The SCOURIES reader – for both fans and serious scholars…

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Fer crissakes, NO I'm not going to waste keystrokes trying to explain to you how to make a graph. You can't even manage to find the bloody print screen key, save an image, and post it on the frikkin' forum!

This is like trying to explain algebra to a stump.

The point of the quote, oh dense and ignorant one, is that your fans are pumping up your numbers, and that's why you see mountains of sweeps. Top that off with either you or some stalker going apeshit with same, and you have the laughable statistics you blow your out-of-tune brass horn about all the time.

As with everything else, I'm not going to waste my time even alluding to how easy it is to circumvent internet voting controls. I feel like I'm talking to a dog staring at me with its head cocked to the side and drool running down its chops any time I try to explain anything to you beyond preschool level.

You can't see anything -- shall we say -- odd about those graphs? Your stories travel a steady line, spike to 10 times the height then drop back immediately to the steady line, and then spike to the same absurd height again. Nevermind that those absurd spikes are double or better that of established writers in your own cat that actually pay attention to editing, continue to post, and have established fanbases from years before you stumbled in here with your trite stories that a B-grade porn producer would laugh at.

There's a better chance of getting hit by lightning while holding a winning lottery ticket and getting a blowjob from a supermodel than that happening anywhere in the scary place you rarely visit called reality.

If you're as dense, naive, and just plain looney as you present yourself around here, it's a wonder you haven't accidently drowned yourself in a tub full of strawberry Nesquick while wearing a pair of lycra short-shorts that say "Princess" and a "Who Farted?" t-shirt by now.



As before, only approved Taboo stories included. It would look even more outrageous adding in lower viewed/voting cats.
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my advice to you is to go back to retardo land pal...


Listen pal, I kicked that idiot Dixie Cunt Lee’s ass all the way from the StoryFeedback forum to deep into the Playground where he now spends his days posting pictures of himself in women’s lingerie…

And that punk HeavyPrick from cuntsville is now cowering at home and posting ads in the GLBT forum…

Now the dumb broad sends you? Sends SeanBCunt? How fucking desperate is she getting? Listen kiddo, take your 36,000 posts back to retardo land and leave AH land for the big boys. Even our dumbest member (no, I’m not going to mention any names darkboy) looks like a genius compared to you three.

james r scouries
So, for all the dumb people, scouries: Figured out how to add a picture to a post yet?

How about an emoticon?

Have you managed to find the "Any" key on your keyboard yet?

Try hitting Alt-F4, that'll give you some help you need.

Listen pal, I kicked that idiot Dixie Cunt Lee’s ass all the way from the StoryFeedback forum to deep into the Playground where he now spends his days posting pictures of himself in women’s lingerie…

And that punk HeavyPrick from cuntsville is now cowering at home and posting ads in the GLBT forum…

Now the dumb broad sends you? Sends SeanBCunt? How fucking desperate is she getting? Listen kiddo, take your 36,000 posts back to retardo land and leave AH land for the big boys. Even our dumbest member (no, I’m not going to mention any names darkboy) looks like a genius compared to you three.

james r scouries

Hey, post the link to "kicking" DCL's arse anywhere.

Your *stories suck. You hang upside down to try and capture your own semen in your bloated pie hole and you have a naked woman as your av. Yet your profile says your "straight".

You Fail.
its an image isn't it? Not really a graph at all.

Please tell me you're not serious, because I don't think I can downgrade my estimation of your intelligence any farther without delving into the realm of quantum physics.
It's an image of a graph, scouries.

Graphs are images-- they put information into a graphic form.

Listen pal, I kicked that idiot Dixie Cunt Lee’s ass all the way from the StoryFeedback forum to deep into the Playground where he now spends his days posting pictures of himself in women’s lingerie…

And that punk HeavyPrick from cuntsville is now cowering at home and posting ads in the GLBT forum…

Now the dumb broad sends you? Sends SeanBCunt? How fucking desperate is she getting? Listen kiddo, take your 36,000 posts back to retardo land and leave AH land for the big boys. Even our dumbest member (no, I’m not going to mention any names darkboy) looks like a genius compared to you three.

james r scouries

I find this rude and offensive. I posted in good faith in the hope you would find my comments helpful. I know how hard it can be to express ones creativity when one has learning difficulties, and I sought to encourage you in your endeavours. I shan't bother in future.
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well i guess we got rid of that little pipsqueak SeanB - good riddance...

But what the heck is this??? Compared to sarahhh? rgjohn? niki_2021? Samslam? Goldeniangel? L.A. Wicker? I'm up there with the greats...

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“Daddy,” I Whispered

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if this works jacqui's going to get a present from yours truly...

... a big present!

DARKBOY QUOTE: You can't see anything -- shall we say -- odd about those graphs? Your stories travel a steady line, spike to 10 times the height then drop back immediately to the steady line, and then spike to the same absurd height again.

A steady line DARKBOY? It’s comments like the above that make me call into question your integrity. Below is an honest representation of the 11 stories without the two blockbusters included. It would be very hard to describe this as a steady line.


As to the difference between a best seller and a blockbuster – I must admit it’s hard to explain to a non author such as yourself. To start I’d suggest you peruse the list of TOP 500 MOST READ stories in site history. You may notice that these start at around 350,000 views and climb into the millions. You might also notice that the vast majority of people on the list (excepting giants like TryAnything and rgjohn) only have one or maybe two stories on the list even though, if you investigate, you’ll find that most of these authors of blockbusters have written many, many stories. In other words, the spikes you find so confusing on the deliberately misleading graph you tried to foist on us, is in fact quite normal.

Somehow, stories like:

”Daddy”, I Whispered


”Ohhh…Mommy,” I Groaned

Have skyrocketed from mere best seller status to an iconic place in the annals of LITEROTICA history.

How did I do it, and not just once, but twice? How does one go from being a best selling author to something much greater? Yes talent and hard work are two necessary ingredients that I supplied. Good looks and life’s experiences have helped. Gabby helped…

…perhaps THE ETERNAL BUDDHA guided my hand…

That's not a graph, it's an image! :rolleyes:

God, you're an idiot. *laugh*

The very same examples you cite prove you're a moron. Look at the dates. They have had years to acquire those views. There are contest winners, Editor's picks, rgjohn has 12 stories in that toplist, posted as recently as last year, with 300k views - half again your highest total besides the two joke stat stories :p

You can bet your ass that the largest part of the other taboo stories that aren't on the list are hovering not too far off it. rgjohn also succeeds in other categories, where you've proven to fail horribly in any venture outside your comfort zone. rgjohn gains constant high vote totals in a steady line just below 1000 in taboo, which can be verified quite easily since they appear on the category scoring toplist.

I'm not even going to waste my time on your ignorant "make the data fit my premise" graph. Garbage in, Garbage out.

In closing, your blatantly manipulated stats are an insult to the people who've earned their positions with hard work, whom you seek to eclipse with those two mediocre spank tales through chicanery.

If this was you "educating" me, get your money back for those Sesame Street videos, they didn't do you any good.

So dance - dance for me my mentally challenged little monkey. I do so love watching you make a complete idiot out of yourself. :D
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You know, I keep saying, and saying, and saying--

The offspring of an incest couple aren't automatically mongoloids!

There may be some other explanation.

There's always the steady diet of lead paint chips in his boyhood home under the high tension lines.
who stole my graph????

JEALOUSY – it’s sad to see it affect someone like this… who was it who said, “The jealous are possessed by a mad devil and a dull spirit at the same time.” …get a life db…

Remember what the eternal Buddha said my good man: “He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.

TWO more rich people read my rejected masterpiece last night – soon it’ll be up on another site for regular readers… watch for it, coming soon – 9/11: “Bin Laden’s Babies?” Ch.1

WTF – I buy Jacqui a great dinner, take her out clubbing, give her a present…hell, I even agreed to let her come to work at ScouriesWorld. Why not, Gabby gets along with her cousin…she’s eighteen…and she showed what she could do with a computer…as well as with her…

So I wake up this morning and find out somebody has stolen my graph which she had put up for me. YOU PRICKS! Whoever you are…

SeanBCunt – go home to mommy little man. I don’t have time for children. And tell her to stop sending you ineffective pos(t)ers here to try to do her dirty work – tell her if she’s got anything to say she knows where to find me.

STELLA – I can remember when you had less than 10,000 posts… and it wasn’t that long ago. And now you have over 11,760! I thought you had promised to go away to learn wisdom or something…instead you’re back in my thread spewing your silly inanities…go away, you’ve become tiresome!

And what is with the avatar?

Translated from scouriesese -- Ed. Blah blah blah I have no answer to black and white facts so I'm going to deflect by making assorted inflammatory statements and try to scroll this whole thing away as quickly as possible so I can delete it and go back to safely pretending it never happened.

I stole your graph. I'm holding it for ransom. The red X is my calling card. Look on the back and you'll see directions about where to leave one million dollars worth of your monopoly money royalties. My board is missing about half the bills after an outdoor session gone horribly awry.

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