging through her bag for her Blackberry. She had a morning appointment with a new client, but if the cookout was later in the afternoon she could make it. "What time would you be leaving for the beach?" She asked, glancing up at Bruce, tilting her head back slightly to meet his gaze. Even in her heels, he still towered over her.

The two made their plans and, having arrived at the door to her classroom, Charlie smiled up at Bruce.

"Well I'll see you Sunday, then." She said taking a step into the room. "Oh, I completely forgot." Grabbing Bruce's hand she wrote her number down on his palm. "Here's my number, call me if anything changes." Waving good-bye, Charlie headed into her next class.

She could not believe she'd just, essentially, made a date. A real, honest to goodness date. Charlie hadn't been on a date where she wasn't getting paid in years. Since high school, in fact, a date that had ended in complete disaster and left her with a bad taste for relationships. But now she was older and wiser, not to mention far more experienced, and Bruce seemed like a pretty good guy.

Her weekend passed by pretty swiftly and, before Charlie knew it, Sunday had arrived. Getting ready for her appointment, Charlie checked her notes for what experience the client was looking for: casual girlfriend experience. Easy enough to get ready for, and what she wore for the appointment could easily translate to an outfit for the cookout later that afternoon.

Dressed in a pale yellow sundress with a wide tan colored belt around her waist to accentuate her breasts, Charlie looked like any other girl waiting for her boyfriend outside the coffee shop where she was to meet her client. But her innocent appearance did not hint at the naughtiness underneath the dress.

"Excuse me, are you Charlotte?" The deep voice caught her attention and Charlie looked up to meet the most gorgeous blue eyes she'd ever seen. Standing in front of her, her client was ruggedly handsome with deeply tanned skin and a swimmer's build. His hair was carefully tousled and the color of dark chocolate with hints of auburn jutting throughout. He was dressed in a pair well worn jeans and a pink polo shirt, a color which Charlie found revolting on most men, but on him it worked.

"Yes, I am." She said, completely taken aback by his attractiveness. She held a hand out, "Most people just call me Charlie."

"I'm Jeremy," he smiled sheepishly, taking her hand, "but I'm sure you already knew that." He looked her up and down, taking in her form and appearance. Charlie smiled knowingly and he blushed and looked down at his feet.

"Sorry, I'm new to this." He apologized, a hint of a Southern twang coming out in his words.

"It's alright," she said, trying to put him at ease, "I don't bite...unless you want me to."

Jeremy laughed heartily at her devilish grin and sat down across from her at the table.

The rest of the date went by so quickly that Charlie was amazed when their time together ended. Unlike so many of her clients, Jeremy was smart, charming, and a total gentleman. Being with him was unlike anything Charlie had experienced before. He was compassionate and giving in bed. And he didn't fuck her, he made love to her, worshiping her body in a way that sent shivers throughout her body and made every nerve stand on end.

Returning to her apartment just off campus, Charlie fixed her make up and quickly braided her hair. Bruce would be there any moment and she wanted to make sure that she didn't look as if she'd just spent the past two hours in bed. A knock sounded on her door and she quickly moved to answer.

"Hey, Bruce," she said, stepping aside, "C'mon in, I just need to grab my sunglasses and purse and I'll be ready." Moving through the spacious apartment, which she didn't share with a roommate, Charlie grabbed her things. "How's your Sunday been?" She asked, coming back to join him by the door.
Bruce rose from bed early on Sunday morning. He had invited his classmate, Charlie, to join him and some friends for an afternoon on the beach. He would have preferred to go earlier but she had some kind of appointment that morning. He wondered what kind of appointment anyone would have on a Sunday morning. Isn't that when people go to church?

He wondered what Charlie thought about him. He was always popular with the girls. He was handsome enough in their eyes. He wasn't pretty; he was a sun lover, deeply tanned with sun-bleached light brown hair. His hair was rarely in place; a few strands usually fell across his forehead. His body was long and powerful, his legs and arms were sinewy, and he had a broad chest. Bruce had a few flings with the coeds along the way, and they teasingly called him "Treetop Lover".

Only 21, he was more mature than most of his classmates. His summers were spent working under challenging conditions in the family business. He had a head start on his peers at Stanford because his father had trained him in the ways of the highly competitive construction industry. The Wilson family and Wilson Environmental were inseparable. Company business was always discussed around the dinner table. Bruce and his sister Brandi were being raised to inherit the business and all the headaches that came with it.

Bruce also had a headstart in the world of sex. He had been seduced by a nanny when he was 15 years old. Missy was twice his age and she spared no effort in teaching him how to satisfy her wants and needs. On summer vacations, he continued to spend many nights in her bed. He was never hesitant to give his casual coed lovers the benefit of his experience. He didn't have a special girlfriend but he had no problem finding dates. Bruce didn't hear "No" from his dates very often. But through it all, he remained modest and laid back. He had the kind of understated self-confidence that won the respect of his peers.

After running 5 miles and showering, Bruce looked through his dresser for some appropriate beach attire. He selected a pair of khaki shorts with a polo shirt that matched it well. He also carried a smart L.L. Bean windbreraker in case the party endured into the evening. As he packed his duffelbag, he threw in a light sweatshirt. Charlie could wear it if it got cool as long as she rolled up the sleeves about 6". Normally he wouldn't go to this much trouble for a casual date. For some reason, he wanted to make her day special. She was intriguing him in a way he could not describe.

When Charlie invited him in as she finished getting ready, he was impressed by her spacious apartment. It was even bigger than his own place, which he rented for $1300 per month. It was nicely furnished and tastefully decorated. He could afford his upscale apartment because his parents wanted him to have it. Where did Charlie come up with the money to pay for this place? How did a college student afford this place, and her classy wardrobe? It was just one more thing that intrigued him.

"Oh, just a typical quiet Sunday morning. I ran for an hour, studied for a while, got packed for the daytrip", he responded to her question. He hoped that she would enjoy the ride with the top down. Her hair was always in place when she attended classes. However it wouldn't be an issue today with her hair braided. She never wore it that way in class. He had an idea that he might want to see this mysterious girl again.
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Charlie climbed into Bruce's jeep, the top was off and she could feel the warm, California sun beating down on her. Pulling her braid so that it lay over her shoulder, Charlie put on her sunglasses and reclined back into the seat, allowing the sun to seep into her skin.

Though she'd lived in California for four years, Charlie did not have the rich tan that so many of her classmates did. She spent too much time indoors studying and...working. It was nice to take time out and do something completely different for a change. To go out and have fun for once.

As Bruce drove down the highway towards the beach, Charlie pulled on her sunglasses. The wind whipped around her, pulling loose a few strands of her hair. Tucking the loose strands behind her ear, where they immediately came loose again and waved around her face, Charlie glanced over at Bruce. He looked so relaxed, with one arm hanging out the open window, his head bobbing along in time with the music on the radio. Charlie felt her body relaxing along with him, the music turned to a song she knew and Charlie reached over to turn up the volume and sang along softly. She wasn’t the greatest singer in the world, which was why she didn’t belt the song out, but she could hold her own.

“So what beach are we going to?” She asked as Bruce turned off the highway. “I feel bad, I probably don’t know a single person that’s going to be there even though I’ve probably sat through numerous classes with them. I mean, look at us, we’ve been in the same major for four years and we’re just now starting to hang out. It’s a shame it took so long,” Charlie flashed a smile at Bruce, wishing that she hadn't taken so long to introduce herself to him.
We had been cruising down Rt. 101 for over a half hour before we came to our first turn. Charlie looked a lot different than she would in a classroom. He was accustomed to her "boardroom" look. The hair, the makeup, the dresses and heels-all seemed to be coordinated to evoke the air of a future executive. As far as Bruce was concerned, he liked the casual wear a lot better.

Before his 21st birthday, Bruce was just another college kid. He lived in the dorms and threw a football around with his dormmates in his spare time (which was scarce). Like many of his classmates, he rode the bus into San Jose for necessity shopping. He and his friends ate a lot of piizza and a lot of Ramen Noodles. When he hit 21, he was put on salary year round. He also got to bring his prize Jeep back to campus with him. But he kept the same friends and attended the same parties.

"Charlie, I don't even know if it has a name. It's in a state park halfway between Frisco and Monterrey. Jimmy Collins entered the directions into the Garmin and I'm just following directions" he replied. It didn't really matter to him if it had a name or number. This stretch of coasts had dozens of little beaches, some of which you had to hike a half mile to reach. He wouldn't mind; he didn't have much to carry. A couple of lounge chairs, a cooler full of ice and hot dogs for cooking out. And it would give him some alone time with Charlie.

"You'll know a few of us from class and you'll be welcome. It's too bad that we had to wait until our Senior year to get to know you".
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They reached the parking lot and climbed out of the jeep. The beach was just a short hike away through a stand of trees.

"Here let me help you with those." Charlie said, moving beside Bruce as he unloaded the back of his jeep. She took the lounge chairs he handed her then moved into step beside him as they headed for the beach.

Already, Charlie could feel the sun working its magic on her skin. As fair as she was, she knew it wouldn't be long before she was as red as a lobster. When they finally reached the beach, having chatted the whole walk there, Charlie helped Bruce set up the chairs around the bonfire that their classmates had built. Bruce introduced her to the few who were already there, most of whom she knew from having worked on projects with them or being in class discussion groups with them, a fact which set her more at ease.

As she sat chatting with the group, Charlie spread sunscreen on her arms and legs before holding the bottle out to Bruce.

"Do you mind getting my neck and shoulders?" She asked. Judging from the way he'd been watching her, Charlie didn't think he'd object.
Charlie seemed to relax in Bruce's company. Her classmates didn't dislike her, they just didn't know her very well. It was hard to tell if she was aloof or just a little shy. Her professional demeanor wasn't really meant to intimidate; she was a serious student who attained excellent grades. Charlie appeared to be a highly-focused student who would probably be a successful executive one day.

Bruce enjoyed the conversation along the way to the beach. She was quite expressive with her smiles and her bright eyes. They chatted easily about classes and campus life. They hadn't spoken this much in their first three years as classmates. He was finding that he really liked her.

When they reached the group Charlie recognized the other kids who had shown up earlier. Once she was settled in her lounge chair, she joined in the chatter rather easily. She seemed like a different Charlie from the one he thought he knew. She was not tanned like most of the other girls but she was pretty enough without it. In her sundress, her chest and back were largely exposed, and Bruce was more than a little impressed by her large firm breasts. She had probably noticed him checking her out but she didn't seem to mind.

When Charlie invited Bruce to put lotion on neck and shoulders, he didn't hesitate. With a firm but gentle touch, he rubbed the tanning lotion into her soft skin. He massaged her skin much longer than necessary, and he was sure that everyone noticed. But damn, she felt good!
"I wish you'd hung out with us more," Claire, a girl that Charlie had worked on a group project with in her Economics class back in junior year, said as she settled back into her lounge chair.

Charlie smiled at Bruce as he handed her the bottle of sunscreen, which he'd taken his time rubbing into her back and shoulders. She hadn't minded, his hands, gently roughened with the callouses of hard work, had felt good against her skin.

"I just didn't realize what I'd been missing." Charlie responded, looking around the intimate group.

"Man, this sun is brutal today. How about a quick swim." She stood and dropped her cutoff shorts and tank top onto the ground, revealing a highly toned body clad in the smallest bikini Charlie had ever seen. Never one to be self-conscience, Charlie felt as if her own body was lacking in comparison.

"Sure," she said with a shrug, "why not." Feeling slightly inferior to Claire, Charlie unzipped her dress and allowed it to fall in a puddle around her feet. Her body, though no where near as bronzed as Claire's, was just as fit from the hours that Charlie spent in the gym and Pilates class. After all, in her line of work she needed to keep up with her appearance and flexibility. Her bikini was modest, with a skirted bottom and a top that covered her breasts nicely. The whole suit was in a brilliant blue that off set her soft, cream colored skin perfectly.

As she bent to pick up her dress, Charlie could feel the eyes on her as her male peers took in the bared skin of a new female. She knew that they liked what they saw, most men did, which was why her business was so profitable. But here, amongst people she thought she could become friends with, people who weren't paying for her services, she didn't like feeling as if they were undressing her with their eyes.

As the two girls walked down to the beach, Claire glanced over her shoulder, yelling at the others.

"Well, aren't y'all coming."

Charlie watched as others began to quickly strip off their clothes and coming down to join them.
"All right guys. You can quit drooling any time" Bruce barked out to his male classmates. They had never seen her in a bikini before, and Charlie definitely looked good in hers. Claire was wearing a string bikini with a little strap that disappeared into her ass crack just below the small of her back. Claire was a California girl through and through. Her tan was probably a full body tan. What little was covered was probably just as brown as the rest of her. In contrast, Charlie's bikini was more modest, but it still exposed a lot of her charms. Even Bruce could not resist the temptation to check her out.

He really couldn't blame the male students for glomming on Charlie. Some of them had never had the pleasure of making love to a woman, and they could only fantasize. Charlie and Claire gave them a lot to fantasize about. Still, they didn't need to get carried away. This was the first time that Charlie had come out to one of these weekly get-togethers and they needed to respect that. He needed to call them out and he was sure he got his point across.

Once the guys got over their gawking, they joined the girls in the surf. Many of the girls were showing some delicious young skin. Even Bruce noticed the hard young bodies of his classmates. As he dove into the surf, he caught a glimpse of Charlie right in front of him. The other girls just seemed to disappear. He was hungry for her only. She was mysterious and alluring at the same time. He had to wonder how her lips tasted, and how her body would feel pressed against his. This was his first "date" with her, if it even qualified as a "date". She made Bruce forget about all of the other women around him. She was special.
Night had fallen and the group of students was settled around the bonfire enjoying a few beers and laughs. Nestled in her lounge chair with Bruce's extra sweatshirt tucked around her to keep off the evening chill, Charlie had never felt more comfortable. She was starting to feel like any normal girl. A girl who didn't have to worry about anything other than hanging out with friends, studying, and looking at what her future held for her.

Just as she was becoming used to the feeling, her Blackberry rang. Searching through her purse for the offensive phone, she brushed aside the cell phone she had for everyday use and pulled out the one she used specifically for work.

"Excuse me," she said getting up, "I should take this." Waving the Blackberry as she moved outside the circle. As soon as she stepped into the darkness, Charlie could feel the cold seep into her bones.

Once she was a suitable distance away from the group, she pressed the Send button, instantly becoming the sultry and seductive character she played.

"Hello, Charlotte Rose, what is your pleasure?"
"Fucking cellphones", Bruce muttered under his breath. He didn't want anything to spoil the mood. Charlie had been a great companion (date?) and she seemed so at ease around the fire. Her frequent smiles and friendly banter with him and the other kids were like a breath of fresh air. We were seeing her in a new light and we liked it.

It was hard to tell if Bruce was irritated or disappointed. Probably some of both. The call might be short-lived and Charlie could be back in her chair in five minutes as if nothing important had happened. Bruce had a premonition that it was more than that. He expected to be asked to take her home. There would be some kind of "business" that needed to be taken care of. Whatever that "business" was, she would not be telling him about it. She had a meeting on Sunday morning, and she would be getting a "business" call on Sunday evening. What the hell kind of business was that?

There were more questions he had about Charlie. How did she afford her lavish digs and her expensive wardrobe? He had a nice two bedroom apartment overlooking the campus and the valley below, but hers was bigger and better furnished. His outerwear was pricey, but hers was top shelf. She must shop in the chic boutiques where money was no object. How was she able to pay for that? Bruce had so many questions that had no clear answers.

Still, Charlie's "business" was her business. She didn't owe him any answers. This was their first date and a very informal date by any standards. He didn't even know what her first name was. Was it Charlene, or Charlotte, or maybe it was actually Charlie. It was too early in their relationship to question her about her private life. Even though Charlie was enigmatic, he wanted to see her again.
Booking appointments didn't take long, Charlie had that down to a science. It was when the client wanted a little extra phone time, which often meant phone sex, that Charlie had a hard time getting off the phone. She always tried to make it clear that phone sex was not a freebie, yes she would flirt with them, but the extra bit was not on the table unless the client was willing to pay for it. Though it wasn't a good business practice, Charlie was known to hang up on a client if he tried to take things further after booking his appointment. Such was the situation that night.

Hanging up when her client, a regular who should have known better, tried to get his rocks off, Charlie returned to the group and settled back into her lounge beside Bruce.

"Sorry about that." She apologized, leaning in close so that he could hear her over the chatter of the others. "Today's been so great, sorry if my phone call ruined that."

The gentle crash of the waves on the sand was soothing and Charlie could feel it tugging her towards sleep.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" She asked, "We can go back to my place and talk for a bit. If you want I mean."
Seeing Charlie return, Bruce realized that he had jumped the gun. Jumping to conclusions was very unlike him. He had brought other coeds to these weekly parties. He never worried that much about them once they started mingling with the others. He would be attentive to them, bringing them food and drinks when they ran low. He just assumed that they would be enjoying themselves. He was more concerned with Charlie. He wanted her to have fun and to relax around him and his friends. He sensed that she was special and he wanted to see her again.

It was getting late and Bruce was ready to return home when she asked. When she invited him to come in when they got back to her place, he was all for it. Picking up the chairs and the empty cooler, they walked back to the Jeep side by side. They chatted easily and she reassured him that she had enjoyed their day. When they had packed their stuff away in the Jeep, he raised the canvas top and snapped it in place. It would be warmer that way, and quieter so they could talk along the way. Comfortably belted in to their seats, he pointed their ride down the road towards Route 101.
Unlocking the door to her apartment, Charlie stepped inside and threw her keys into the bowl that sat on the table beside the door.

"Make yourself at home," she said, holding the door open for Bruce. As he stepped inside, Charlie quickly scanned her living room to make sure that nothing was laying around and that everything was in its proper place. As Bruce settled in, Charlie moved to the deluxe kitchen to get the glasses and a bottle of wine from the specialty wine cooler next to the stainless steel fridge.

"Do you prefer white or red?" She asked, propping her arms up on the counter that separated the living room and kitchen. At Bruce's reply, Charlie grabbed a bottle and moved into the living room. Settling herself on the couch, with her legs tucked up underneath her, she poured the wine and offered a glass to Bruce.

"So I had fun tonight," she said, taking a sip. "I might just have to clear my schedule so I can join you next weekend."
Taking seat on one of the sectional sofas, Bruce sank into the plush material. He had kicked off his shoes when he entered the apartment. Everything in the place was immaculate, decorated with tasteful paintings and sculptures in place. A speck of dust wouldn't be tolerated.

Charlie came in with a couple of wine glasses and reclined easily on the couch adjacent to his. They were actually quite close together. Bruce took the glass from her, and held her hand longer than necessary. He longed to take her into his arms, and kiss her sweet lips. Her sundress looked hot against her creamy skin and the whiteness of the sofa. Very tempting, to say the least.

Raising his glass to hers, Bruce offered a toast to "A great day together". Their eyes met and Bruce took note of that certain look in her eyes. That look that tells you she wants to be kissed.
What was she doing wrong? Charlie was throwing out all the signals and still Bruce had not made a move to kiss her. They had been sitting on her couch, talking and laughing for nearly an hour and nothing. Already she had moved so that her knees brushed against his leg, she was as close to him as she could possibly be. When she laughed she would gently brush a hand on his arm or leg. What clearer a sign did he need? Maybe he was too dense to know what she wanted? No, that couldn't be it. Charlie had never had to work so hard for a man to make a move on her, of course most of the men were paying her.

Well, if he wouldn't make the first move, Charlie wasn't opposed to doing so. She had always been a firm believer that a woman should go after what she wanted.

"You know, I was thinking that we should go out again sometime." She said, leaning in closer, her hand running not-so-subtly up his arm. "Just the two of us. What do you think?" Her head tilted to the side, her hair falling alluringly over her eyes as she surveyed him, making it perfectly clear that he had the proverbial green light.
Bruce reached over and caressed the her cheek, then leaned in and tenderly captured her lips. He held the kiss for a few seconds then pulled back slightly. "I've been wanting to do this all day, baby" coming out before he took her lips again, more passionately this time. Her lips responded eagerly as he reached around Charlie, pulling her body tightly against his.

Her breasts were crushed against his chest as their bodies worked themselves against the other. Bruce let his tongue gently lick her lower lip, teasing it with the very tip of it. He detected a soft murmur from her slender throat as their bodies become intertwined. The hem of her sundress rides up as their bare legs wrap themselves around each other.

Finally releasing Charlie's lips, Bruce lifted her hair up to expose her neck. He leaned in to kiss the newly exposed skin. He kissed his way down to her delicate collarbone. A faint scent of perfume wafts up from her deep cleavage, exciting him even further. The rush of blood to his cock left him almost light headed as it swelled rapidly in his shorts. She had to know it

The swiftly rising passion was a little surprising to Bruce. He wasn't the kind of lover who would come and go in a heated rush. He was a lovemaker who took his pleasure from exploring his lover's body, finding the secrets to exciting her and satisfying her need. Raising his lips up to meet Charlie's once more, he let his hands roam over her generous curves, hearing her soft murmur of approval.
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Charlie couldn't stop the moan that escaped her lips as Bruce kissed her neck. His hands caressed her body slowly, taking his time to learn her curves. His touch excited her and sent fire coursing through her veins. His lips captured hers again and Charlie's hands moved up to tangle themselves in Bruce's hair, pulling him closer. It had been so long since she'd been in the arms of a normal man, a man who wanted her for who she truly was and not who she pretended to be. It felt safe and perfect. Almost too much so.

Bruce's arousal was obvious as Charlie straddled his lap, her lips moving feverishly against his. Her own arousal was probably as clear with her nipples hardening beneath her dress and poking through the thin material. Her panties were getting damp as she slowly started to grind against Bruce. Biting his lower lip, Charlie swept her tongue over the bite as she reached down between them to caress Bruce's cock through his pants.

As Bruce responded to her touch, Charlie couldn't help wondering how long it had been since she'd been with a man who wasn't paying her. How long had it been since she'd been just Charlie and not Charlotte Rose? The thought gave her pause and she pulled away from Bruce slowly. She didn't know how to be just Charlie when it came to sex. She didn't know how to act like a normal girl, how to feel like a normal girl when she was in bed with her lover. Having grown so used to turning off her emotions when fucking, Charlie didn't know how to feel when making love.

"Maybe we should slow down," she said, breathless from kissing. Her chest rose and fell with each heavy breath. "I don't want us to rush into anything. We're just getting to know each other after all." She smiled down at Bruce, her hand caressing his hardening cock one last time. "I mean, I want this to happen, but not right now. Not when we're still learning about each other."

Pressing a soft kiss to his lips, Charlie stood up, pulling Bruce to his feet with her.

"I'll see you in class tomorrow." She said, standing on her tip toes to kiss him again. "And I promise we'll pick up where we've left off sometime soon."