Literotica Guru
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Name: Specialist Samuel Clemens
Age 23
Height: 5'11
Hair: crue cut sandy brown
Eyes: hazel
Feature; thin, physically fit with a light build, round chin, smooth face, no tattoos or piercings. Walks with a ramrod straight back and speaks with a slight southern accent from my life in Texas
When the withdrawal from Iraq was finally complete it did not mean we would return how immediately. My unit and about 15,000 others were station in Kuwait in case the insurgents tried to come back to topple the new government. Being here was better than up north because Kuwait was more westernized; malls, fast food, electronics like dvds and players and better internet conections and kinder people, but it still was not the same as being home, it was hot and sand was everywhere, and got into everything.
I am single; no girlfriend, children, and just my parents but I had a falling out with them so it was just me as we waited for the word when we would actually be going home we started falling into a monotony that our first sergeant detested. It was more boredom than anything else and we had to find a way to end the bordom so, whever possible, I would leave our barracks and roam around and see the area and chat with people from other units, some rear echelon units had more women in it than ours and like me they were chomping at the bit to go home having been in the sandbox for a year or even more.
My combat engineer battalion and myself had been here for 13 months and every day felt like torture thus guys in my platoon devised a little game where we would go and deliberately hit on other women in the units and they would issue points for certain aspects; the higher the rank the higher the points as well as the type of sex with a gangbang being the highest, but that has never happened yet. I followed along with it, but never really played the game, I would go out and talk with the other women but it wasn't my goal to get them in the sack, but it did help ease the tension as we waited.
One of our corporals kept a piece of paper in his ruck that had the names as well as the score, thus far I was dead last, but I wasn't concerned. There wasn't even a real prize except bragging rights and what really turned me off into participating was the medics coming by with penicillin to inject it into someone's' bum because of VD, but over a year with no action can leave anyone aching to fuck the first thing that presents itself.
(This is just beginning and will build from here. If interested send a PM and we can discuss it. Please, no rape, incest, or sick stuff. However I will do things such as gangbang, three-four somes are good.)
Age 23
Height: 5'11
Hair: crue cut sandy brown
Eyes: hazel
Feature; thin, physically fit with a light build, round chin, smooth face, no tattoos or piercings. Walks with a ramrod straight back and speaks with a slight southern accent from my life in Texas
When the withdrawal from Iraq was finally complete it did not mean we would return how immediately. My unit and about 15,000 others were station in Kuwait in case the insurgents tried to come back to topple the new government. Being here was better than up north because Kuwait was more westernized; malls, fast food, electronics like dvds and players and better internet conections and kinder people, but it still was not the same as being home, it was hot and sand was everywhere, and got into everything.
I am single; no girlfriend, children, and just my parents but I had a falling out with them so it was just me as we waited for the word when we would actually be going home we started falling into a monotony that our first sergeant detested. It was more boredom than anything else and we had to find a way to end the bordom so, whever possible, I would leave our barracks and roam around and see the area and chat with people from other units, some rear echelon units had more women in it than ours and like me they were chomping at the bit to go home having been in the sandbox for a year or even more.
My combat engineer battalion and myself had been here for 13 months and every day felt like torture thus guys in my platoon devised a little game where we would go and deliberately hit on other women in the units and they would issue points for certain aspects; the higher the rank the higher the points as well as the type of sex with a gangbang being the highest, but that has never happened yet. I followed along with it, but never really played the game, I would go out and talk with the other women but it wasn't my goal to get them in the sack, but it did help ease the tension as we waited.
One of our corporals kept a piece of paper in his ruck that had the names as well as the score, thus far I was dead last, but I wasn't concerned. There wasn't even a real prize except bragging rights and what really turned me off into participating was the medics coming by with penicillin to inject it into someone's' bum because of VD, but over a year with no action can leave anyone aching to fuck the first thing that presents itself.
(This is just beginning and will build from here. If interested send a PM and we can discuss it. Please, no rape, incest, or sick stuff. However I will do things such as gangbang, three-four somes are good.)